Really angry about the Gallente Shuttle

No, go away.

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Why are you here? Go away yourself. :rofl:

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I didn’t know Beechcraft was “the majority of light aircraft.” Thanks for the tip. What planes do you fly?

You mean the most prolific manufacturer of light aircraft in the world?

According to you the most light aircraft are fabric trainers.

What airframe manufacturer do you work for?

Sorry I have way better things to do right now than explain aeronautical engineering to you in a joke thread about a space game. lmao. merry Christmas.

Professor, how many atmospheres can the spaceship take?

“Oh, between 0 and 1.”


Good job you dont have to.

Your joke understanding of it is very funny.

your just now noticing we are in space and your only problem is a shuttle has wings that are designed wrong? there more than that wrong with this whole space theme.

Lolwut. A Piper Arrow is the only Beech you’ve flown? Troll better.

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Good read thank you :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Hey Op. You would be the star in the star citizens forums. Please go there and tell them all about the idiocy of fighter plane shaped spaceships!

Thank you in advance! Don’t forget to link the thread here!



They have sound in space. Why are you not insanely rage-induced by that?


The fact the Gallente shuttle has wings that don’t do anything but can still fly is contrary to the first law of thermodynamics therefore proof that The Gallente Shuttle did not evolve it had a creator.

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Good eye. :slight_smile: A Beech 18, but I wasn’t officially checked out on it. Needs a PPC

Damn Rex, now I will be even more sleepless over the holidays. Stop putting ideas in my head :smiley:

It is looking fine. It doesnt go into atmosphere and gallente designers use specific esthetic.

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Basically all our ships are spheric.
Look at the form of the shields.
And the shield withstand trendemous amount of punishment so probably all ships are atmospheric flight capable.


Sure. When you ignore that the shields could also be wiped and when you also ignore that the ships aren’t spheres, then, yes indeed, all ships are basically spheres as long as we ignore that they’re not. You’re right.