Rapidly declining players

It’s almost like your speaking English. But more that half the time I can’t figure out what it is you’re trying to say.

So here us my response:


I just don’t have the time and what free time I have goes to the drone. :smiley:

Besides, I’m rusty now. :sob:

Then this link is for you.

What do you miss about Eve that is now gone? - Communications Center / General Discussion - EVE Online Forums

To quote myself since I’m too lazy to look up where I posted it 1st.

“You can only lose your virginity once.”

Edit; The cigarette industry has nothing on CCP! :rofl:

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On a wkend, the numbers are still 20k+

Weekend deal might be the reason? Do you know if it is staying or was it for just some special event. I only look at the Launcher ads. Noone created a thread about it so I thought I would ask a Capsuleer who is in the know

I just chk in to keep a count on numbers so when someone goes Reee, numbers, I know if their lying.


I was 25 when I started playing Eve now I am 45, I started this game with a younger mind and matured so it’s expected that the people who left have also matured and may not want the same thing out of a game as they did when they were younger.

The gaming market from 2003 to 2013 didn’t have many space games, most of the popular space games today were actually created while Eve was live and if you look at space games today you have some great choices where their creators have a long history in space gaming. Eve had a long period when it was the only game of it’s type.

Sure, they can redesign the game to be what it was in 2012 but they will never get back the same players that now have a more matured mind.

Edit: Things are also changing with the real life economy where food, energy and rent/mortgage costs are very high so any kind of digital entertainment subscriptions are the first to get cancelled.

It’s important to consider the amount of time some activities in Eve take, there’s been SOV battles that have lasted 24 hours for example which would never suit anyone’s lifestyle and I’m sure it was only out of love for the game why people actually did that. If you take a serious look at these mechanics they don’t appeal to the market CCP is trying to capture. I’m surprised Eve lasted this long.


This is just pure nonsense. Since when was it ‘toxic’ to shoot people in a space shoot-em-up game ? Shooting things is ultimately the entire purpose of the game. It is the end purpose of all the mining and industry.

If someone cannot cope with losing their 2bn ISK Orca…then they should not be flying a 2bn ISK Orca. It really is as simple as that. People should stop trying to change the entire game mechanics just because they choose to risk more than they can handle and get zapped.


Not really sure it’s about that, now if this happened in null or low the orca would have had cover of some kind, even just intell, but the pilot will know what to look for and certainly would not say oh I’ve been ganker and grieffed. If their group is repeatedly attacked they can try and take action against the Intruders, you read about it all the time fighting breaks out between one group or another, that’s eve and how it should be.

Now in high if its done just for the laughs because someone has isk to burn, really in high you can’t do much about a fleet of cats that are not war enable and all -10, flying from tether to tether

Groups of player seem to fair better when under ganker attack, it’s the solo miner or solo guy with multi boxing set up that seem to take it bad, you can try to interfere with ganker activities but it’s time consuming and hard to do.

So I think that’s why people referred to this as griefing. Not really sure it is grief myself as it’s allowed by game mechanics but the way it’s done can seem that way to the Orca pilot. To an outsider to the game I bet it seems a bit odd that space ship combat takes place this way.

So maybe it’s how player use high sec that’s wrong here, it’s almost a place without order or purpose people just exist within it, Maybe faction warfare will give it a better Direction.

Pvp should never be op out,



Show us where it says so in the TOS and the EULA :smiley:

Specifically where it says they allow griefing :smiley:

As they should :smiley: If they can’t handle, they should indeed HTFU :smiley:

Uh huh.

So uh. You’ll be able to show us in writing, where CCP says they allow griefing.

Because you say, they are allowing griefing.

So they must have it in writing.


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LOL wut.

You can’t be rroffing yourself this hard.

Well, I guess you finally gas lit yourself huh?

If you can’t answer that question, you should def biomass LOL.

Show us my boy.

Show us in writing where CCP says they support and allow griefing :smiley:


Your usual slithery snake talk.

The ‘most part’ is language of someone who doesn’t really know. In fact, I pointed out the other day ( and you ignored it ) that MacGybo’s average kill amount is 186m ISK…and Safety’s is 394m ISK.

How is it you find MacGybo’s ‘killing for profit’ just fine…and yet Safety has double the average kill amount and you are in your folly rattling on about ‘no gain’ ?

Sorry to introduce actual facts into the matter…I realise from your past postings that you are not familiar with the concept.

Well that only shows how utterly clueless you are. Killboard padding would actually decrease the average kill amount by adding more kills to divide the total kill amount by.

I’m really looking forward to the changes CCP announced and I think we should all come back and check them out with an open and objective mind.

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Utter nonsense. You just ( as always ) make up stuff as you go. You just spout any old nonsense as you are so desperate never to be wrong about anything.

The average kill amount is quite simply the total ISK of all kills divided by the number of kills. It is clear to anyone with a brain that padding this with more kills…especially of cheap Catalysts, is actually going to bring DOWN the average amount. Did you actually do maths at school or just slither through that as well ?

You don’t get to have an average kill amount of 394m ISK by padding with lots of 10m ISK Catalysts !

Duh. But no…you wont ever admit being wrong about anything, even when it is blatantly obvious that you are. And that is precisely why CCP should ignore you.

My God what a slithery load of weasel words. The fact is that Safety have a higher average kill amount than MacGybo. No amount of weasel words change that. ‘Padding’ actually has the reverse effect to the one you described. Not that you will ever admit being wrong about that. In fact if you adjust for the number of ships used ( MacGybo uses less ) then Safety’s equivalent rate is even higher.

You claim to be a business person / industrialist yet don’t even understand basic maths of averages ?

What the hell has me shooting structures got to do with your claims about ganking ? It’s a complete red herring.

You go first…and admit being wrong when you are wrong. Though I think there is more chance of the entire universe disappearing in a vacuum fluctuation than there is of you ever admitting even the tiniest 0.00000001% smidget of ever being wrong about anything. Hell will freeze over first.

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Mr. Kells is not here for a discussion. He is here to be heard, never questioned and sycophantically agreed with.

He’s first the point out when someone else isn’t contributing anything new, yet he himself hasn’t contributed anything new himself in the last 7 years.

The same old “ganking is griefing” trite he shoehorns into every topic imaginable. But then accuses gankers of derailing threads. Just more evidence to show that he doesn’t want to to discuss. Just be heard.

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Is it demonstrable that there is no gain though, and the actions are purely to “generate negative responses from other players”? For instance, the “Miners go to Hek” syndicate warns that they have non-syndicate miners in the area around Hek suicide ganked to force miners to join their syndicate. It is entirely possible that there is a motive behind many suicide ganks that is not immediate economic profit, but is part of maintaining control of an area or resource, or other long term and subtle goals not visible to the victims of suicide attacks. It is usually difficult, if not impossible, to accurately assign motives to others, when one side is in a very emotional state, and does not have enough information and is unwilling to see the other side’s perspective of a situation.

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Are you referring to the updates announced in EVE Vegas? DBM floor increase, upcoming ship changes etc?


I’ve seen literally dozens of players say this round of announcements has them “thinking of” coming back or subbing again. A fair number have added “still not playing, but at least CCP is on the right track”. Response to that specific set of changes has been very positive.

That said, CCP still has three years worth of terrible design decisions to overcome - on top of a decade of neglect. Where CCP has driven away tens if not hundreds of thousands of players.


It’s going to take more than a few hundred players happy about some ship and DBS changes for CCP to dig their way out of that hole. It will depend on whether CCP can follow up with more positive updates or backslides into their crazy “just nerf everything and players will play more!” beliefs.


Then ccp should make a reason for it and a respond to it in game and let us hunt these grieffing idiotic players from a game point of view