Questioning the Signs of Psychganopaths in Highsec

I think you have to pay 1 bil ISK for that to happen. :smiling_imp:


Forgot to add: Title: Princess


I appreciate the efforts you do!

If you find yourself in a fair fight, you went in underprepared.

More people quit the game by an order of magnitude due to the tedium of living in high-sec without any player interaction, compared to those that quit due to ganking. Shoot and recruit is the best way to keep people invested in the game.

If they are having mental health problems they should seek help and not waste their time playing video games as a coping mechanism.

From what dimension of reality did you pull that statistic from? The ganking community by in large are one of the most chilled-out and welcoming groups in the game. We actually have fun and enjoy sharing that experience with other players.

They why are PVP servers in other MMO’s generally a lot more popular than PVE ones?

As someone who spent the majority of their EVE career living in null-sec, this is factually incorrect. Null-sec players are some of the most risk adverse players in the game. They will only undock when they have an FC telling them what to do and have full SRP for their losses.

That is a side effect of being beholden to investors.

If this was really the case, CCP would have taken direct action a long time ago.



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That oddly sounds like Sandbox and, to be frank, like a lot of fun.

…us from having fun?:slightly_smiling_face:

Oh, it is!

But some people, we won’t name names, but it rhymes with banana, maintains that only RL psycho-paths murder people in fictional pixilated spaceships. But it’s not murder if there is no police agency.

The funniest part of it all, is if ganking in HS really was a problem, CCP would remove the mechanic for it to happen. They would force everyone’s safety to green.

Banana Rama seems to laboring under the delusion that CONCORD is some sort of program that prevents ganking. Like CCP needs NPCs to do their job for them.


:sweat_smile: I wouldn’t be surprised if they really believed that CCP cannot deal with Ganking, it would explain the extreme feelings toward gankers and insinuations of mental issues.

Is it just with pixelated spaceships or can it also be with pixelated broadswords, crossbows and javelins? Because if so, I’m good for a padded room.

And it’s not murder until real laws take Clones in consideration. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Before removing Ganking from the game, ccp needs to remove all mining, level three and above missions, incursions and any combat site capable of an escalation from hisec.
They should also lower the security status of all systems in hisec by 0.3.


What you just said…. New Eden is now dumber and may James315 have mercy on your soul!

Gosh…hadn’t realised Detroit was now part of Eve. Can’t wait to fly my Catalyst round the old Ford factory.

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Is Nana Skalski a real entitiy or some gankers alt like Mr. Dryson? this guy cant be real.

Psychganopath eh?

Please link to a definition on the web.

Thank you.

I wouldn’t hold your breath on that one!

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Apparently Aiko had addressed herself as the Director.

@Iceacid_Frostpacker Do you know if Psychsganopathology New Halaima Institute of Ice and Ore has NPC agents? :smile:
Also, you misspelled it in the title of the thread. Not a good start, padawan.


Actually Aiko also was wrong as it should have been written as **psychogankolgy”

See she is dumb like how I rp

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