Report on POCHVEN's "Stellar Fleet Deployment Site

Hm. I … am not sure this works quite the way you think of it, Arrendis.

I was an observer for ARC during the “weaving of Pochven.” I was in Kuharah when it happened, and sort of rode the system into its new … configuration, place, phase, whatever you want to call it.

As far as I could tell, what happened to the stargates wasn’t something the Triglavians did directly to them; it was more of an effect (I’d call it a side effect only I’m sure it was intended) of what happened to the whole system, all at once.

Basically we don’t have any sign the Triglavians can do this to individual stargates. We have a lot of indication, though, that a … let’s call it a “phase-shift” because why not … into Pochven “changes the rules” enough that existing artificial wormholes (literally what existing stargates are) get flooded with exotic matter.

The way I currently model the whole business goes something like this, proceeding in layers or else a sliding scale:

“normal” space
deep deadspace (“deathglow” harvesting fields)
Pochven (stargates severed, natural wormhole formation involves ejection of probably millions of tons of exotic matter, moderate Trig-induced stellar “weather,” etc.)
Triglavian Abyss (egger controlled filament access only; general access possible by means unknown to us eggers; Drifter DD no-workie and general Drifter combat functionality crippled; extreme stellar “weather”; strong Triglavian influence over spacetime, etc.)

That last might actually occupy several different tiers or just different region of the same. Either way it’s deep enough that spacetime gets really strange. Enough that local language patterns appear to presume communication among entities experiencing time at different speeds.

(If I were the Collective I would absolutely be fast-timing my R&D facilities where possible. Transfer scans of a bizarre new Talocan artifact when I wake up, have detailed reports by the time I’m dressed, updated theoretical physics models before I finish my coffee, and five generations of increasingly-sophisticated practical-application prototypes by day’s end. Sweet!)

Pochven’s not that strange, but it’s still pretty strange. It seems like it can’t form wormholes to K-space at all without spewing exotic matter all over at both ends, which is probably how the stargates got clogged. Not sure you could even purposely build a new stargate in unless you had a reliable way to clear the weird stuff (or rather let it clear itself-- it mostly seems to be a problem if there’s a structure there for it to get hung up in). If, as it seems, that’s an effect of the “depth” rather than a Triglavian tool at work, clogging gates probably just involves pulling the system into Pochven, which doesn’t seem to be a trivial feat.

(You know-- world ark, stellar transmuter, maybe weeks of relatively-undisturbed prep time, all that. They didn’t even really start beyond messing with the “weather” a bit until they were satisfied with their haul, and then they pulled it all “down” at once.)

So I think, basically, there’s nothing easy about it, even for the Collective.