Rapidly declining players

Honestly, if they just revert the war changes, ganking will slim down.


ccp is super backward some times
lets fix wars
instead of having rufus and dufus trying to kill me in HS
lets have large groups spending a ton of money to destroy my clueless carebear group strut

obviously I can only say what I experienced at my time in eve back then.

Living in low sec at the time the rise of the war dec groups never bothered me that much, code was on the rise at this time to, we got asked to help in a war, so spent more time in high sec for a short time, that’s when I came across code for the 1st time.

Doing the same stuff as today but if anyone showed resistance they slapped a war dec on their group, using a wardec merc they owned. They used this fear to control any backlash to ganking. I had a chat with a few groups in high that we used to work with, I said fight back, one ceo said if we say anything we get a war dec, non pvpers just leave the corp and the corp collapses.

At the time I quite liked the situation, we could help any group that was being picked on if we wanted a fight.

That was my 1st Encounter with gankers, merc, wardecers
Real needed me at the time and I left eve upon my last return I remember bring surprised about the change in wardecs and disappointed, many mercs had gone.

The only difference I could see, lots of non war eligible corps around, many more gankers around and the stupid structures everywhere it never really fixed anything.

The whiners still whining, just about slightly different things, about ganking about its not fair that a solo player can’t have a structure Empire in high sec.

The mercenary groups are to blame too for endless war decs on people just for easy kills in hubs, to lazy to look for a worthy target to fight.


Thing is, some carebear corps that didnt give in to the fear but had few pvpers fid work out that collapsing, dropping corp or even taking the war seriously were not the only options.

My own corp is actually the remaining nub of a larger, now defunct alliance, and was part if a “look big” strategy that also included runnining oyr own toothless protection rackets and turning up in large numbers if someone was hassling our miners or mission runners.

It was pre structures though so silly docking games were unfortunately also part of the norm back then.

Also I thought in EvE a “worthy target” was anyone.

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More seriously though… I literally describe what I do in EVE as “building weapons so other people can kill me with them” sometimes. I don’t know about “worthy” but everyone is a valid target.

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I was using the term from whom I quoted.

Shame on me I suppose for assuming valid and worthy were effectively the same.

But in short: are you playing? Then you should be a target for someone.

I know. I was playing along, it’s a fun line and it felt like it was worthy of some memery.

And yes, I have been an occasional target. And sometimes even a hard one to hit.

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You seem a good egg.

Yeah when I say these things its almost always from the perspective of being a valid/worthy target myself

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I don’t think this guy would agree with you:



Why not? In other games like WoW people can solo dungeons, and ofcourse In Star Citizen they will expect to be able to solo Cap Ships.

Remember guys, the game was at it’s height when

  1. You could WarDec any corp regardless of structure nonsense.
  2. Suicide ganking barges could be done solo, with a single account.
  3. FW income was the best outside of Null and WH.
  4. Basic caps were rare and aspirational.
  5. We didn’t have tons of Rorqual/FAX alts.
  6. Super umbrellas were not a thing.
  7. We didn’t have instanced PvE
  8. There were no skill injectors

But remember guys, these changes were necessary to retain players…


And then CCP listened to the crybabies and the crybabies rejoiced.

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Whats a bloat?

Even if he wasnt a target for some reason, as soon as he used the r word I think he’d qualify.

lmao “the ‘r’ word”

That has narrowed it down to 1/26th of the english language. Reminds me of the description of a male soldier that ran through the women’s dorms, “He had short hair and was wearing an army uniform”.

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Given Ive had numerous posts hidden and removed for people flagging my use of that word, Id rather not give them ammunition.

Still reading posts from the “dead”, I see.

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Hey if its Kell’s joy Im killing, I have no problem with it.

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No death threat, or threats of murdering your family and loved ones in their sleep?

■■■■, this game is going down hill fast.

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Back in the day we used to devise creative ways to ruin people’s day just so they’d completely lose their ■■■■ and we could laugh at the toxic diarrhea they’d type.

It’s no fun when CCP bans people for NaUgHtY wOrDs