Let me explain it to you.
I’m a paying player of 150 Omega accounts. I am entitled to make simple requests of ccp, just like everyone else. Your negative attitude towards me has no bearing on any topic, anywhere outside of your own mind.this is a civilized world where people communicate ideas with constructive words.
Crawl back into your back world hideout until you’re mature enough to handle civilization.
That being said, until there is an explanation within lore as to why, all of these rebuttals are purely conjecture. Not one person on either of my threads speaks for ccp.
I, on the other hand, am speaking for a lot of people. Including myself. You may not agree, but I think the pure venom I’ve seen these last 24 hours is why people don’t make these suggestions publicly.
Players prohibit feedback here. It’s disgusting.
Less talking, more crayon drawing.
Or did you realize you can’t even draw a crayon drawing to explain your argument?
You being a lazy moron is not compelling reason for why CCP should make Triglavian skillbooks remotely injectable. In fact, if, instead of bitching in this entire threat, you’d gone out to go get the book, you could have done so today!
But instead, you’re such a piece of miner trash that you can’t let yourself pull away from the spodbrain for even the 5 minutes it would have taken you to go get the book from Jita.
I got the skillbooks before I even made this thread.
The Charon 1, Scoots Choco 0
Yes. He’s saying its time for that to change.
I believe that’s called an own goal. Since you’ve demonstrated there is no difficulty in getting them.
Now drop rates could be changed, the destroyer being the rarest ship drop isn’t good as it devalues everything larger than destroyer.
And the t2 books have crazy low drop rates.
Only those that are available on fixed price.
What NPC is going to sell that Triglavian skillbooks?
And I’m saying he hasn’t provided a compelling reason for that change.
“I am lazy, please change this for me” is not a compelling reason.
That you are very very greedy?
Grind bears always are.
Yeah. Thing is, its not like hes even going to use the skills.
He just wants everything because he was never told “no”.
they get really irate and go apeshit if they’re crossed if only a tiny bit. Toying with folks like that is half the fun in EVE, to me anyway.
Yeah… erm… No. You don’t produce a thing with ore, you do it with “minerals”. The “moon ores” will have these “minerals” too as well as the usual reaction mats. Oh wait - you want to take away the shite ores and give me moons of 100% yield in moon goo? Ok… sure… if you’re twisting my arm I’ll accept it… sniggers
Also, so what? Moons won’t have sh1t-tier ores any more? Oh boo hoo hoo!
You will have to go to gasps! more than one place with your AFK-mining Orcas? ERMAGERD!!!
Botter confirmed.
No. You’re not. Seriously, you really really are fkn not.
FK YOU! You are speaking for you and YOU ALONE. Do NOT try to pull that sh1t here you pretentious, immature, fcktard of a cun7. You do NOT speak for anyone but yourself.
Wanker. Try starting that sh1t and you can fk off.
since you want to appeal to lore, the lore is they don’t have the books, so sod off and go schlepp to the market and buy them like everyone else
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