Questions from an Old EVE Player Returning

My most recent active isk-seeking play was lowsec gas huffing.

The upcoming Havoc content promises to be lucrative for both Empire FW side and the brand new Angel/Guristas “FW” side with payouts for everyone participating in the new suppression/corruption sites. Highsec missions are basically identical to what they were in 2016. Lowsec FW missions are available, I havent run them, I hear a L4 FW mission is same difficulty as L3 normal agent mission but rewards FW LP alongside isk.

You can join FW individually now without changing corp. Be aware 24 hours must elapse between dropping FW flagging and rejoining FW, which is relevant cause we’re only a couple days out from patch.

Some new risks that might be worth resetting your overview and researching:

  • AFK cloaking now has a player-deployed “mobile observatory” countermeasure available
  • About 20 empire systems are now disconnected forming “Pochven”, a triglavian region. you can gain positive standings with triglavians with a single kill there from neutral standing
  • Autothysian Lancers show up in systems with Jove Observatory beacons and are neutral until aggressed then they will follow you around system and pod you
  • Changing the price on a market order now incurs a significant percentage fee
  • Dreadnaughts now have an AOE weapon available that stops gate jumps
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