Rapidly declining players

No I’m not. I have never ganked on my own…only ever as part of a corp within my alliance. I’ve not been in a gank fleet with less than 4 people.

The numbers speak for themselves. Safety’s average kill is 394m ISK. MacGybo’s is 186m ISK or so.

As I am often in the ganker channel, I regularly see these kills posted. In fact most of the kills posted are high value. Just in the course of today there’s a 4.38bn ISK kill, a 193m ISK kill, a 2.4bn ISK kill, a 1.07bn ISK kill…to name but a few ! So what’s this BS you are spewing about Safety not ganking for profit ?

He lying :smiley:

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This is how ganking mechanics should be used

Then if the miners that you try and force away band together and try and gank you and eve works as it should

Have you been ganked by Safety after you GTFO ?

Your name seems familiar, reminds me of Altera Zaera. You aren’t one of my alts that I forgot about are you?

Wrong forum. Are you sure they didn’t mean r/EVE?

Why would they direct you to reddit instead of their own forum ROFL.

LOL ok bud.

Ain’t my fault you overstepped and got smacked :smiley:

Also um, did you find where CCP supports griefing or

No you didn’t actually :smiley:

See, you’re making a claim but not providing any proof my boy.

Hence why no one believes you :smiley:

You’re saying CCP supports and endorses griefing.

We, the public, await with baited breath your proof of such a claim :smiley:

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This is going to turn into another instance of “It says on box: Playing EvE AFK is a core gameplay mechanic.”

Where he’ll ignore you pressing him for the evidence because, in his own words “a waste of his time” to provide it.

Oh I know.

It just makes me straight cackle tho :smiley:

Imagine saying something so ridiculous as that and expect to be believed or taken seriously LOL.

My only question is whys still allowed to rant? Meh…

The mining industry resource scarcity & a few other things massively hurt my interest in the game, removing my endgame content effectively. For most indy now it’s too irritatingly complex to actually make any profit when you have to compete on such small profit margins. I don’t want to need to make & manage 5+ spreadsheets of my own to not lose money on a game activity.

I didn’t like those indy/mining changes or the Triglavian changes.

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No such thing as griefing in a PvP game unless you mean escaping a gank


No. In fact I’d intended to name this alt after the character Altaira in The Forbidden Planet but I got the name wrong. And the Zemara was simply something I made up that rhymed with it…I only later found out is is a genuine surname. My other alt Cilla Cybin is a play on words…of psilocybin.

I very much doubt you are privy to to any such details to the extent that that you know either what happened in the first place or what decision was made or why. You keep pretending to know stuff you don’t, and in most cases cannot know. You have no idea whether CCP even considered any particular specific incident to even be griefing…let alone whether it was ‘allowed’.

Thus your entire narrative is largely stuff you’ve just made up. You assume certain things to be true, and by a process of confirmation bias you end up being ‘certain’ of it.

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Two points here, I’m not the pirate witch alt and secondly I’m talking about two groups of miners using ganking to attack each other for ore rights, the only way they can fight due to lack of war mechanics.

True. Imagine going thru all that effort LOL.

I can’t imagine being grown and playing these types of crazy games haha.

Oh. So you don’t have proof of your claim.

Got it :smiley:

You realize that is an opinion, right bruv :smiley:

Well you made a claim and couldn’t back it with facts my boy :smiley:

You made the claim my guy :smiley:

Not the first you’ve made without anything to back it up.

It’s ok. It makes me laugh :smiley:

You gotta realize Grampy barely knows how to play the game :smiley:

I shudder to think of the frightful headway he would make in the game if he devoted to same energy into that as he does with his sock puppet forum diatribes.

Just talking about grief, yesterday early evening we set out to disrupt the uedama gankers, we decided to go for a kill right, I was in juun waiting the ganker to jump after activation. He eventually jumped in hull unfortunately he dropped gate cloak 26km from me so got away after I fired a volley doing little damage.

So you would think the ganker won, we wasted a kr and time setting up to get him, but he seemed very unhappy,
" f*** this bs game" and one or two other lines in local before going back to uedama that haat way docking up and logging.

So was we grieffing him, maybe from his point of view it was but we used the game mechanics as intended, maybe he lost a big juicy target that he and the 5 other gankers had their eyes on.

So a win for us I’d say but we never set out to personally upset a player but we seem to, even though he had picked an eve lifestyle as a criminal ganker in the Safety alliance.


That wasn’t griefing.

An example of griefing would be creating a throwaway account, tracking down your target and then harassing her and her alliance.