Rapidly declining players

Depends on whether you are toxic or not.

I think that term gets thrown around a lot but people don’t know what it really means anymore.

I would say Grampy is much more toxic than Aiko for example.


Know your place peasant, how dare you call the Princess toxic

Think your right toxic means to many things these days and with the rise of the snowflakes it’s so easy to upset many people. Aiko had never been verbally toxic to me other than the odd pled word, not true for some others.

Just happy my toxic threshold tolerance is at a high level, which is a good skill to have in eve.

inject this skill as soon as possible for maximum EvE fun


What, mining?

Oh grinding in Null, ofc

I would not revisit that until mid November to even try to summarize as the Expansion release is November.


Oct 18, 2022, 16:39 UTC

I’ve been playing since 2006. The constant updates have finally beaten me down. Now, this isn’t all about bad things, some of the things changed/updated in EVE have been fantastic. But, there are two things that are making this game lose interest amongst the player base and as I always watch the log-in stats I’m sure your seeing this also. We can live with structures, we can live with almost any number of things that have been changed but the things that I feel most hurt the game and are causing people to quit playing are the INDUSTRY changes and JUMP FATIGUE/DISTANCE changes.
There used to be countless individuals who did mining/industry because that was their thing. They could mine with friends then go build items with their mining gold to add to the economy of New Eden. Now with the industry changes the game doesn’t let them get to their endgame. Many have quit. You’ve made industry too hard. Its a game for christsakes. Not an occupation. Miners/Indy toons are the backbone of this game. Its also affected people like me who routinely built Caps and battleships in quantity. I haven’t built a single one since the changes and the reduction in changes.
You NEED to remove all the small hard to build items that go into making these ships. The level of building them far exceeds what is necessary or reasonable. You wanted to make things more costly not semi-impossible for average players to make. It’s killing your industry base.
Jump fatigue. I’m not so concerned with the fatigue aspect of the change but it’s the distance aspect that has hurt many of us. I live in Stain. It’s now a ghost town because no one can get here without a huge jump chain to make it happen. Give us back our old distance numbers for the ships that really could use them. Carriers are now almost irrelevant in this game because of their limited distance.

Look just a few thoughts from a long-time player who is increasingly more disillusioned in the forward vision of a game that I’ve enjoyed for 16 years. As evidenced by the constantly dwindling numbers of characters logged on, I feel that I’m not alone in the EVE universe.

Dagny Brinn


You’re sitting there trying to excuse not only your point of view, but also the behavior of players who are doing nothing but griefing anyone unlucky enough to cross their path without any risk to themselves. Ooo, a couple 11m catalysts got popped by concorde after taking out a roughly 2.5b orca in highsec. That’s not a risk, that’s something toxic people laugh and brag about. Look at how little I spent and what I broke. Justifying it is normalizing toxic behavior, and sadly, you’ve fallen so low that you don’t even realize it anymore.

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These numbers are way off.

Clearly youve never actually had a gank attempt on your Orca with Cats.

Takes a lot more than 2 to do the job.

IF they do the job. If not, they lose, you win.

Its called a game.

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Basic understanding of how to coax chicken out of station, 20% increase of Toxicity Tolerance per level.

Multiplier: 1x
Price: 10M ISK
Alpha Max Level: II
Prerequisites: Carebear Negotiations III, Sense of Humor III
Notes: Smacktalk is purchased with Loyalty Points from SAFETY. stores


You cant delete your account in EVE. CCP dont have a delete button, its explained in your account settings and its again EU laws I think.

Players its rapidly declining and the new FW dont go to change it, I test it this week and its trash content, just like the halloween event, tons of new players in rookie channel asking about why they cant do the event, its just pathetic from CCP still with the mentallity about make the game Inaccessible for new players.


In the immortal words of the interwebs.

Cry moar :smiley:

Youre in 2022, add a meme or dont reply with no sense stuff.

So whiny grindbears come from the EU? Good to know.

minimum 2/3 bots etc

I love this track.

I’ll never forget those record breaking sunday evenings of over 50k

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Wild times indeed! :sunglasses:

We could write a wall of text and never be able to explain what the game was like. :disappointed:

I still say fix the wd sys but that’s just me.


I wish I was there for that.

The weekend deal is staying? Thought it was a special event in game. Noone ever tells me anything.