Questioning the Signs of Psychganopaths in Highsec

I would be very happy with you if you just typed “calm down miner”

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That requires a monthly fee of 1 bil ISK. :smiling_imp:

Again…. Y o u Are Not my Princess Uriel!!!

And I’m glad that is the case. :blush:

I guess that’s true, since your simply a manifestation of my imagination.

Does that mean if you no longer imagine me I will cease to exist? Who will mock Iceacid if that happens? :thinking:

By mocking me for how I choose to be the fool irks me Uriel!



But why does it irk you if you yourself choose to be it, thus I just merely state a fact, albeit in a mocking manner true. If anything you should be irked by yourself for giving me an opportunity to factually mock you for your poor life decisions.


Because nothing would ever mock a miner more than just saying “ calm down miner”

Then cheer up Iceacid :innocent:

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Thanks for understanding my state of mind as a miner fool that I play.

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Kinda an odd choice (for me personally) though even in tabletop RPGs people play all kinds of characters, even silly ones, so as long as you are having fun then it’s all good I guess.

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Hence the lengthy delay on the duel request Uriel!

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You could challenge him to a duel.

Ventures at the belt! Orcas at the Moon!


1v1 Fair Fight! Good Fight!


I could but it’s more funny to see his reactions to me avoiding his duel request roleplay instead. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Oh look someone blew up a spaceship. Wow man, you’re cool. You should have multiple accounts for all that fat loot.

Keep up the good work.

More money for ccp. Everybody wins, except the new player base. They lose. We win right boys?

■■■■ that idiot carrying plex in an iteron. CCP doesn’t care what you do after they’ve been paid.

Blow each other up. Go nuts.

lmao, right and wrong? Who the ■■■■ cares. Have multiple accounts ready to go. More money for CCP.

Heres a ■■■■■■■ ship, ■■■■ off.

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Good girl


Thanks for the tears.

Why would you put plex in your cargo hold, when there is plex vault that keeps it safe and is accessible from, anywhere? It’s almost like:
