Rebalance Incursion Mothership Sites


Will CCP consider this as a griefplay tactics? No matter how much we talk here, it’s no use.

But I doubt if they even know about this problem.

This Post has only given the satisfaction to the person/people that placed the contract that it is causing the damage as intended the Chaos Continues…

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Elephant in the room is that incursions (like missions) need to be redone from the ground up :sweat_smile:

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I doubt that will happen, this stuff is so old and so huge and most of the guys who did originally program it aren’t even around amy more. I can’t imagine CCP touches that again.

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In terms of sites spawning, both the deadspace sites and the focus themselves. CCP has shown they are quite capable in adjusting or fixing them. Last year there was a day or two where the respawns in the sites were broken and they were able to correct the error pretty quickly.

I highly doubt it. Seems to me it’s Emergent Gameplay.

What is it you want here? The ability to run Incursions by your rules to your schedule for your benefit?

You want the payouts from hisec Incursions, under CONCORD rules, all for your little group?

That’s not how eve works my dude.

That’s not what is being requested, simply time for people to stage, and put up a counter. Pretty much every other type of content has a minimum window where the event doesn’t go away. Insurgencies are the latest example. Doesn’t need to be long, 1-2 days of actual time, not just whenever it spawns plus some influence grinding. Right now its not realistically counterable by any viable means.

OK, I’m no expert on Incursion mechanics, how long between when the incursion starts and when the mothership site becomes available?

Running the mothership as soon as it spawns is an option.

Each incursion site decreases the influence (negative penalties on a system) by a percentage for each one completed, once enough has been done the influence is ground down to 0% and the mothership site spawns. A majority of groups are in VGs and Assaults and move and start running right away, so the influence depending on time zones last maybe at most a 3-5 hours.

That factor is what is being debated on being changed. The exact reasons for popping it early are different each time, but this has happened many times in the past, sometimes by people who run the incursions themselves. Grudges, vendettas, for the hell of it, you know typical EVE type stuff. The majority of incursion runners want to make isk and run sites as much as they can obviously, a lot of people disagree for, what seems to me at least, to be RP reasons or they don’t care for the playstyle, although take advantage of the mechanics of the PvE to mess with people. Unlike a lot of EVE players who would set the bar high for what they want, multiple focuses, increased spawns, not being able to pop it till the last day of its natural despawn, etc. I am trying to take a realistic balanced approach, currently incursion runners are being extorted for isk, and denied the means to make that isk, its not a plan that will work out long term for anyone, and likely effect the economy via LP supply issues (lots of concord capital mods are only supplied through this LP, and some stores such as ORE are only viable to make use of through concord LP).

ok, so why not run the mothership as soon as it’s available to avoid the scenario that’s causing you angst?

from what i can see, the argument against doing so is to milk the incursion for as much ISK and LP as possible.

except they’re not being extored unless they choose to allow themselves to be extorted…

they don’t have to pay. all they have to do is complete the mothership asap and the extorters get nothing. do that half a dozen times and the extorters will probably lose interest and move onto something else.

in any case, from what’s been posted, sounds like they can contest the site and get the payout regardless.

i really do not see the problem here.

Yes, the disagreement is on a fundamental level I can’t and am not going to attempt to convince otherwise.

The problem is other similar activities in Eve that have been introduced since Incursions have a minimum time in which they cannot be ended, allowing for any interested party to effectively ‘farm’ until it ends.
The newest variant of this is Insurgencies - which allow players from both sides of FW to farm LP for a period of time prior to it ending.
You can make the argument that Insurgencies are pvp etc etc but really there is more multiboxing in them than there is in Incursions, with little actual pvp.

The argument then should be “it’s too safe, the two aren’t comparable” - my response is yes, I agree
I fully support making it less safe, but how do you do this while making it balanced.


Anyone warping to a hisec or lowsec incursion site (or punching the gate) gets a suspect timer.

Do you even play EVE? or you just like to argue in forum?

Content what you said already exists.

Also, making suspect goes beyond the essence.

I don’t think being a part of safety is legitemate gameplay honestly. They should remove this from the game.

To feed your damaged self, through bullying people online, writing blogs about it while ‘roleplaying’ is no less than mentally ill. Aiko should not be enabled in her dysfunctional behavior. Sociopathic even.

Are you talking to me?

Oh i play. Mostly in j-space or lowsec. Just not on this character.

Beyond the essence of what?

That would make sense for the higher tier sites, like the kundi itself, but not so much for the lesser ones. Comparing that mechanic to something like abyssal filaments.

He is ESL, which is a very large chunk of the incursion community.

Aha, so it’s beyond the essence of being able to farm idiotic amounts of ISK and lp in almost perfect safety?

You are free to farm it yourself. As it’s content available to all :slight_smile:

Fair is fair :slight_smile: