Refinery's new warp option?

Astero with Combats not being Gimped in fitting? thats a new one

also this was about a covert ops and a cov ops is clearly a frigate you could also always just fly a loki or legion if you like diversity i dont know or maybe a t3d wich is about the same strengh if not weaker to a AF?

So, you want to be able to warp around, uncloaked, in proximity to a presumably hostile structure, and just magically land on top of ships in order to violence them?

Seems legit.

(That was sarcasm in case you didn’t get it.)

Well, the demand for other minerals didn’t suddenly go down, and neither did the demand for moon minerals. Which means there are actually more people out there mining now than there were before, otherwise supply would be drying up or prices would be skyrocketing. Econ 101.

Making you work for content is not the same as taking it away. And it’s not really even that much work. It’s no different than attacking miners in an ice belt or other extended location. Warp to the refinery at 100 in something cloaky, find a warpable rock near a target, warp to it, commence violence. That’s, what, 10 extra seconds? No combat probes necessary. Or if you’re insistent on using non-cloaky ships for your violence, do that in a cloaky scout and use it as a warp-in.

This is pretty basic stuff here.

You mentioned warping to the refinery they were mining at. A 'dictor pilot can drop a drag bubble in-line with the miners and the refinery. If they try to warp to the refinery to tether up, they get dragged past it into the bubble instead. But you’re right, if there are multiple structures in-system, you can’t really cover them all.

You could, of course, have a cloaky scout provide you a warp-in and just bubble them in place.

My point in all of this is that there are ample ways to bag moon miners if you’re on top of your game. Not having a massive beacon that says “WARP TO ME TO LAND ON TOP OF MOON MINERS” doesn’t mean you can’t engage them, it just means you have to, you know, work at it.

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