r/Eve - Confession of a botmaker

Um yeah that’s kind of the issue here.

What does using multiple accounts have to do with this? Limiting people to a few clients per computer is going to do absolutely nothing to combat this. But it will harm legit players.

You could easily be getting punked by this reddit post. Amazing how many believe.

It could be true as written. Or it could have been produced from info already discussed on reddit.

Welcome to the meta game.

Yes, you’re right. Stopping players having dozens of accounts will not deter bot swarms consisting of dozens of accounts. Your idiocy is showing.

Nope. Your lack of understanding is showing.

It’s really sad that CCP still has to go through this stuff. They made a great game where achieving something really matters, and yet they miss cheating on a scale like this. Seriously, how many people has this cheating effected? Even if he’s full of it, botting hurts this game, I know they never discuss actions taken, but at least acknowledge that they are taking this event very seriously…

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Well, they could reign-in Alphas and make VPN use a bannable offense.

And put a limit on multi-boxing. That would cut into bots big time AND make the game less W2W (Wallet To Win).

That’s just not possible.
After all this time of allowing it and even needing it some times.

Besides. People will get around it and nothing will be done.

Then bots are going nowhere.

It should’ve been 1 account per player things would be alot different today most likely in a good way

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Then we wouldn’t be able to tell gank victims to use an alt scout.

Doesn’t matter even the lowest tasks like a scout or cyno wouldd need another player.

Nothing wrong with multi-boxing or having multiple accounts. Limiting to one account would just punish legitimate players.

People who circumvent the rules would just do the same with that rule as well.

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And the same goes for a lot of things one can do to make botting harder or unprofitable. WoW goldfarming botters would run certain dungeons and old raids 24/7, for example, so Blizzard nerfed the gold drops - which ofc also hit legit players who did those for some cash. But it’s not necessary to have a big pile of gold in WoW, it just makes some things easier if you can buy shiny loot. People adapted and moved on.

Legit EVE players on the other hand really need some ISK reserves if they want to risk ships so they would be quite upset if rat bounties were removed…

It still can be.

Maybe it would be better to start a new thread about it but am too lazy :stuck_out_tongue: so feel free to make a new thread about it and link it here if you want.

My question is how do you people who suggest one account per player think this could be enforced or even verified?

Credit card details can be fake or multiple credit cards belonging to different people can be used, IP address can be manipulated by resetting it (most cases you have dynamic IP) and/or by using VPN, personal details can be faked, and so on.

Even if legit details are provided those can be people asked and even paid to provide their details so another person can have another spare account (the same way hobos’ IDs are used to create fake corporations for money laundering and whatnot) and/or simply ask people who would never be interested to play the game but still willing to provide the details in exchange of cash or simply because they are friends and family.

I simply can not see this working. However if you see a way how this can be done let me know because I am genuinely interested and curious how it can be done, if at all possible.


The thing about one account only is it dramatically eases team securities job.
they don’t have to distinguish between a botter and a skilled multibox player. Both are bannable. And any character give can be seen by tracing the isk normally. That part is fairly easy unless its spies.
The ayer running only one bot is still just as hard to catch sure. but they have far less individual impact on the game because it’s only one. Not 100.
The same with skill extractors. If you only have one account they have to either come from MCT or your main. Which again reduces the farm aspect. And the impact of injectors is also reduced since 20 characters per player don’t get made.

The big thing that would likely need changing would be cynos in some way. And locator agents would need a buff.

I see, sounds reasonable.

Though I envision then the new “meta” will be how multi-botters/boxers can hide their ISK transfers or disguise them so CCP can’t tell the difference.

Will it be bannable if players donate to the corporation and/or alliance treasury? Are donations to other players forbidden? Hauling expensive stuff in untanked or either way weak (easy to gank) ships forbidden? Is hauling while being wardecced okay (especially as neut hauler alts will no longer be an option)? Running giveaways with or without accepting donations for them permitted? Self-destructing a loot pinata or having a “bad connection” while ratting in a blingy ship that gets killed by rats then someone happens to wander around and loot the wreck legit? Often visiting lowsec and losing blingy ships to the same people okay? And so on and so forth.

The issue is not necessarily identifying the person or differentiating a botter from a legit multiboxer, instead tracking and differentiating wealth redistribution and whether it is legit or not is the and still would be an issue.