So … ah. It’s been a while.
I’m sorry, pilots; it’s just been. . . .
I had to step away for a while.
So! Um. New mission! I’m set to be ARC’s observer in Kuharah. And, I’ve just arrived; dodged a bunch of werposts on the way in. And, uh.
Has anybody been watching these? I mean, closely?
“Hi, I’m Kuharah!”
… actually, I don’t feel at all like making light of this. See those flecks of orange on the stellar surface? Yeah, those, um, those aren’t probably original equipment.
Editing to add: also, that orange dot that marks the extraction site? That’s on the other side of the star. Like, well over the stellar horizon. It’s somehow still visible through all that stellar material.
And then there’s this …
There’s a sort of shifting “coating” of translucent orange on the stellar surface, like cloud formations. They fade in and out of visibility. Oh, and fun note? Both those and the orange flecks are about the same shade of orange as a Triglavian disintegrator ray, and we know those aren’t anything as simple and pleasant as solar plasma.
This doesn’t look good, pilots.
Anyway, one way or another I’ll be staying here and collecting data probably until whatever is going to happen, happens. It’s been a little while since I did a long trip like this. Wish me luck.
And wish anybody living here a whole lot more.