One of the things I wish I could make clear to all is how PvPing in a game like Eve is not abuse. I don’t like to PvP myself, but sometimes it finds me and I die a horrible death, give my ‘gf’ in local, and go home to buy a new ship. That’s not abuse, that’s just life in Eve.
I try to live as peaceful an existence as I can within the game world. I do that by a combination of empathy and diplomacy. I don’t expect the game to just hand me peace on a platter. Sometimes my efforts work out. Sometimes they do not. Peace itself is an objective, and for the most part it is attainable, with some effort.
When war looms, I usually have an ally or two who’ll join in. Usually for free. What is war for me is content for them. They like me enough to help me because I was respectful, kind, and helpful when I didn’t have to be.
The more you provide absolute safety to people, the more boldly they will abuse that safety. The Eve community is a good one, those willing to be held accountable for their own actions. We come together to help people, mourn players who’ve left the world, donate to charity, and for other good causes. I find it hard to square up these noble virtues with the assertions of sociopathy.
CONCORD isolates and protects people from society. The stronger CONCORD and the harsher the punishments, the more selfish people can be without fear of retribution. Capsuleers should respect and even fear what their fellows could try to enforce upon them with sufficient motivation.
Attempting to hoover up resources and make isk without being accountable is an act of aggression. Taking resources from a system can hurt people. Other folks may need that stuff, too, and should be able to fight for it if they deem it necessary to protect their interests.
Eliminate highsec PvP and I have little doubt we’d see a temporary increase in players, but in the long term, people will just be bored. They will realize that nothing they do makes a difference, and no one can do anything to them that would make a difference.
We should let people make their own choices. We should influence them with ours, for better or for worse (in game). Some balance in favor of new players is welcome and warranted, but outright immunity would be terribly unhealthy, and making it impossible for new players to pony up the cost and infrastructure to engage in PvP is also hurting more than it helps.
Suicide ganking is one of the few options to PvP in highsec still open to new players. Not all new players are industry focused. PvP newbies need options that have impact on their world (read: impact on other players), too.