many times but positioning is important, and it has to deal with the overview. basically, if there is a nuet gang by you and one slightly off that, th e only real way not to shoot the friendly neut group is to sort by tickers. thus, removing them basically ends up making both enemies, even though out of or in game you may of arranged something else
I am saying, that these rates are arbitrary because they are so large, and that if they were smaller, they would matter more.
whats in local is not relative to the battle itself (as you dont call targets from local, and there is practical way of distinguishing who is who that does not make management a serious chore).
most of the time they are doing this already, with the lead calling out the macro game pay (directly fleet so and so here and so and so there as opposed to calling targets or coordinating with other fleets doing xyz).
I dont know if you have done fc’ng on this macro level, but its insanely hard to manage all of this with out the tickers, they were originally added for this specific reason.
lets back up for a moment and take another objective position, because i am open to other idea’s of how this should be tackled, but i believe the major reasons for alliances to create coalitions are military in nature, though some of them do have economic benefit, those (renter) alliances are not usually made for the same purpose, and generally are not as abusive.
I believe the solution is breaking up the desire to have the relationships, based on military principle, thus i am advocating for more complex fleet engagements as a method to invalidate large naps, and i am advocating for a reduction in the size of alliances and corps to both increase the amount of alliances and further reduce those sizes.
I would love to find ways to support things like renting, by having more official polical relationships like “subjugation” or “protectorate” treaties, which would involve taxation of one alliance over another and various advantages and disadvantages, and i would even advocate that subjugation treaties were forced when beating an enemy in war for a period of a year paying a set % of its income mechanically to its dominating alliance.
Iv put a bit of though into this, and i feel that the most effective way to invalidate blue donuts is militarily, directly through eve’s combat system.