Request - New Feature: Blueprint Portfolio

Back again with a idea to improve eve, this time to keep ontop of Smal to Huge BPO collections.

I have for numerous years been locking cans & managing access to blueprints once for a “Open Corp” that shared “Free to copy BPO list” in highsec/lowsec alot of other times sorting & limiting low/null/wh Corp BPO lists.

At the current time i feel the system is more a bigger issue the larger a BPO/C collection becomes.

I’d like to se any type of Portfolio for Blueprints preferably as a special can or a copy paste of the new plex system or just integrated in to the Industry tab.

The main goal to make it easier to share access to copy someones BPO’s.
I don’t mind if it is easier to steal, just a quick scenario of creating 3 portfolios give access to 3 different teams and go at it.

Real lives Evolves so must EvE.

Be interesting to see BPO’s treated more like skins. Once you learn it it gets added to your library without needing to be a physical item any more.
You then wouldn’t be limited to only a single line using the BPO, but you also couldn’t share it directly.
Then you would make BPC’s from it and that’s how you would share it.

Add a corp skill to allow sharing of BPO library to corp if someone allows it, and the corp skill caps the ME/TE of the share (insert fluff lore reason, maybe the ME research is different tricks for everyone, or difficult to copy directly and the corp skill helps). This then has a double impact of making corps much more likely to share BPO’s while not crashing the market since you can’t get quite as perfect, and of giving highsec corps a better reason to exist and work together since you can share BPO’s with lower risk.

Yes it will impact slightly on corp thefts/scams, but most of the value in these is normally in physical assets like rare ships & officer modules etc, and some changes that impact these things will have much higher value than the harm.

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I still want the blueprints in a Can/Portfolio so transport loss & theft are just as likely.
Main issue is successfully sharing access & locking down the portfolio.
Its alot more difficult to lock/share now.
I’d say above ~50% of eve can’t wrap their heads around how to.

Nothing is clear unless you know it clearly.


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