Rapidly declining players

Residue punishes the asteroids which can make them rapidly decline in volume.

I don’t play world of warships.

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Agreed on both counts. But also, in my eyes, a protection racket which doesn’t provide any protection is a scam. Because most of them in the real world DID (and still DO) provide protection beyond not harming you themselves - they keep other criminals away from you if you’re paying for their services.

And yes, it IS possible to offer protection to your paying clients. By being there to chase away any prospective gankers who aren’t your people, or by avenging the death of your paying client if they get caught out while you’re not around to provide the protection they’re paying you for.

Oh, is this stemming from your vast experience paying for protection from various mafias and gangs of the world?

Even if so, it’s still a game. And in the fantasy of this game – where scams are allowed – the offering players can RP offering a protection racket, and players like you are free to RP on the other side calling their offer deceptive/scam/whatever, while other players weigh the risks for themselves and pay or not, and everyone can have fun doing so – it’s all a part of this game. And this is part of why Eve Online is so unique.

I can confirm that the mighty Safety. alliance is dedicated to ensuring Safety. for all miners. We are an official Highsec antiganking guild, known for our diligent effort to confront griefer corporations like New Eden Pleb Force, Novus Plebo, Plebpacker, Solitude Plebing, Absolute Pleb, and Astral Plebs. If you are a Highsec miner, afraid someone is after your ORE Strip Miner Harvester drones, an elite Safety. taskforce is standing by to keep you SAFE. We ensure that every player can safely AFK autopilot their expanded freighters with confidence and dignity. Contact me today, to find out how you can pay 1 billion isk and advance to the next tier of EvE Online’s elite space adventure gameplay!


Your own link backs up my statement. Beyond that, I have good reasons to say what I did, but I’d rather not elaborate on those reasons.

And I absolutely agree with this! o7

FYI That comment will cost youl

No one forces you to mine. No one forces you to do anything in this game. It can practically be played for free, never have to spend a dime or isk or PLEX.
Don’t like Residue? Don’t mine.
Don’t like ganking? Fly free ships.
Don’t like subscription price? Play for free.
There really isn’t anything to complain about. EVE is a pew-pew game and pew-pew can be done entirely in ships given by career agents.
Hell, they even give you a mining ship for free. T1 ore miners have no Residue.

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So miners are the fourth plague of New Eden? :thinking:


Such eloquence makes me misty-eyed.

Gankers got better things to do than protect dirty miners. Now if they are paying protection for a structure and are war decc’ed , that is a different matter.

If I’m being asked to pay for protection, that means you’re giving me protection, or I’m not paying. I’d rather mine in a well-armed warship and take 100x as long to make a profit, but providie actual protection to the asteroid belts I’m mining in, than pay someone NOT to do the job I’m paying them for.

That will do the trick. Nobody ganks battleships.


Would you like to buy a bridge?


ok but the vampire gifs are cuter than the fish.

xD that’s a classy reference! I approve!

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That was a great chess match last night. Could even make it a regular thing…or corp vs corp. The very fact that a person can play chess with the very gankers who are sitting outside Jita waiting to gank them puts all the alleged ‘griefer’ talk in perspective.

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Back when we could declare war on anyone without restrictions, genuine protection rackets were actually a thing. We had a bunch of small mercenary groups (including my own) running around and controlling areas and getting regular payments from carebear groups.

Today, with the new war system, enforcement is impossible, so that entire aspect of the game completely died out. A group can gank you using alts, bump you with impunity, and even destroy your rocks/moon chunk with wasteful crystals, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it if they’re sitting in a war-non-eligible corporation and talking mad ■■■■ to you in local, aside maybe from ganking them, but not everyone wants to have to resort to this singular approach for PvP activities.

Thank CCP for “fixing” wars to “give new players a chance” that so many carebears were begging for!


Until it got completely out of hand and most player corps got a war dec, all they did was leave and join an npc corp.

The fix was wrong that’s all,

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That’s just a myth you’ve heard from the bleeding-heart whiners, and internalized as the truth because it fits your own perceptions and personality.

The reality is that back then, it was still just a very minor fraction of the game’s population that was engaging in PvP like this (just a somewhat bigger one than today), and they were split up into much smaller groups, making resistance against them much more viable by the vast groups of Drake and Blackbird-fielding carebears. It’s just that despite this, they chose to whine to CCP instead of fighting anyway, because that simply was the quicker and more efficient method of securing the ability to farm PvE all day without any interference.


Dont know if its been picked up or not but how does the OP know the games been declining since the year of his birth. Was he a toddler playing in 2008