Questioning the Signs of Psychganopaths in Highsec

I have never paid the ransom you speak of. I bend to no womans whip! :sunglasses: At least in game anyway… :rofl:

For gankers like you in disguise, one of my favorite pastimes was watching you warp in just as I warp out. :smirk:

(sigh) I miss the old forums. The spelling and grammar police. :sweat_smile: The thick skin and experience it took to stand your ground and make a valid point.

The game personifies human nature. Or at least it used to…

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The latest generation sure are a bunch of whiebabies

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We are currently developing Korsakoff Syndrome and would like to ask does the Princess ever disturb your peace of mind?

/perhaps be careful regarding her whip and when you do not bow.

One thing I do know is that if I don’t bend the rules of Code. Too much She will not hunt me when I move billions to Jita.

Is this what you desire?

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Been there, done that. :yawning_face: :smile:

Last fun was a DST down the long pipe with 2 cats after it. Lasted 2 sys before they gave up.

Fear no one! Live in a WH and you will embrace Blackout! :crazy_face:

Blackout needs to be reapplied to null sec

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I think Local breaks immersion completely. Seeing who else is docked in the same station as you makes sense, seeing everyone in the same solar system is bogus.


And someone please explain to me again why 50/60k paying accts was bad and todays maybe 30k of how many are alpha is good?


I have no idea what it is you’re trying to say.

The blackout was most enjoyable. Had a have a few alts in null sec that looked forward to getting jumped.

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It was, but it wasn’t as enjoyable as the Trigs invading hi-sec. Now that was fun. Watching all the carebears dock up and complain in local. And then they got what they wanted through their inaction… Niarja fell and messed up their silk road. I was laughing so hard when that happened!


I was there for 18 hours in the Goon Ferox fleet killing Edencom to flip the system. It was was a strategic decision to mess up TEST’s ability to resupply from Jita during WWBII. The salt it generated was priceless. Although it was bitter sweet because Niarja was the home of MiniLuv. Those were good times.

Our CEO of Frostpacker reviewed your rather upsetting response just a few hours ago and has taken a fairly hefty amount of [Spirits] after breaking open one of the [Large Crates of Spirits}. Other members of our Corp had appointed me to share the update that Iceacid Frostpacker had tried to undock while not being connected to his hydrostatic capsule. While it is still not fully clear yet of the damage sustained while trying to undock and if he will be the same pilot afterwards our other members, myself included are rather concerned if he will be okay to continue his mining duties after this as the news did hit him very hard.

Please take a moment to allow this terrible news to sink in.

Thank you

Frostpacker \o

And yet, none of the carebears came out of their holes to push you back.

Like I said, they got what they deserved. They put in nothing, and lost it all.

I’m not sure most high sec residents cared what happened to it. Personally I’m not sure where it was or if I ever went through there.

Did it change my/our gameplay in the slightest?


Plot twist.

You’re not the only person who plays this game.

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Tell me you don’t play EVE without telling me you don’t play EVE…

It meant the shortest HS route between the two major trade hubs in the game went from 17 jumps to 45. All of which now must go through a single 0.5 bottleneck “Uedama”.

Been down the pipe through Uedama countless times but NOT to Jita, I never bother with Jita, it’s too busy for me.

I actually flew my Orca full of ships down through there on my way to Null once and never got bothered.

I prefer to pay a little more in a quieter place.

The lowsec route bypassing Uedama often has nobody there.

Can you imagine, just for one sec, a carebear going through lowsec?