Questioning the Signs of Psychganopaths in Highsec

Dr Zaera has diagnosed a severe case of Whinophobia.

Your treatment consists of a subscription to World of Whinecraft at 1 billion ISK per month

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Hello Elsa,

Could you please fill out the relevant paperwork so we can further investigate this issue you seem to be having.


Kind regards,

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Well Elsa, please don’t feel pressured to take gankers very seriously as you might feel frustrated when they don’t get what is coming to them.

Be strong and keep doing what you enjoy the most in New Eden!

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Hence the term that was used to describe such behaviour Aiko.

You don’t have full control of me.

Wouldn’t that be Whinophilia instead? :thinking:

Phobia would mean she has an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to whining, while she rather shown symptoms of denoting fondness, especially an abnormal love for whining… or in her case an inexplicable and irresistible urge to whine uncontrollably.

The same treatment applies though. :blush:

True. She already has more than full control over you. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :wink:

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Try reading it in Johnny Cash.

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He is suffering from a severe case of Frostpackeritis, impudence and inability to obey basic instructions.

Sadly there is no hope for Frosty.

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Johnny Cash and his Hussy Walk the Line!

/the meaning behind the above picture is to point out that Iceacid and Aiko walk the line between ganking and not ganking.

Only way to stop HS ganking is to add mechanics that would not allow it. If you don’t allow it then you lose 50-60% of the player base…that’s why it is still allowed albeit via a slight deterrence of getting concorded. Has nothing to do with psychopathic behavior. Its convenient to do in HS and when done properly ISK generating.

In Your Dreams!

What you think and what she feels are two different things.

You may be bald and charming, but she is NOT your ‘equal’… because that would mean (at one time) you were worthy… in your dreams!

Instead, you are a… a… a word that has yet to be invented. And a big one at that!

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There is really no law in New Eden Empire Space that prevents Capsuleers from shooting each other in Highsec outside of Omega along with such actions of suicidal tendencies in space where all disregard to one’s own spaceship will be lost as the way Concord are called in to police such activity known as suicidal ganking.

There are reportedly many robberies that happen once such incidents occur where Concord cannot guarantee your ship’s safety and is therefore considered normal policy.

However it is important to note that this thread is not about if ganking would ever be changed.

This is to understand the minds of the pilots and to compare such actions with those questions in the opening topic if that makes sense.

/on another note iceacid could grow hair @Zaera_Keena and that word you’re looking for I can tell you but then I would have to charge!

//I swear Z I had just forgotten your pilots name just moments ago

It is beautiful artistry…the blue of the warp scramblers all coming from different angles…the knowledge of the panic of some miner who’s been woken out of a Netflix slumber…the exploding mining ship…the arrival of Concord and more explosions. So much interwoven tapestry of doom and destruction, all within 10 to 15 seconds. Enjoy it all ! Enjoy the risk of it happening to you. And enjoy it when it does happen to you. That is how to play Eve.

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Isn’t mining one of the basis for the industry that makes the ships and modules you use for playing the game?? Or you think it is the fairies making all the ships and shiny things appear out of nowhere?


Well let’s agree to disagree. When you look at the behavior of most gankers, they do have psycopathic tendencies … sorry, but that is a fact. When you gank someone and then belittle and trash them in local, it tells a lot about the person behind the Capsuleer.

Personally i don’t like the ganking, but don’t want it prohibited either, but there should be some balancing in HS suicide ganking mechanics, because it is way too easy.

50-60%, nah, i don’t hink so, not when you see how big the Null sec population is.

Problem with gankers is, they don’t like pilots that can and will fight back, else they would be and live somewhere else. They want the easy target and easy money and them saying otherwise is just smokescreen and BS.

There is a saying, “how you do anything is how you do everything”, meaning if you are an ass and a bully ingame, you are most likely the same in RL :man_shrugging:t3:

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Yes, and the large scale industrialists producing modules and ships over dozens of accounts are also the same people shooting other spaceships in various security classes of space.

If all the „I do no harm“ pacifist miners disappeared the net effect on the economy would not be game-ending.

Most industrialists are using industry to fuel their PvP activity (whatever form it takes).


You don’t seem to grasp the irony of your own statement. Yes, miners mine the very ore that makes the very Catalysts that gank them. Miners are thus part of the supply chain for combat. So why should they be excluded from its consequences ? Miners being ganked is perfect karma.

If you don’t want to be ganked by Catalysts…don’t mine the ore that makes them !

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How would you know when you’ve never done any.

If they impact the game in such a miniscule way, then why gank them. The only reason i see is you can’t do the game in LS or NULL SEC or you thrive on others suffering :man_shrugging:t3:

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