Rapidly declining players

Link pls

I don’t think you are addressing my example of the Miners go to Hek syndicate. Gankers can suicide gank miners in situations where the gankers can’t immediately make a profit, and the gankers smack-talk in local, but there is a long-term goal of either forcing the miners to join the syndicate through intimidation, anger, and fear or making it unprofitable for the miners not to join and force them to move to other systems.

From the miner’s point of view this likely feels like exploitative griefing, but from the point of view of the syndicate, they are protecting their territory for a clear profit motive. Ganking miners may not result in an immediate profit, but it will likely result in a long term one.

Exactly, and it seems to me that many of these random bumping and suicide ganks in high high sec that people complain about are an effort to extort money from people or drive them from a system. A certain space Princess’s operation, for example, may feel like random griefing to people who are ganked, but there is a clear attempt to extort miners into buying “mining licenses” to prevent the likelihood of being ganked again, and therefore, there is a profit motive.

Absolutely, many ganker do try to taunt and put their victims into an emotionally vulnerable state and try to intimidate them. But this may be an attempt on their part into intimidating the miners to leave the territory claimed by the gankers themselves or paying some kind of extortion.

While plexing in FW, I occasionally have veteran players who, because of their age, likely have more skill points than my newbie character come into my plex. They are also flying better hulls and likely better fit ships than my alpha character is.
Naturally I go to a safe. The veterans then insult me as a coward for not fighting them. I have had pirate characters taunt my character, ironically calling me an idiot for running away when I could have beaten them and calling me a coward for running away in the first place. Obviously, they are just trying to make me mad and go back to fight them when the odds are grossly stacked in their favor. Is this griefing or mining salt? I don’t think so, because the veteran player knows what they are doing and has a motive for taunting me.

Smack talk may just be mining salt, but it may also have other motives. I still say it is almost impossible to accurately assign a motive to people without having a perfect view of the situation.

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Note its ok for him to attempt to wind up folk on here, but thatll be on them, but when its his non specific victims, the guilt is on the ganker for saying mean things.

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Fortunately for you and me, Ramona, we can converse in peace and ignore Scot.

Not all us pirates will chat in local. But when I attempt to slide in on a Plex heavily outmatched in a slim-odds-attempt to punch up, and the other guy runs away, I do chuckle at my screen.

Because I’ve had the other hand experience: a 4 day old newb in a dragoon (or whatever the Amarr drone destroyer is) did stick around and successfully killed me, a positive result I thought.


And again you are arguing red herrings. YOU were the one who ranted about ‘no gain’. I have shown that on average there is loads of gain…far more than that of MacGybo. You don’t have a response other than weasel words.

Lol…you are admitting precisely the point I am making ! I cannot believe you are so clueless. A kill has to be ABOVE the average in order to raise the average. If the average is 394m ISK then only kills ABOVE that will raise the average. So how does you claim of ‘padding’ work…huh ? Who is ‘padding’ with 394m ISK kills ? I can’t believe you claim to be a business person yet don’t grasp this.

I approve this, this is what I have been saying about null sec: delete all their assets

That’s all, for no reason and I don’t have an opinion about it

This is entirely the case with my own ganking. It is all about corp influence…securing our asteroid belts for our miners…and so on. Also…ganking people who bump our miners. Which if anything is self defence. People who argue that ganking is solely for lulz ‘or’ for profit…as if it were solely a binary thing…simply don’t have a clue.


Not true.

There is the perpetual virginity of Mary and the 72 Eternal Virgins

No there isn’t. That would be the absolute end of Eve. You might as well just create a separate PvE server and call that game something else. You seriously have not thought this out. The minute anyone can simply claim 'I’m doing PvE…you can’t touch me '…that becomes an excuse anyone can use at any time. What a handy way of getting out of a PvP fight !

‘Oh, look, you have me down to 11% armour even though I attacked first. I’ve suddenly decided I’m doing PvE…so I am now invincible and you have to leave me alone’


Everyone is entitled to change their mind

Oh I will…I’ll exploit the new Lucas God Mode PvE for all its worth. In fact I think a lot of people would. I mean, how is CCP ever going to work out whether I was really doing PvE attacking rats in a belt, or was after that Caracal over there ? I could have one laser on the rats and the other 5 on the Caracal. I’m doing PvE !

Very true. You can assume though that anything with a name like Lucas is a rat though.

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Indeed. I am a peaceful sort at heart really.
I really need to do more ignoring. Thank you for reminding me :slight_smile:

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Do you have a mining permit?


If you open your definition to include situations where the goal is long term, and not immediate, I think we have consensus @Lucas_Kell! The definition of a griefer that I first quoted from you did not have any room for long term goals, if there was no chance to drop loot worth more than the ganker’s ship.

I have never run afoul of said space princess (although her crew does fly through my area of space from time to time) but they do insist on “mining permits” do they not, and they do charge for them. Now I agree that, from what I remember of the instructions that comes with this mining permit, the permit requires one to be watchful and GTFO when Safety is in local, something that anyone can do without the permit, so I don’t know why people pay for them. At the same time, it is clearly a classic extortion racket. Unless you can see is other people’s hearts, I don’t know how you can assign Safety’s motive authoritatively.

I guess we have to agree to disagree over all then. On individual cases, maybe, but even then, it seems like you and I don’t have consensus on the motivations of gankers.

Actually, no it doesn’t :smiley:

You said CCP allows griefing. Back up your statement boyo :smiley:

If they support it, it must be in writing and codified in the game rules.

So show us :smiley:

LOL. You must also clearly not know how companies work either. How embarrassing for you :smiley:

ROFL. This from the guy who slings insults all the time, then forum panics and deletes them? ROFL.

Wut. No one in high sec flies mission ships that are also PvP fit ROFL.

They definitely min/max all the time.

You seem to know a lot of what CCP is thinking huh?

Oh. Could you show us where they officially support griefing, as you claimed? Kthx :smiley:

I mean he is a known and documented griefer :smiley:

He doesn’t want you to mention EVE Echoes, which is essentially that and is doing insanely poorly :smiley:

I mean, you would know, being one :smiley:

Oh. Did you find where they support griefing or

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All they have to do is read your posts and they’ll quickly be reminded of what toxic behavior is.


squizz or whatever his name is has taken steps to remove most kill board padding from the site so it never shows up or is counted towards stats.

What toxic the truth my guy?

You didn’t even know what meta modules were :smiley: And couldn’t be bothered for 3 seconds to google it before spewing a CCP sneakdiss thread on the forums.

ROFL. You know no one believes you right? Like you’ve literally proven it you can’t be trusted :smiley:

LOL. It’s ok. That’s why someone preserved it. You were too little too late in your delete spree :smiley:

It makes me cackle tho :smiley:

How would you know bruv? You aren’t even in game LOL.

I love that gif. Kinda reminds me that there’s always someone who can’t simply do what the FC says ( or doesn’t say ).

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