Rapidly declining players

Maybe, Maybe not…

Planetary currency…
Once upon a time it was known that 1 ISK allowed for a family of 5 to live comfortably for a year…

What is 1 ISK? $50k, $100k…Dust 514, the first week it existed…before CCP patched it out…a Capsuleer could transfer ISK to a DUST character…and whole christ if 1 Million ISK didnt let me play DUST with the best gear all the way to it shutting down…and i didnt even burn through half of that first and only injection… 1 Million ISK from EvE to DUST might as well have been 1 Trillion $$

Na Im gonna kill you in a alpha for the jollys . LOOK IT UP.

The time in entertainment and social value is a key to the rapidly declining players.

Do we rememeber what was said there will soon be gated content where you will need to be a part of the faction war or building progress to finish a gate that opens the opportunity to change Nulsec material etc. (might have it a little jumbled but I heard that about that star mining tech can be used to change a system.)

/Without pulling content between forums…suggestion to visit thread in
MYEVE [Ashterothi] ( [New Eden is About to Change] well worth the listen if interested.

Bruv. Ain’t no way people gonna be pay real life money to literally be a slave or sit in prison.

Yea, pretty sure that’s a solid no for WiS LOL.

@High_Priestess_Seana, sure a “joke” right? Oof. It’s ok. I guess we all know why you chose Amarr huh? Icky.

Um. Look what up? You feeling ok bruv?

It was strongly suggested as such…since is that is what the Trigs did, and in Pochven its the only place to find their ores now i think.

Jollys is a english term, but if you know it enjoy. :slight_smile:

Who said anything about sitting in prison…

You grab an alt…and some friends, and go break your ass out

I love the forums , there is no way CCP has found to screw them up yet. but give them time.

Or even my own gank characters…i might, just might dig some PI resources as part of the sentence for giggles and then go gank the guy that put me there just for spite.

Honestly my points here are this…

Fix EvE, rubberband the rapid decline to something positive…

Well EvE needs content, lots of unending content…for nearly 8 years now the content has been pretty stagnating…i think its time to break out of the “This is only a spaceship” box and start trying to break into the “EvE is a Universe” box.

Gix you are a one man band (Out of key) Remember when i get there you dont want to be in station, Because thats boring and we want Spaceship fighting each other, Lol. You need to undock and fight .

Eve Universe means more IP Titles and not just this game.

I do and uh sorry bruv but I’m not scared of a guy who needed 124 other people to kill a rax :smiley:

You did bruv. What if they only got one account? So they are paying real life money to be your slave and not play the game?

This literally makes no sense. I mean if you want this, just play The Sims my guy.

A universe in which you wanna own real life player slaves.

Wild bruv :smiley:

This is feeling kinda awkward now innit?

I’m glad you are logging in tho :smiley: Thanks for supporting CCP :smiley:

Maybe , maybe not…I was at the fanfest when they put on the big screen the idea of your login screen being able to choose what your character would do…Capsuleer/Dust Bunny/Valkyrie Pilot…and loading into that part of EvE…where your character could be any of the 3 any time. And Hillmar at that time said EvE Universe…not as or just as IP titles…but an actual game universe, single shard.

On the launcher to have quick access?

if someone logs in after choosing to a Baseliner living on some planet or moon…and is earning planetary credits(money) and doesnt really know or understand the value i might place on some PI mats…then is he a slave and doesnt knowit…or is it a player that I can legally get away with manipulating to my own ends with my ISK and other possible rewards.

It would be like owning an Ant farm…your ISK buys all the infrastructure those players are using, renting, etc…you dont have to tell them they are your slaves now…but

So you want to trick people into being your slaves. That’s why you want WiS.

Huh. Wild.

Yennoe, I don’t think this is making quite the case you think it is.


Capsuleers are expected to stick to their small area of the station…Baseliners those slaves you speak of can shoot you on sight if they wish without repercussions…and without your POD tech…you have to backup to a soft clone…which brings back the old Clone Insurance of old…meaning if its not up to date…you lose whatever SP and skills your not updated for.

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Yeh not supporting CCP , No Intention of giving them a dime, or a penny (in my world) But A Alpha can do a lot more than you think.,