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Raata Zaibatsu steps in as neutral third party to handle inspection of Thebeka III freeports.

Thebeka III

December 18th YC 120

> Thebeka III, South Polar Aid Station Jegudiel.

The Raata Zaibatsu is stepping in as a neutral third party to conduct an inspection of two Raitaru-class engineering Complexes in orbit of Thebeka III.

The Amarr Empire has been experiencing a spike of slave revolts and terrorist action in recent weeks. This is most notable on the planet of Thebeka III, where chaos has taken over planetside and Capsuleer parties of both Amarr and Matari affiliation are conducting hostile operations on one another in space above the planet. Non-Empire aligned groups with their own motives have managed to get involved and make a difference. One such group is a legal, Capsuleer-owned corporation by the name of Daeuuas. This corporation has set up two Ratiaru-class engineering complex “freeports” orbiting Thebeka III: one directly above, and another directly below. These stations are to act as neutral safe havens and to coordinate planetside humanitarian efforts, as well as acting as a drop off point for any casualties of ground combat. No matter their allegiance, injured personnel are given medical attention and safe refuge. The anchoring of these structures was reported on the IGS, a message board for Capsuleers of different allegiances to converse with about various topics.

The legitimacy of the structures has recently came into question however, as the Capsuleer who owns these structures has sympathetic ties to the Angel Cartel. Concern has been voiced about this detail; in response the call to bring in a neutral party to conduct inspections of the freeports and ensure they’re fulfilling the use advertised. After some suggestions of who would be suitable for the task Zaibatsu Capsuleer Avio Yaken responded, suggesting the Zaibatsu.

Previously, the Zaibatsu’s stance was to avoid getting involved with or having an official opinion on ongoing conflicts in Amarrian Borders in order to maintain neutrality. Or as the Chief Fabricator Viokoro Velen puts it,

“We’re too irrelevant in the grander scheme to say anything meaningful about it.”

  • Viokoro Velan

That said, stepping in to conduct a neutral inspection of a neutral freeport does not go against established protocol, and enables the Zaibatsu to reach out to the wider cluster. Despite the not-insignificant criticism of Kalaratiri’s sympathetic views towards the Angel Cartel, Zaibatsu diplomatic procedure demands some restraint to avoid knee-jerk reactions and allow individuals of questionable organizations a chance to display honor in a first meeting.

Overall, the Zaibatsu was seen as the appropriate third party to conduct the inspection, although others would prefer a representative of the Federal Navy to do their own inspection. Zaibatsu personnel have already been gathered and deployed to help with the inspection. The bulk of the selected personnel hails from the Myrskytuuli Regiment, while another large proportion are trainee custom officers of the recently formed Peacekeeper Division. This inspection serves as an excellent opportunity for recruits to gain some field experience in hunting for any contraband, performing I.D. checks, and more. It is undetermined how long it will take for both freeports to be fully investigated.

The team will be divided in two in order to search both at the same time. This is to avoid the owners from packing up a structure before teams move in and put it all back the moment they leave. Kalaratiri is granting the team full access to the citadel to search, the only exception being any of the fitted modules. This means everything is open to Zaibatsu eyes for inspection, including hangars, docking ports, the medical center and any data stored in the freeports’ computers. Alongside the Zaibatsu, there is the potential of other third parties (mostly in the form of individual Capsuleers) pitching in to aid with the inspection. This comes after Kalaratiri openly invited anyone with suspicions to join and see for themselves what’s being stored aboard the freeports.

ZANIE reporters accompanying the inspection team got in contact with the Capsuleer Kalaratri. The big question is what exactly her reason is for being all the way out here. Many parties suggest a hidden dark motive,due to her sympathetic ties to the Cartel, but as stated the Zaibatsu is giving the pilot a chance to show honor and transparency rather than tossing them aside. That said, Kalaratiri is operating in Thebeka for a reason, and as such a ZANIE reporter lucky enough to get in contact with Kalaratiri posed the question.

This was Kalaratiri’s answer

"I’m involving myself in the Thebeka situation because I feel I can be a great help to the people who need it. In any conflict there are those caught in the middle, the civilians, the refugees; I want to provide what aid to them I can. I have both the means and the will, so I feel I must.

As for the goal of recovering Lord Numayr, successful recovery of the local authority will likely do more to bring about a return to peace than almost anything else could."

  • Kalaratiri

Just as Kalaratiri is showing trust to the Zaibatsu to search their freeports, the Zaibatsu will trust that Kalaratiri is being honest.

ZANIE will be on standby to report on this situation if it develops any further.