Isn’t that already happening?
Dirty Renters…
–(Faux) Disgusted Gadget
Not needed.
You can already play eve in full for free if you are willing to accept you won’t gain skills. If you extract your skills and sell the injectors, you’ll make enough to pay for that account to continue subbing.
It takes a tiny amount of time… but you can already play with full skill use for free if you accept not getting more skills.
Alpha now. After the 2017 patch is in a great state. Don’t give anything nor take anything from it
In reguards of previus Omega clones that became Alphas: they have a cap of 20.4mil Skill points:
-If they had less then the amount let them hold the skills they already had, but no any more progress on them
-If they had more let them choose which skills to hold till the 20.4mil cap
Should be fair
You can’t let alpha accounts have passive income generating skills.
The biggest drawback to an alpha account is the fact you can’t have it logged on at the same time as other accounts. But if I could create a slew of Reaction alts… or PI alts… or manufacturing alts… or research alts… or any other type of alt that can earn income for tasks started while logged in but continued while not logged in… you’ve got a problem.
With a 1 month sub, I can train 3 toons to do PI well enough to generate over a billion isk worth of income each month… requiring me to log that account in once or twice a week to reset extraction and once or twice a month to haul planetary materials.
I don’t think it’s wise to make that accessible to free accounts. Passive income of all kinds needs to be kept away from free accounts.
You can’t either have a F2P mechanics that just allows you to stay docked couse you can’t do anything but rat or mine ore in a venture. If you don’t wanna remove the latest
Sure you can.
Rat for isk. Use isk to buy plex. Play as an omega.
Completely free… but requires grind. Or pay to play without the grind. Once you get Omega the first time, you can train and set up more passive isk generation methods like PI or reactions or research or invention or whatever. That makes it even less of a grind to plex. However playing that way will result in you having a lot less isk to use… but that’s the trade off/
100% of content is available for all… as you can get omega status using in-game currency.
Now you rat for isks. And fairly well. Restrict nowdays alpha mechanics and Bam: farming gets slower and more tedious making it not worthwhile
Actually that section doesn’t address the “rental” question at all, the section that addresses “rental” is 9.a and 9.b. But even that isn’t a “rental” as renting something actually transfers property rights. Accessing EvE explicitly gives no property rights.
That section, 10.b, says that CCP owns the names “Tekos Pech” and “Goonswarm” and the Goon Bee logo.
Things and Stuff
News at 11:00
that’s because moon mining is no longer an afk empire, now they actually have to haul people away from their fleets and have people log on to mine, on my alpha I watch moon fields rot that im not allowed to mine.
So you want free players to tank the t2 prices, lower then before the moon mining changes? Because thats what will happen.
Demand for t2 things are pretty much the same as before, the diffference is that alot more people are mining it now, spreading it over more people and with the introduced reproccesing on moon ore, prices should be higher then before. So the production chain it self is alot slower then before and alot more people are involved, that ussually means prices will go up.
18m for a t2 bomber was like pissing in the face of the industry guys, now you can make alot more money on t2 stuff. Give alphas acces to barges and that profit will go away, because you will se multiboxing mining fleets all over. The only reason you dont see them all over now, is because most people dont wanna pay for 20 subs.
Keeping skills you trained for when you were omega and revert to alpha will be something I can see ccp do eventually so have patience OP.However what if you still can’t multibox because you’re an alpha?
i hardly call it more profit for the indy guys when they have to purchase those moon mats from the low and null guys and you still come out very slim margins, rather its 18m or 50m, if it was 17m to build before and you come out with 1m, and later its 49m to build and you come out 1m profit, the only people profiting are the ones getting the goo.
Indy guys are also miners you know…?
If you buy all your stuff from the people mining, sure, your profit margin proberly wont change. But the main difference is that everyone can get a piece of the pie now, without having to take down a fully armed POS and engage in open war with the powerblocks in low and null.
People would just "not go anymore omega when they have the skills they want tho
People would just "not go anymore omega when they have the skills they want tho
People would just "not go anymore omega when they have the skills they want tho
I thought the entire purpose was simply a slower skill training time. Then EA guy must have put in his 2 cents…
Seems you have contradicted your own reply
“Demand for t2 things are pretty much the same as before, the diffference is that alot more people are mining it now, …” then you say “18m for a t2 bomber was like pissing in the face of the industry guys, now you can make alot more money on t2 stuff.”
I think it fair to say that T2 demand is pretty much the same. I absolutely agree, a LOT more people are mining goo. You may want to factor in that before moon changes ONE person could passively mine a moon all month for anywhere from 1b-8b profit depending on materials mined. Post moon mining changes it takes dozens of miners to mine that same amount of material over a month.
Adding Alpha Barge pilots would to a tiny effect lower prices. Remember, right now each person can only have ONE alpha pilot active at a time. So, the Alpha pilot gets a taste of moon goo riches that bring him very near to PLEXing. He subs his toon for 6 months. Why? because he can create 2 more toons on same account and get PI going adding another 1b+ income for not much more effort.
Financial win for CCP as Alpha becomes at least a temporary Omega. More CCP income is possible via MCTs to get those PI toons up and running. It’s an EvE economic win by adding more supply side stability to the economy.