Questioning the Signs of Psychganopaths in Highsec

See…that’s where I get an account nobody knows about to do the mining :slight_smile:

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Never heard of him. You forget my in game age and isolationist attitude after the great extinction. I know I must have suffered a timer at some point for my deeds, but I can’t remember anything noteworthy. I separate griefing as pre concord intervention and ganking post. Griefing, sadly, yeah, I did that for a short while but that got old fast. I have to admit, I love lobbing a single volley into passing ships just for shits and grins. Keeps peeps on their toes back then. :wink:

Then why are there not 50/60k on now anymore? 23k is good though.


You told me to insinuate:)

I imagine that you are and that thought was derived by thinking that you are also well established in New Eden.

I don’t know anything about what you do in New Eden and thought that you were a streamer with a parrot named Charlie.

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@MB_ThePhotographer based on the above I think it is safe to say that Iceacid is currently running locator agents on you, researching your zKillboard and performing other intel ops on you in preparation for his ganking bot fleet to murder you when an opportunity arises. This is EVE after all. :wink:

:eyes: :smiling_imp: :smirk:


Frosty is out of control, more likely to gank his bot fleet.

The law does not discriminate. All citizens must have a permit.

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My miner has one…printed by the Cilla Cybin Magic Mushroom, Precious Ores, and Pink Gnosis corporation.

Stop making fun of Frostpacker because we only the one omega license at the moment and because I am currently debating in that multibox thread that was bumped as I am siding against it to try and convince myself that it won’t be necessary in Havoc!


CCP owns your money and you will subscribe all of them. You know you don’t have a say in this.

:smiling_imp: :psyccp: :innocent:

But not by CCP.

They adopted rules designed by a player.

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Your miner is wracking up quite a debt sweetie , 1 billion for fake licence + mining permits backdated to date of birth


Read the title and stop avoiding those questions!

What will it take for you to answer them truthfully without making any demands for doing so?

8 questions - that is 8 billion + 2 billion for impudence sweetie.

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Look Zaera. I just want to level with completing this objective without the demands!

If I thought a bot could hunt me down, I would sub again just for a different kinda challenge! :wink:

I will never forget the 1st time someone in our corp said “Goons are coming”. And players like him will never get to experience the cold chill that runs up your spine from that. Meh…

                 _  _
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             \\ |//,' __
                             _   _
  HEELP GOONS COMING!!!     ( | / )
                          \\ \|/,' __
    \_o_/                 (")(_)-"()))=-
       )                     <\\
_____ \ ________________________________

They lost badly! :rofl:

But that was then, and this is now. Guess that’s why we have such low numbers.

If only Frostpacker cared enough to want to finish the mission.

/the only pilot who understands is the space witch of Highsec.

Did you read my reference where it mentions that I like long drawn out drama?

A story single duel could last years.

Or even decades. :wink: :smirk: :blush:

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Even self appointed permit?

Right thanks, I hold a master fix alll permit. Paid for in full by the Princess right on this very forum section.

@Uriel_the_Flame days of our Lives! :grin:

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