Currently when you warp to a station on the overview by clicking the dock button, there is a chance you land outside of docking range and are vulnerable. However, you can make bookmarks far enough inside the station’s docking range if you warp to them you can always dock (and if you set autopilot mid-warp to the station, you do it the same tick you land).
This leads to an unintuitive result where you, as a good hauler who doesn’t use autopilot can safely click the warp to gate button, which is automatically highlighted in your route, until the very last one, where you should go to your bookmarks, warp to the bookmark, and set autopilot mid-warp. Not only is this unintuitive and difficult for new players to learn, but it is not engaging and doesn’t add meaningful depth to travel. It is always correct to use instadocks, and in high sec, other than time, there is no cost in setting them up (and in low/null, its just a few minutes with a shuttle or something), so it doesn’t make it any more engaging or enjoyable, in fact, I’d argue it makes it less enjoyable than having an intuitive UI that won’t suggest you take unnecessary risks, it just increases the possibility of user error.
Making optimal gameplay annoying and tedious is bad game design. I’ve been told that previously the default warp to gates was like 10 km away and everyone needed bookmarks for them as well. This is no longer the case, and while you can land out of docking range from upwell structures, you land in tether range, so aren’t at risk (technically there’s the possibility of bumping, but that’s another matter). NPC stations are the only thing that appears on routes where this can happen, and I think it’s time to do away with it.
Possibilities to fix it in order of difficulty (by my completely uninformed estimation):
- Expand the docking range of stations to 2500m so you can’t land outside docking range.
- Make a beacon or something inside docking range you warp to by default, a sort of built in insta-dock bookmark or something.
- Make the warp to station by default put you at least 2500m within the station.
- Take away warp variance for warps to stations with the dock command.
I think 1 is probably the easiest fix, as star gates already are like that. 2 is a dirtier version of 4, which I think might be easier to implement, although warping to something and then immediately docking at something else might be difficult. 3 and 4 might require a complete reworking or warp mechanics. might lead to more weird bumping physics things and people getting thrown out of docking range, while 4 also might involve more ships landing inside each other collision stuff that can bump you out of range or something.
This is ignoring the “risk is part of the game argument” because I don’t think risk that’s so trivially avoidable is a good sort of risk. Eve is a hard game to learn, and the game encourages people to take this risk by highlighting the warp to station button, without people even realizing there is an alternative, which I don’t think is good game design.
If you really think that docking at NPC stations should always have a risk element, deadspace them so instadock bookmarks put you on the edge with everyone else, but “risk that is trivially mitigated by using an unintuitive combination of game mechanics you have to learn about from other players” sits unhappily in the middle. People will always make mistakes and warp at 30 instead of 0 or forget to dock, and gankers will always be able to catch careless players whether instadock bookmarks exist or not.