Redesigning Audio in Hangars

  • This is a final boarding call for the regular InterBus flight GA 301 to Luminaire Federation Customs Assembly Plant. All remaining passengers please proceed immediately to boarding at gate C-03.

More different voices. More woman voices (they are better). Should not be too monotonous.


If I could offer just one piece of advice. The sound of duct tape being pulled off the roll every time a Minmatar ship is repaired would be it.


“Unclaimed datacores in the lab. Please check-in with your research agent.”

“Will the owner of a red and white Basilisk, please report to docking bay 32… your capacitor is leaking.”

“Attention shoppers… all Nanite Repair Paste is now half off. Act fast, quantities limited.”


Caldari Hangars:

Station Advisory, explosive decompressive evacuations taking place in Residential block BR5. Expert Housing Corp would like to remind all customers to not let rental payments lapse.

  • Set main laser batteries to aut-fire cycle D set engines ahead flank on collision course,this is commander: To All Amarr People,we will fight to last multifrequency crystal,we will now collide our apocalypse navy issue on drifter battleship in hope to destroy it,we cant escape,we cant win,fly safe!.

when we enter industry window to do manufacturing or inventing we should hear factory sounds sush engine pistons,machinery working,maybe some steam exhausts.


For Amarr, it would make sense there’d be more of a religious indoctrination theme. I took some of the words below from the Amarr Scriptures

[Amarr Empire] The great Amarr Empire was founded to cultivate the spirit of man. Are you doing your part?

[Amarr Empire] Faith may be your armor, but extra plating never hurt. Get yours checked today.

[Amarr Empire] The word of the Lord is pure. Our faith is our fire.

For the Caldari, the station announcements should reflect the ethos and maybe even product focus of the parent corporation. Lai Dai are “patriots” and developers of cloning tech, Ishukone more “liberal” and they pioneered capsuleer tech thanks to their Jovian contacts. It’d be nice to see this reflected in the announcements.

[Caldari - Lai Dai] One State. One People. Lai Dai leads the way.

[Caldari - Lai Dai] Don’t forget. Update your clone status, today with Lai Dai. Making the new you, possible.

[Caldari - Ishukone] Ishukone. The gateway to endless possibility.

[Caldari - Ishukone] Ishukone is the light leading the way for the Caldari State.


“Any unattended Catalysts must be reported to the nearest DED officer”

“Antimatter containment vessels must be must have an inspection seal no more than 3 months old”

“The management would like to remind all travellers that the use of electronic jamming equipment in the hangar area is strictly prohibited”

Amarr (and adjust as necessary for other factions):
“All arrivals from Minmatar systems must report to customs area 51”


“To the Two Major’s currently parked in Hangar 14 threatening to fire on each other. Either of you are suppose to be there! One of you goes to hangar 41, the other to 114. Please admit your mistake and relocate.”

Player Owned Stations:
“To All Pilots. Please remember that your perosnal collection of Capsuleer Corpses must be kept on ice. The smell from Hangar 69 is causing an investigation.”


I for one am very excited you guys are taking some time to focus on audio, because I think it really is a missed opportunity in this game.

While I welcome all improvements to audio…

Rather than faction specific sounds… You guys should really consider bringing to the discussion table, the possibility of focusing on the engine noises first… Engines IRL sound so cool, propulsion is cool!!! Check out a flight simulator like DCS world and hop in a jet… spool all the engines up and get that thing ready to take off and you will be treated to a symphony of pure blissful engine audio.

In eve this could be possible with some vision and elbow grease…
We could have different ship sizes have different engine sounds to represent their mass and the propulsion drives to push them… You could have engine sounds that make unique climbing and decelerating tones… and of course some really awesome audio and spool up for warping has long been something that I think is missing in this game.

The audio for engines, afterburners, micro warp drives and doing long range jumps and entering warp or acceleration gates could all have their own unique sounds… but sadly in the current state of the game I find it to be lackluster.

I think when a new player first is able to afford their first cruiser, or their first battleship, or their first capital… Hopping in the thing for the first time and hearing new awesome engine sounds, and warp sounds that really drive towards convincing the player of the ships mass and the propulsion required to push that mass… Would really do a lot for the players experience.

Audio is really an untouched playground of possibilities in this game… and I think the route to go in improving that starts with ENGINES and PROPULSION and WARP sounds… And then maybe goes to weapon sounds from there.

You need to make these ships believable… like something tangible… We don’t have interiors we can walk around, we don’t have physical ship bays we can interact with… at least give us some juicy audio for the engines and the ships!!!

Totally doable, and would add much to this game imho.

GL to you o7


clear voices are not necessary, as they quickly get bored. because of the cyclicality will irritate


Can we have the AMERICA ■■■■ YEAH memes for the gallente ?


Amarr All faithful are reminded that the Purity Chapel will be closed for the next week for remodeling; proper piety can be observed at either one of the adjacent chapels.

Caldari All employees are reminded that reduced lighting and energy use promotes corporate safety and worker retention.

Minmatar The wearing of full vacuum suits in reduced environment areas is a regulation, not a suggestion.

Gallente The Station Art Council reminds everyone that the free verse poetry contest will start in one hour in Pleasure Room Blue located on Shopping Level 3.

All Due to increased tensions, Station Command reminds all passengers and crew to have their next of kin officially certified.


eve has sound?


“If you have met with an unfortunate accident, Please remember to upgrade your clone.” any i know it isn’t faction specific but i mean come on.

Please as a double easter egg throw back!

“Duct Tape Shipment now arriving in the hanger bay” - Minni
accidental announcement “No sir that isn’t rust falling off the station that is actually part of the Minimtar republic fleet…Oh did i press shout key again.” - minni

“Please dispose of exotic dancer corpse appropriately” -Gal

I need to go back and tend to my kid but if i think of anymore ill try to edit this.


Inspiration. There are some fun lines in Destiny.

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For Gallente:

Some simple lore behind this:
Gallente Federation is hedonistic and decadent democracy, with almost all services aimed at citizen consumerism, or secret government projects, spy agencies and mercenary contracts. Their stations should be very friendly to visitors, with slight manipulative pro-consumerism subtones.

“Welcome to this Gallente Federation station. We are sure you will leave satisfied.”

“We would like to remind all visitors, that Pleasure Hubs are located on Deck 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C and 4D. VIP area is located next to Space Observation Lounge on deck 69.”

“Are you low on credits? Bank of Luminaire offers low-interest loans to any citizen of the Federation. You can find our office on deck 47B, opposite to CreoDron demonstration area.”

“Do you love freedom? Do you love democracy? Show your conviction! Federal Defense Union is in need of brave pilots to fight for the Federation! Protect our ideals and our space from the Caldari! Contact the nearest recruitment center!”

“We are reminding all citizens, that it is your right to express your opinion on the services offered in this station. You can contact your local senator or start a petition at the office of the Senate on deck 1A.”

“We would like to remind all visitors, that Fire Arms and slavery are prohibited in this station.”

“We would like to remind all visitors, that FedMart shopping district is located at deck 1B, 1C and 1D.”

“We would like to remind all visitors, that children under 14 years of age are forbidden from entering decks 2 to 4 and 46 and higher. These decks are restricted to adults only.”

“Are you feeling unwell? Is your body bothering you today? Visit Poteque Pharmaceuticals store at deck 4F, you will leave a new man!”

“From nimble Atron-class frigates, ideal for scouting and escort missions, to majestic and durable Megathron-class battleships serving on the front lines, Roden Shipyards is here to provide you the vessels you need to protect the Federation you love. Contact our office on deck 6D to formalize a contract today!” Disclaimer: Personal ownership of capital ships is restricted in high-security space. Contact our offices in low-security systems for inquiries concerning Thanatos-class and Moros-class vessels."

For Intaki Syndicate:

Just simple text from in-game Intaki corporation descriptions to justify the announcements:

The Intaki Bank has seen brisk business in the decade since it decided to keep the names on all accounts secret and inaccessible to anyone. Everyone knows that dirty money pours in and out of the bank, but the general consensus of the Syndicate is that if it doesn’t provide this service, then someone else will.
Intaki Syndicate now serves as an important link between the empires and the illegal elements in the outer regions. Syndicate space is a pirate haven but still retains enough civility to allow pretty much anyone to travel there for business. Its markets are always chock full of contraband goods and illegal wares that are hard or impossible to come by elsewhere.

“We bid you welcome to this Syndicate station. Before conducting business in this station, please report to Intaki Commerce office on deck 1A for Trade Permit.”

“Attention all visitors. If you encounter any crime in this station, please contact nearest Intaki Space Police officer without delay. Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Do you want your transactions to stay safe from prying eyes of the empire intelligent agencies? Do you plan to invest into more risky business? Intaki Bank is here to provide safe and untraceable transactions for everyone. You can find Intaki Bank offices in the financial area on decks 8 and 9.”

“Attention all visitors, any acts of aggression in this station will be met with lethal force.”

“Attention all visitors, please keep your Fire Arms secured and hidden at all times.”

“Attention all visitors, be careful when travelling through local space, your safety cannot be guaranteed! Please report any hostile activity to your nearest Intake Space Police office and keep your distance from armed vessels.”

“Attention all visitors, business lounge and surveillance-free rooms are located on deck 36.”
“Attention all visitors. Please consider using our secure and anonymous terminals when connecting to local fluid router network.”

Edit: Typos


Ok, so this is a great opportunity to forever alter the dynamic player engagement with New Eden. Messages can be situational to the condition of the Structure. If the structure is Low Power ambiance and messaging can alter reflecting that. Same goes for structures under siege.


@CCP_Dopamine I sincerely appreciate that the Devs are working a variety of game areas and there are teams for specific purposes. While I do enjoy the graphic and audio updates across the game it does seem more emphasis is on Form than Function.

Right now according to CCP’s own data and CCP Hilmar statement in multiple forums, shows and videos, EvE loses 90% of new players within the first week. While this game enjoys a solid core of loyal veterans, EvEs growth is severely stunted and may have a crippling effect on future development.

Development of Aether Engine, the remaining structures already planned and future content like we saw with the Triglavians has gone almost completely silent. It is my hope that word of these and other developments will be coming out of EvE Vegas. I look forward to more years of EvE with an expanding story.



  • Repair Crew 10 please report to Hangar 7. Ship with Sleeper damage incoming. Repair 10 to Hangar 7.
  • Station Section 72 evacuated due to Fedos infecting the ventilation system.


  • Fleet Repair Crew needed in Bay 17. I repeat: Duct tape squad to Bay 17.

For All New Eden

when Ship is distroy by Triglavians

“Welcome beck invetion serviver batter luck next time.”

When pilot is Success full in invation

“You are Good in your Skills Bless your self with invation loot.”