Recent Patch Huge Buff for Suicide Gankers, THANKS CCP! <3

Is the bumper being playing in a social way, arethe multi-boxer gankers playing a social game?

  1. How?
  2. Not easy to do
  3. Scouts will tell you that someone is there so you dock and log, webbers can be negated by a suicide point.

I don’t see anything above that indicates who the freighter pilot can get better when being bumped, which is my question and which you have not answered at all.

Pointing out the issues of the bumping and getting emotive replies by others is actually fairly interesting.

I have lost a thrasher to gankers once, does that count?

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Ah, an entire post just proving my point about you being too stubborn to improve your own gameplay. Instead, you’d rather derail and discuss other things that don’t involve you improving your gameplay.

Thank you for proving my point about you being too stubborn to get better at the game. :slight_smile:

As compared to a nullbear in an alliance that blues everyone? You obviously aren’t able to look at killboards, you might come across a number of kills alongside Test, and when PL tried to kick Tactical Supremacy out of their space in Catch, I had the second most kills in the campaign and the most points in all of my alliance. So do call me a hisec carebear again so I can chuckle at you, LOL.

But what happens if that is his fun, not my cup of tea, but is this really a sandbox when such a poor mechanic likes this turns it into a boring dock up and wait it out fest.

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LOL am I also a coward for fishing for trout when there are much larger, more dangerous fish I could be going after? :rofl:

Also, somebody’s gotta kill all these retrievers. I’ll do my part. :smiling_imp:

You have absolutely no idea mate. Do you know Fawlty7? Well when I joined his alliance there was a block on carrier ratting, but he said to me that I of course could because I knew what I was doing. So who do I take, a top line FC who happens to be a Legacy FC, or a line member of Test to define how good I am?

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And just more insulting, name calling, and derailing. You still refuse to take responsibility for your own gameplay, make some friends, and learn how to pilot a freighter safely through highsec.

Instead, you love to try and attack the very people offering you advice and support on how to improve your gameplay. Such a disappointment, but at this point, very expected.

Maybe one day, you will htfu for real. We can all dream. :slight_smile:

You decided to call me a hisec carebear which showed a complete lack of knowledge and was rather insulting, so I gave it back to you and then pointed out what I have done, least I could do for someone in Test.

I play hard, which is why I expect the game to be hard, not made easy with such a mechanic. That you cannot understand that in terms of my attitude is where the issue is but I think we have exhausted this because you have your opinion and I have mine.

I spent seven months operating in a system in Stain where we are out-numbered and out-gunned starting from when I was about 7 months into the game. Going out in a system and operating with people actively trying to blow me up. Not docking up and waiting it out with a intel channel like you.

By the way I like Test a lot.

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Strange how the 'community hid a post critical of Dracvlad - he must be an expert at the use of forum alts, cuz I don’t know anyone, and I mean anyone, that ever agrees with him.


I don’t really understand what @Runa_Yamaguchi says she used to do, but is this really such a huge boon? Couldn’t you simply stockpile shuttles (not rookie ships) when you wanted to do this at a citadel before?

Tell me again how you aren’t a carebear?

Yes, but now the ship is FREE! It’s like you gank someone and CCP says, “Thank you, here is a free piece of tritanium!”


You can’t use shuttles to pull Concorde. You need Vetts…

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Yeaahhhh, and I’m sure a few people did on occasion, but I’d still call not having to do that a huge boon.

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Really? If you’re on a criminal timer already, you just undock in any ship right?

LOL, no, you’re mistaken. There are plenty of players that do like him and don’t care at all whether what he says is true or makes sense.

Actually, many of those supporters are not even able to understand the intricacies of the discussions that take place or willing to verify whether what he says is true. They simply like the fact that he pushes in the forums for changes they want too, and that’s all they care about…

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No I didn’t say if the timer was already running…I said to pull Concord…

Nice try…

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Ah ok. Not trying. I’m not a ganker, so was just curious.


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While this in my opinion is taking it too far, you can not balance mechanics around a few people who use the system to their advantage and in return punish all the people who play the game within reasonable limits. That again would just be silly.

And once again to be clear. I am not saying that ccp never made changes that gankers also benefit from and addressing those things is totally fine with me.

The only issue I have here is this:

CCP a long time ago increased the DPS of all destroyers. A buff that everyone who uses a destroyer benefits from.

Now if you were to go ahead and say “Hey CCP, destroyers are totally out of line in regards to their overall performance!” based on the buff they recieved, I would totally be on board with it.

However what you do is:

“Hey CCP, destroyers are totally out of line, so lets nerf bumping”. Which I could never get on board with.

I hope you can see what I am getting at here.


Not sure what you mean. I used low sec to help the OP there think in terms of no safety anywhere, because whatever would work to avoid being killed in low sec would work to avoid being killed in high sec too, only in high sec it’s MUCH easier because of CONCORD.

LOL, what? Can you not understand a thing you read? What did I say that would have anything to do with protecting the bumper or whatever it is that you’re talking about?