I’m interested in racing. I’ve posted about this before.
Currently there are a couple of threads over on Reddit discussing the possibility of player run racing events in New Eden. Now, I spent several months about three years back discussing racing events, to/with pilots in the starter systems, all the starter systems, trying to gauge if there was sufficient interest in such an endeavor. In the end, I concluded there was not.
But, given the discussion on Reddit, I’m interested in canvassing the pilots engaging on EVE’s official forums and see what you all think. Has time changed the level of interest?
Would, say, a corporation whose stated group goal was running event races on a wide variety of levels, i.e. starter systems to market hubs, market hub to market hub, interregional, interfactional, nullsec to high, circumnavigation of the cluster, be welcomed now? If isk was no object.
So, forum dwellers, what do you think? Is this the basis for a corporation? There are mining corps, pvp corps, corps for ganking, exploration corps, social corps. Could racing be the foundation for a social/event corp?