Require CCP developer input,

I think what it did is make people permanently suspicious of storing things in other people’s structures.

Yeah, that too.

It also makes people more aware of the fact that there is a chance of losing stuff. It might help pushing people more towards consolidation, as compared to having ■■■■ spread out in 220+ (like in my case) stations. I know stations don’t lose stuff (yet) but people used the structures like stations.

When people are suspicious of other peoples’ structures, they’ll either build their own, or they’ll use the NPC stations. When they’re building their own structure, they will make sure of keeping it fueled, or at least of evacuating their assets on time.

Why do you think it’s bad people are being suspicious?

Anyway, it seems that you finally agree that we can’t trust CCP with assets inside NPC stations as well. I’m happy that you’re finally seeing things our way.

You never asked me if I trusted them, or not …
… neither did I suggest you, or anyone else, should.

You can trust them to not care if you trust them or not …
… because it’s ultimately irrelevant.

Abso - ■■■■■■■ - lutely irrelevant.

So … no. I’m not seeing it like you do.

When you’ve trusted them …
… then you’ve made a mistake.

You’ve ignored the most important part in my post …

Answer the question, please.
If you want me to rephrase it, because it’s pooly worded, then I will happily do so.

I don’t think it is bad, per se. I do think it runs counter to CCPs initial idea that they wanted people to move out of the NPC stations and do stuff like trade and manufacturing in the upwell structures.

My biggest gripe with the change was that it seemed to pander to nullsec. Those guys have a ton of structure spam, too, but because of the weasely way the abandoned structures were defined, the nullsec guys were mostly exempted from it.

I get the feeling I’ll not be getting an answer …

From my perspective you have no clue what you’re actually talking about.

You’re looking at them, CCP, as if they were idiots who have no idea what you’re doing. You’re not looking at them as what they are: A business, making decisions.

You were not aware of the fact that they must have been aware of what’s going to happen. You believe they’re all idiots having no ■■■■■■■ clue what the ■■■■ they’re doing. No. What’s happening is that you do not understand the reasoning behind their doings, so your brain fills in its own. You do not question it, because it appears logical … and it is, but the logic is based on an insufficient amount of information.

They pretty much always know what they’re doing.
They’re just really good at making people believe they’re not.
Just like politicians, btw.

People are making it easy too,
because they always blindly believe whatever they get to read in the devblog.

Like the market changes, which were supposedly aimed at bots. ■■■■■■■■.

If you want to research a prime example of this,
then you should look into the Retribution expansion,
CrimeWatch 2.0 and any and all interviews you can find.


It wasn’t just pandering to Nullsec asset safety went completely against everything they pretended to believe in before. We go from a game where everything is either based in physics or theoretical physics to …magic? LOL?

Then you have the Null community suck it up with a straw because it helps then and don’t care at all that it completely goes against everything the game stood for before that.

It makes me laugh things like this fly by and talk of aliens is frowned upon. EvE has become the anti reality.

Yeah, it doesn’t help it, but the approach was flawed anyway. Complete Asset Safety should have never been a thing.

I don’t think I know what you’re talking about. Could you elaborate?

If you are in wormholes, all your stuff is vulnerable. Cool.

If you are in nullsec, you are logging in frequently, or somebody in your alliance is, anyway. That is the nature of nullsec. So, you are going to be able to manage your structures and keep them fueled - otherwise you wouldn’t be in nullsec.

In highsec, where the wishy-washy casual players are, the structures tended to be low power, hobby castles.

When CCP defined the loot piñatas as being only unpowered structures, it was pretty obviously focused on the casual highsec citadels. Why is this? Shouldn’t the risk be spread out? In fact, shouldn’t the risk be greater in nullsec? I don’t buy the argument that there was only one possible solution to structure spam. I can think of a half dozen. They could have just sent everything to asset safety and had the structure unanchor… LOTS of other options.

Its not a sandbox if you can only take things from people who let you take them, aka asset safety.

I’m not convinced that nullsec is not equally filled with exactly those kind of people. Of course others exist, but those others also exist in empire space.

I don’t know if Citadel Spam was a problem in nullsec. I did not spend time thinking about this, but I would have guessed that, in nullsec, it’s more likely that you’re having it taken down by whoever owns the space, or respective roaming parties.

That would mean that the only structures there are by members of the respective space-owning alliances (potentially plus surrounding areas). If that’s the case, then it’s not spam. Everyone knows that each of the structures belongs to someone else in his alliance, which might also contribute to some sense of responsibility … but I don’t know.

I can only speculate about this.

You can’t provide a sane reason for such a happening. Abandoned structures losing Asset Safety makes in-game-sense. Structures just magically unanchoring doesn’t. If they had sent everything to Asset Safety, no one would have taken care of the Citadel Spam, or at least it would have taken much longer to reduce it.

Besides … many hours of gameplay were to be had from this, plus other benefits.

Man, you are out of left field on this one. CCP should get rid of asset safety. What they did is bone-head stupid. I don’t know if any of us can help you see this.

This is what you get from CSM, ideas that completely contrary from what EvE is, and a dev team who is so desperate for ideas they will agree to anything.

… what?

I’m not pro/contra Asset Safety. I don’t care. At all.
Did I somehow indicate I care? What are you talking about?

I don’t have a personal opinion on this.
I just call what I see, combined with logical deduction.

I’ve written a long post, but I’m going to save it for later use.

I don’t care if CCP removes Asset Safety. If they do, then something happens and I will adapt to it. If they don’t, then nothing happens and everything stays the same. I would guess that a flat-out removal of Asset Safety would cause quite the riot amongst active players and thus could be considered a rather bad idea.

One could argue that Asset Safety was a bad idea from the beginning. It’s useless to think about this, though. I wouldn’t have introduced such a feature, that’s for sure, but now that it’s there there really is no point in thinking about how they should be removing it again.

This thread serves only a single purpose: Trolling everyone.

Once this glorious troll-thread is locked and a week has passed,
no one’s going to ■■■■■■■ remember talking about this.

Just like always.

This game’s been running for almost twenty years. Tens of thousands of people have said that this and that change was bone-head stupid. Tens of thousands of people have claimed that exactly the change they’ve disliked is really bad for the game, will cost it customers, will make new players quit in droves, and so forth.

It doesn’t ■■■■■■■ matter.

If you don’t believe it, then ask yourself how important this topic really is for literally anyone of the tens of thousands of people who are playing EVE ONLINE every single ■■■■■■■ day. A week after this thread’s locked everyone here is going to talk about something else and everyone else doesn’t ■■■■■■■ care anyway.

When we start adding imaginary things in a game supposedly based off science where exactly is the line?

Just give me my space dragon now and save the excuses later.

Not exactly.

Warp travel, immortality, slowing down in space when you take your foot off the pedal, non rotating stars and planets. non orbiting planets, bouncing off stars, moving your soul across the known verse for cloning, and so on.

How is that different from teleporting all your ■■■■ when a station goes boom? Or any of the other stuff you people like to get worked up about.

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That’s theoretical science mostly except for the planets not moving which was just undesirable.

The fact is if I can magically wormhole my belongings to where I want, then why can’t I do it for my ship? Why do I need to haul anything at all ever? They added this magic ability but it couldn’t be duplicated in any other way in anything else? It magically ends at losec?

Btw how much did that ruin hauling overall?

People in games as life typically only believe in what is convenient and make excuses for that convenience. It clearly explains most of what you see today especially the pandemic.

Then i have been laboring under a false apprehension.

And teleportation isn’t?

Since that is also in the realm of theoretical science, I have the same question. Based on your understanding of how the universe works, of course.