Rapidly declining players

Mostly enjoy the great graphics and feel in control of my ship. I came for the graphics basically, stayed for my friends and left out of boredom.

*Although, I’m seriously considering rejoining again. But this time a little more careful and try not to get myself bored so quickly.

Huh. Well maybe exploring might hit some of those buckets for you.

You mentioned probes before so I figure you are into that?

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Yeah, but after weeks of finding next to nothing and getting blown up 4 times; the bucket was full for me.

PVP is the best
but you should try incursions to
with a good group is mildly fun

Get good.


for real for real :smile:

With EVE, there are things you’re going to want that take a long time - bigger ships, better skills, being in a certain type of corp or certain types of battles.

On the other hand, if you’re logging in, you want something to do right now. So you need to set up a long term plan that says “I’m heading for and training for X, but along the way I’m going to pick up Y and Z and maybe Q. And every week I’m going to bang out a few W’s to practice up for the big day when I can K a G.”

So, basically, learn your alphabet and make a plan for the short range and the long.


i guess i have a bigger toleration for being exploded than you
Captura de Tela 2022-09-16 às 17.02.59

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Yeah, that’s basically eve in a nutshell, gotta learn myself to be patient honestly.


And it happens as you explore. Were you scanning in WHs?

A cheap heron can net you some pretty good returns and not much lost if you lose it.

But getting into a cloaker will def help you survive more.

You also should learn to use d-scan, esp in WHs.

Then you can skill into an astero and be the one blapping other explorers too.

Or skill into a T3 cruiser but it makes you a bigger target.

Wow… I’m amazed by your determination

i don’t care that much
you explode me i explode you …


I used a heron provided by .1420 Signal Cartel, it’s decent for exploring. I used D-scan but soon found out that the rescue cache’s that signal cartel plants in wormhole systems were compromised and once I tried to tend them, It would be almost certain death.

I advise learning how to day trip.

To be honest, C3 and below holes tend to be abandoned nowadays, at least in my experience.

Get in, scan the anoms, do the ones that don’t have rats and you’re all good.

Just remember to BM the hole when you jump in haha.

Make safes as soon as you can. Use d-scan. If you see combat probes, bug out. But first warp to 100 on the hole in case they camping it.

If not warp out, come back and jump out.


Yeah, that was basically what we learned in the training. It was failure on my part. I’m going to create a new account right now on Eve and start a new life.

Sounds good. Day tripping can be lucrative and kinda easy tbh.

Low sec can also be good for exploring, depending on where you are.

Just gotta watch out for cloaky asteros/stratios.

Sure thing!

EVE has a huge learning curve. But things will become second nature.

Like wearing out your dscan hotkey.

Don’t forget to use referral link for the 1 million SP (and other bonuses).

Use one from your existing accounts or any EVE youtuber you support.

Wow, almost forgot about those. Thank you!