Rapidly declining players

No it didn’t


Imagine choosing the timeframe in which everything started to collapse?

Yeah the Summer of Rage was smack dab in the middle of exponential growth :roll_eyes:

We have reached levels of 2006 by now and if there is no action by CCP/PA, EVE will be done sooner than later… which makes me sad, thinking about a time when EVE will be a thing of the past…


Kind of explains it.


16 myself, haven’t aged since my first gank, ganking keeps you young.

Here’s the thing boyos, EVE has been dying since 03.

Now I’d actually say that it is the playerbase that is changing, although so has EVE somewhat over the years.

We as players need to shake things up. Don’t wait on CCP.

We create our own stories. We have all the tools.

Players simply refuse to use them.


Apparently by the most well written 14-year old ever…

–Gadget is sus

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Eve Online isn’t Fortnite. Eve Online takes patience and somewhat of an education to play properly.


thats my point :smiley:
one can become a alcoholic and in some situations even die with 6 bottles of decent cachaca a month
its another level of life changing per dollar compared to EVE , that is good but is just a video game :stuck_out_tongue:


Just a video game. You are kidding right?

IMO is a great video game but still a video game
I’m missing something here?


The tears


Heh. Its funny when you out yourself :smiley:

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Haha, love that comment <3

I used to watch your content, great times.

Seems like that is what happened partially yes…

What tools, lore? To keep your self attached to the game?

Well thank you!

I’ve never touched Fortnite nor do I want to, I want something like Eve, but a little fast pace in a sense. But you can’t have everything.

Make your own story. Your own goals. Go out and try to achieve them.

The thing about a sandbox is, you are given the tools to shape your destiny, but you gotta do it.

The sad part, is most players are complacent now.

What are you interested in doing within EVE?