Rapidly declining players

The only thing I can think of is that fat zombie from Killing Floor:

That was a very mean comment, and made me feel very sad for most of the day. I put in a lot of work to look like a real anime girl, you know.


I think youre beautiful on the inside AND the outside.


When used as a slang word

BLOAT = Biggest Loser of All Time

Note: Yeah, I looked it up because the words I was thinking for that acronym are not forum friendly…


I see.

I think Id rather just say poopyhead, its about as mature lol.

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Some laws are just unenforceable

I would have killed that miner every day and 6 times on Sunday, your war dect and your out mining lol. Clearly not watching local. If a was war dect me and my palls would hunt the hunters. Not very successful but im not going to dock up like a b i t ch

I sent a mail to the support@eveonline.com and info@ccpgames.com and got redirected to the forums. So… Here I am.

Dear CCP Games,

Please, read this mail thoroughly

I’m sending this email to you because I’m deeply concerned about where Eve is going. The game has been declining since 2008. And this fact hurts me, because the game doesn’t have to decline in players nor quality.

I’ve noticed that Eve has become yet another pay to win, or cash grab game. We, the players do not like that at all, mainly because most the player base just cannot afford Omega

The game doesn’t receive as much updates as it used to, the game simply is becoming boring and expensive, and that is why a lot of players quit.

I love this game, I really do. But I cannot play it anymore I’ve tried over and over but after a week or 4,5 I get bored and leave. And I’m a fourteen-year-old…

If you fail to keep the game exciting and ask for $20, we, the younger generation cannot keep playing your game.

I hope that the people at CCP realize that your player base is aging and rapidly declining. the 40–60-year-olds won’t be able to play your game forever. We kids don’t have $20 to spend each month on a game to progress, we also don’t have the sheer amount of patience it takes to even advance in this game, nor can we really…

There’s so much to talk about, but I should stop now.

I’m looking forward to your answer and we can have a chat if you would like, but please, do not let this game die it’s too beautiful.

Kind regards,


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I disagree… $20 is not too much for a teenager with a bit of work ethic even while going to school. As one of those 40-60 year olds, back in my teenage years I took a crappy job at a local taco bell for a few months. God I miss those chili cheese burittos… I made more than enough to afford a truck, gas, insurance, food, women, and my online gaming addiction. I bought a mower and mowed lawns in the summer, shoveled snow in the winter until I could afford a snowblower and later, a plow, then bought tools and started building decks in the summer. I moved up from there.

You want to know what’s really killing the game? It’s toxic playerbase.

Face it, you still WANT to play the game… You could farm ISK and buy plex for omega if you wanted it bad enough. But what if you didn’t? What if everything you spent the last month working towards just dissappeared in a couple hits and a killmail because you just got ganked in a 0.7 or higher system where you should have been “safe”. That’d probably kill your desire to keep playing, and definitely make you less likely to want to spend that $20 on EvE…

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Hi, I don’t normally comment on this part of the forum but something ruffled my cage and wanted to comment on your reply here if I may.

Depending on what level of player interaction is being made and what sort of subject matter that is being brought up there really isn’t anything that toxic being thrown around. Eve Online is a player vs player game and if that term is also thrown around without solid proof then it’s just going to spread false rumors.

Risk vs reward is what is being discussed with that scenario and being ganked in highsec is not toxic, should not be seen as toxic or even rumored as being a toxic gameplay.

Unless the core statement of the game is being changed from that music single HTFU not even contract scamming is concidered toxic.

If or when toxic behavior becomes the trigger then there is that process to have that resolved.

The main walk away from this would be to think about the risk vs reward that can even start at the decision level of spending that $20 which can be seen as a risk when the reward is why /edit (will) there be fun things to do once logged in as Omega status.

We could bring it to general to discuss. o7


Moved as requestet.


Then how much they pay at Taco Bell for someone who doesnt qualify for minimum wage might just surprise you these days.

Just a note that this was already moved or duplicated here and has a large response thread already.

May want to merge or remove this copy.

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Honestly, why do you think they care? Their vision comes first and foremost–they stopped caring about what’s best for players since even before they Swiss-cheesed high sec and made the decision to C4 player owned structures–despite the fact they said they wouldn’t do so, thereby alienating every inactive who upon returning to the game realized their trust had been betrayed.

Is the player decline true? and anyways if it is… then bleed out rates probably increase to the downside, until it plateaus and levels off.

Merged another duplicate Topic in this one.


Safer. Not safe :smiley:

Learn to EVE.

Also, it would make that loss and that comeback mean much more.

How do you know this?


Correct — for the wrong reasons — but still right.
Literally toxic. Sadly it is no laughing matter.