I know this is quite a bit more than I’ve borrowed before so I’m not sure how it’ll go, but I’ve found an opportunity and I’d like to take advantage of it as much as I can.
Price per bond: 1b ISK.
Bonds available: 0 remaining.
Interest: 2% per 30 days.
Length: Minimum of three months, possibly lasting up to ten.
Collateral: None.
Start date: As soon as I confirm then you can send the ISK to this character and I’ll make a note of your name, the date and the amount.
Either mail me or post here stating how much you’d like to reserve.
I’ve just paid the first month of interest. Investors that sent the ISK after the 2017/06/15 will notice that their interest payment is a little lower than expected, this is just so I can pay everyone on the same day and I’ll make up the extra days at the end of the bond.
Not sure if I’m misreading your comment, but you seem to think the people posting here are ENorn alts? If that’s the case, you do realise these are new forums, right? Worse than the old ones? Go have a look in the old forum post for this topic and double-check the post count for the people that were tagged in the gif post.
Second interest payment sent, sorry for forgetting to send it yesterday.
If anyone needs to cash out next month, could you let me know as soon as possible as I haven’t been very active recently so I might have to sell something to raise the ISK.