Think about it…the day YOU were a noob…how would you have felt…
You have a mission in your first ship,proud of it,you jump through a gate…need a moment to orientate yourself and BOOM are oneshotted by an npc you don’t even have seen in first place.
How would you react?
I would say 90% of all noobs today would think “nah screw this ■■■■,i leave”…
Beside the ones you get during the career agents missions you have to BUY those ships to replace them once you lost them…so no “free” stuff you just have to order…
Nobody does the career agent mission over and over again just to get a replacement…
You lose two, but get about 4 or 5 during the career agents.
For the missions that you lose ships however, you can swap to a corvette for them and lose nothing.
Because it’s far more efficient to buy them. However, if you are THAT hard up for isk you can keep spamming career missions and get as many free ships as you want.
Also @Ramona_McCandless arbitrator is a cruiser. You may mean a punisher, some executioners and a coercer