Redus Taw for CSM 19

There’s ways in any game that separate new players from experienced players. Eve has Mechanics, Skill Training, and Game Knowledge. These make sense and are a part of the game. Running multiple characters though is enabled partially by the eve client and partially by third parties. It’s not naturally a part of the game. I don’t care for this third party feature further separating the new players from the experienced players. We have to tell new people… okay learn how to fly, take time to train up your skills, gain general knowledge of the game, and also download some third party app and multibox. It’s out of place. Everyone should be controlling a fleet or one character at a time.

What are concerned about?

You do realize you can multibox without 3rd party right? I dont have any 3rd party apps and i can run 2 clients at the same time. Alts/multiboxing has been a core concept in eve as long as i can remember

Yes. The third party apps are popular though. What reasons do you have for keeping multiple accounts?

Salvager behind my runner.

I also use an alt to scout ahead.

Most of all my other alts are SOE arc alphas to share the standings

  1. ok i agree fk the negative side effects

7 dude u need to join Rodney’s fleet and see why we use drag bubbles. look for his naga fleets. its a legit tool of pvp.
8 fair, it could warn you theres no highsec route.
9 Solo cap…with reasonable saftey. so that can be done…in carriers… basically find lonely isolated system, set up a POS (NOT A CITADEL. the aggression timer will fk you with a citadel). and be always aligned. the moment u see someone in system jump. then call fighters to you. This also works in WHs and is reasonably safe. (minus lack of local)

this sadly doesnt work with dreads as siege mode means your on the highway to hell till its done.
and crabbing beacons…are like having a lit cyno. no saftey unless u got friends.

Right so getting rid of alts isn’t supposed to be a delete and we’re done. I/we would need to look at any/all reasons to have alts and then make changes so you can do the same thing with a single character. So you wouldn’t need a salvager or a scout (ability to scan adjacent systems), I don’t get the SoE thing, but there’s plenty of reasons that have to be looked into. Scouting ahead in incursion areas is crucial and what about cynos? So, it would be an overhaul to move scouting abilities into single characters in some way.

It doesn’t need to be looked into. Period.

I will scout your way to wherever you want in your capital (or super, even better), that took you at least a few years to get, and make sure you stay safe from point A to point B.

No one will ever know the route, or where we are going. Trust me. We are space friends.

I can’t tell if this is real or a troll.

Poe’s law?



What questions do you have about my campaign?

? What do you mean?