Remove suicide ganking from high sec

I’m not going to claim to be an expert on mining, but you should really only be flying Hulks in fleets where you can jetcan for pickup. The ore hold is small compared to the others and you’d spend a lot of time warping around.

I’d use a mackinaw if I’m solo mining and I think I’m fairly safe or I’d go to the Skiff if I wasn’t sure. More likely I’d move to another system and just keep using the mackinaw.

I 100% agree. Although since I’m a wormholer, I use d-scan on my K-space alt because it’s habit. :smiley:

Another good idea.

I think we agree for the most part.

I’m just tired of people demanding Eve be changed to fit their paradigm instead of them adjusting to the game.

Eve’s reputation is known. The first Hulkageddon was in 2010(?). Burn Jita happened in 2012, it was on the front cover of PC gaming magazines.

If you don’t like those things, don’t pick a game that has ganking in it. It would be like me complaining that NBA 2k20 has the three point shot in it and expecting it to change for me.

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I agree with you 100% pretty much.

I just wanted to make clear that a tank is not enough to save you. It is always a good idea, especially when people’s impulse is to fit for yield.

Paying attention is how you stay alive and that is not limited to mining :laughing:


What is wrong with you for deciding that developpers should completelly change their game just to suit your tastes no matter what they want for their game and what the already existing player base want for their game, instead of going into the legitimate process of choosing an other game that correspond to your tastes to begin with?

And how is that a problem?

Everyone in this game can think he/she is whatever he/she want, and enforce it.

Don’t agree with them?

Then moove your ass and so something to enforce your own rules on them (and potentially the rest of EvE).

That’s what EvE is about.

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Don’t need to gank now. Just wait in a trig system and let Steve do it for you

I’m a new-ish inexperienced player ( AKA a whining Noob or Cannon fodder ) and what this thread is telling me is this:

Don’t bother to mine until you can afford an Omega account and an insanely expensive mining ship and make sure you can sustain the cost of it for months if not years at the time while at the same time waiting for the training queue ( for months ) to be able to jump into either a huge expensive mining ship or a huge expensive “tank”, and have the skills and experience to fit them properly and just Fly’n’Pray your efforts haven’t been wasted on a ship that’ll get blown up before you can target the person that’ll roast you like a BBQ’ed sausage.
I guess we new players are S.O.L, cannon fodder until we decide to open our pocketbooks and spend that hard-earned cash = Pay2Win

Based on that analysis, this is what I, as a new player, recommend and will be doing:

– Mine until the ( free mining ) ship ( given in mission ) is destroyed then quit mining altogether until I can/want to pay for PLEX and/or Omega time then wait until all skills necessary to “properly” outfit a mining ship have been completed… I guess there won’t be many mining sorties in my near future :disappointed_relieved:

–Do some career missions until I have no more ships to throw at them, wait 'til I have enough money in the bank to buy PLEX —> ISK to be able to buy more ships… Not many Career Missions in the near future either :weary:

– Do some agents missions but only the Distribution part since you’ll need ships/Modules/Skills to accept the other types of missions… Many boring hours in the near future :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

– Stay logged out of EVE until such a time when there is enough money in the bank account to pay for Omega / PLEX / Ships / Injectors / Skill Books… Many hours spent on other games in the immediate future :rofl:

So basically, and while I have no qualms about it since this game isn’t all that great anyway, EVE is a Pay2Win game disguised as Skills2Win or
Experience2Win or Quit-Whining2Win or DontBeAnoob2Win…

Whatever floats y’all boats is okay with me and I’ll stop “whining” now and quit being such a worthless “noob” because the alternative is simple: Don’t Play, and that’s made very clear by the majority in this thread. It’s sound advice, really :ok_hand:

I’ll log in whenever it is I can buy PLEX since I have no ships left now, far from having enough ISK to buy a ship and very little modules left ( my god they’re SO expensive! ) either to mine or do anything else but fly around like a tourist so I think I’ll open my Mount&Blade Bannerlord shortcut and go slay some NPC’s :yum: I only thank God that EVE isn’t the only MMO out there.

If space is your thing, X4: Foundations is awesome! I highly recommend it to those who only want to pay for a game ONCE.
What was that about New Players’ Retention ? :roll_eyes: Don’t make me laugh, please.

Party on, peeps :man_dancing:


Eve is, and always has been a subscription-based MMO. The alpha clone let’s you participate, but all sorts of stuff is locked to you, especially when it comes to production activities in the shared universe.

No need to pout over that fact, but I’m also not sure how it relates to this thread. The only dedicated mining ship an Alpha can fly is the Venture, which is cheap, nimble and hard to catch. It is probably one of the easiest to avoid losing and the easiest to replace in terms of time mining to pay for itself.

Have fun in another game. I’m sure no one here will miss your whining and I doubt CCP will miss the $0 you are giving them. Eve isn’t for everyone, but I’m still constantly amazed people feel compelled to come here and announce that it is not for them like we should care.

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I’m not “pouting”, I’m simply contributing to this Forum with my opinion on the game. Unless I’m not allowed to do that either? BOY you’re tough! Not only am I not allowed to play but I’m not even allowed to state my opinion… talk about new-player friendly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Also, I’m not expecting nor do I want anyone to “miss me” on EVE servers :roll_eyes: I’m 50yo, would be time to be passed those kinds of childish things, don’t you think?

I can also tell by your response that my original post disturbed you enough to not only answer it but also try to demean me. That tells me enough about your character to be able to laugh you off as a frustrated troll who mindlessly attacks anything he doesn’t understand, for you clearly misunderstood my entire post, let alone the gist of it.

Get back to your ship and blow up a noob, I’m sure it’ll make you feel better when you see the kill on your stats :rofl:


Dunno where you got this from the venture is fine if it’s what you can fly and you don’t even have to train for it.

And yes, literally everything is better for Omega pilots. Alpha pilots are playing a limited demo version of the game.

Also everyone has waited months (or years) for their training objectives to be realised. Eve is not at its core an instant gratification game. You can buy that these days but it won’t work out as well as you expect.

Just subscribe/plex and be patient/learn like everyone else. Expecting you can pay to win in this game will lead to some real expensive disappointment. Omega is not paying to win, it’s just buying the game. Until you do that, you play the free demo version.

This is hyperbolic. Replacing a venture is trivial even as an hour old character. If you want to use better ships, you buy the game. The demo only offers the most basic options. It’s a demo.

Again this is hyperbolic. Replacing a frigate, destroyer, or cruiser is trivial. Nobody in this game ever needs to buy/sell PLEX for isk. Most players have not done this and never will and they are evidently doing fine.

Same old hyperbole.

Feel free to play other games if the demo version of Eve is not enough for you and you don’t want to buy the game.

You clearly aren’t educated enough on the subject matter to make this claim.

I dunno, your commentary says otherwise.

There are a great many very successful alpha players in Eve. We have a number in my corporation. They tend not to mine in ventures by the way, because if you’ve got friends to mine with a Praxis or a racial 8 turret battleship is superior. They’re way Harder to gank, too!

Changing the game to meet the expectations you’ve constructed in other games is:

  1. Clearly not going to happen when tens of thousands of concurrently logged in users and hundreds of thousands of active users have been entirely able to work within the game’s paradigms.
  2. Clearly not going to happen to appease a small number of vocal new players who may not even stay with the game anyway.

There are lots of resources for learning how this game works. Including the people trying to correct your assumptions on this forum. Eve is quite different from other games you’ve played and that is its strength. If you can’t make that adjustment and be successful, even as an alpha player, then maybe it’s not the game for you.

High sec is not and will never be the first zone in the theme park. This is not that game. Learning how to be successful in this game is rewarding. Hoping it’ll be made less challenging benefits no one.

Being dismissive and insulting makes you a troll too. It doesn’t make you better, you haven’t risen above anyone else. Neither is it righteous.

However distasteful you find someone’s comments, does not invalidate the lesson they are trying to teach.


So pay for an Omega Clone or stay Alpha and be a tourist… How is that not Pay2Win ??

Buying the game over and over and over again every month ( subscription for Omega ) HOLY CRAP that’s an expensive game when you add it all up !!

Better ships, better play experience = Buy the game ( over and over every month ) = Pay2Win

You clearly have no idea what I’m educated on. I’ve been gaming since DOS and I can recognize a Pay2Win game when I see one, especially such an obvious cash-cow as EVE.

I never mentioned “changing the game”. I was only posting an opinion. I know, opinions aren’t welcome in this day and age, only the accepted narrative is authorized. Fortunately, I’m not a Yes-Man.

Never mentioned that I wanted Hi-Sec to be a “theme Park”. I don’t know where you get that but your purpose is clear here, though misplaced: I’m not complaining, just, again, giving my opinion.

I’ve been successful on many games. It’s not a matter of self-respect for me, it’s only a matter of entertainment but the hard-core players in EVE community doesn’t seem to be able to understand that simple notion and that’s why EVE will never be a game for a wider range of players out there so there’s no need to pretend to want to retain new players. The entire idea of Player Retention is an insult to new players and, I think, to veteran players as well when only lip service is given to that notion.
EVE will be whatever the game devs decide it will be and the individual player can make up his/her mind about what EVE is to them… Or are we not allowed to do that as well, General EveIsNotPayToWin ?

Yes… Let him demean me without a reply. You people are something else :roll_eyes:


What do we win?

Yes, that’s the model…most players after 6-12 months PLEX their accounts anyways so…

Pay to play…better ships don’t mean squat in EVE…

I can recognize a Pay2Win

Great…then tell us what we win…

You people are something else

You’re pretty special too…

No it’s a subscription. Subscription MMORPGs have been around since about 1996. A subscription is not P2W. A subscription is how a game with ongoing running costs continues to finance those costs.

You pay for the game or you play the demo.

This is not a difficult concept.

No, you can’t. In fact you’re not even wrong.

Your opinion is misinformed and incorrect.

Eve doesn’t need to cater for everyone.

Eve knows what kind of game it is, and has seventeen years of success on which to back that up and move forward.

The only major mistake that CCP have made was the relatively addition of alpha clones. As now there’s this false expectation that alpha players are the default.

Eve has always been a subscription game. Subscribed players get full access. Demo players do not. That is not play to win. It’ll never be play to win, your assertion that it is play to win is an unfortunate and unjustified expectation of equal treatment on your part. Subscribers are the baseline, alphas are restricted.

But teacher! He did it first!

Nobody said you shouldn’t reply. You had the option to not respond in kind. Like an adult with developed social skills you could have responded in a way that didn’t just repeat the behaviour you allegedly found so offensive.

Thanks ! :hugs:

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I somehow doubt you’re a n00b, I reckon you know too much to be anything other than an existing player using a new account to beat any number of old drums…


You missed out Keeping and eye on Local and d-scan.

Both are available to Alphas, both do not cost any Skill Points, ISK or RL cash to use, and yet they are the best tools you have for mining safely.

I didn’t mean to start a whole interminable conversation on this thread about things you refuse to understand. I merely wanted to write my opinion, and I did. I have other things to do today, so have fun shutting down new players in these Forum and farewell in game :wave:

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farewell in game

Oh thank god…one less whiner…



:face_with_hand_over_mouth: No, I’m not leaving anything, I just have things to do today and no time to bandy words with people whose only joy is to insult others on Forums.

I’ll be playing EVE and be hanging out in these forums again, of course. The game is still worth playing, if only to admire the beauty of everything in it :grinning:

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I was wishing you good time in the game, doofus :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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You said farewell. It’s a synonym for goodbye. Of which “bye” is a contraction.

When someone says “hello” or “goodbye” it’s polite to respond in kind. Unlike when someone is insulting.

I know getting in the last insult is super important to you, so go ahead. I wont respond to the next one.