Require CCP developer input,

CCP changed the rules and now the players don’t trust them. You can mansplain it however you want, Sol, but this thread right here is proof that players don’t trust CCP.

“Will my assets be safe in an NPC station, or are you going to change the rules again?”

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When have anyones assets ever not been safe in a NPC station?

Uh . . . when were assets in citadels not protected by asset safety? Maybe I don’t understand your question.

“Everything before orgasm doesn’t ■■■■■■■ matter, so we should just skip that entirely. Let’s just masturbate and put our junk together when we’re both ready to get off. The process doesn’t matter if all processes lead to the same outcome.”

You’re talking nonsense.


Don’t move the goal posts.

Mate … that’s not moving the goal posts …
… it’s telling you that you’re talking nonsense.

The analogy is perfect, you just don’t seem to be able to comprehend it.

The process matters.
It always matters.

Your perspective on life is seriously flawed.

Otherwise, with your logic, everyone would just masturbate and put their junk together, because it’s all about the outcome and not how you get there. Who needs foreplay, or kissing, when it’s all about the outcome anyway.

Hell, why even have sex? What a waste of time. The outcome is always the same, so why not simply artificially inseminate women? The process doesn’t matter when the outcome is the same anyway!

But sure, in case you had a stroke (sure as ■■■■ looks like it) …
… or in case you’re a virgin …
… I’ll put it into a context you’ll understand:

Why are there different ways of making ISK in the game? The outcome is always the same: More ISK in the wallet. As the processes aren’t important, because they all lead to the same outcome, CCP should just get rid of all the different ways of making ISK. One is sufficient.

Do I really need a million more examples of why you’re flat-out wrong?


Quoting one post while answering another? Might be time to put the bottle down.

Ah. Crap. Thanks, didn’t even notice.

I’m going to make this really simple for you, by asking you a question in the form of a logical argument:

Premise 1
CCP releases the citadel system with an asset safety mechanic

Premise 2
CCP goes on record explaining how the asset safety mechanic works in a way that leaves nothing to interpretation of sudden, major changes

Premise 3
A player goes away from the game for a period of time, leaving their assets in a citadel, acting in accordance with a proper understanding of the stated rules

That player should be able to come back to the game with his assets still intact in some form (either in the still-existing citadel, or in the form of asset safety containers)

True or false?

Which bottle?

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Ha, we weren’t actually talking about the same thing.

For me it was important to point out that what they did was the right decision …
… and that they didn’t really have any other sane choices anyway.

Your “they could just make them vanish” really isn’t a way to go.

True, of course.

I’ve never disputed that trust with lot of people is broken.
I simply don’t see it as an actual issue, for very good reasons.

1.) Apparently most people didn’t leave the game because of it.
2.) New players had no idea anyway.
3.) Those who never come back won’t care.

Everything I’ve seen tells me that the negative impact was minimal …
… and the amount of people who actively remember this is a minority.

In a year you might as well be the only person who remembers,
because everyone else has been replaced by some new player already.

Hell, look at Google. They’ve abandoned tons of projects hundreds of thousands of people used and yet people still use Google products, despite them potentially being abandoned eventually.

Understand that I’m not saying you’re wrong.
I’m saying it’s irrelevant.

@Xeux … I’ve just now seen the link to the thread.

I’m going to read through this. Thanks!

I didn’t say “vanish,” I said “teleport them to the owning party’s hangar.”

If true, and CCP did it anyway, then there’s no reason why we, as players, should trust them to not do the same thing with NPC stations, PLEX inside the PLEX vault, SP inside your character’s skill, et cetera.

Just because the impact is minimal doesn’t make it excusable.

This is an odd thing to say.

If magical asset teleportation doesn’t make you take EvE just a little less serious then something is wrong with you.

Asset safety is magical asset teleportation, and nullsec still has it.

Its funny right after we get magical asset teleportation we get this apparent glut of assets that aren’t being destroyed anymore and the whole game now has to suffer.

EvE used to try to sell itself as the Siege Perilous of space but i don’t think they know what they are anymore.

If they wanted to get rid of asset safety, they should have just gotten rid of asset safety. Their “abandoned structure” thing was very wimpy.

I’m sorry. I’ve meant “vanish from space”.

The thing is that you shouldn’t have trusted them from the beginning. Having faith in them is fine, trusting them is a no-go. If you find that weird, then you should read the EULA. The fact that they’ve put in there the fac that they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, for no reason given, should tell you that they might eventually be doing exactly that.

I’ve not once indicated that it’s excusable. I’m not trying to defend them. I’m trying to put sense into what they’re doing. It was clearly a business decision and in the long run it’s completely irrelevant.

Personally, if I had accumulated stuff over eight years (i’ve read only through half of the first post in that thread, so far) and CCP just poofed it, I’d be sending in a petition. I’ve used the search function for that thread. There’s zero “ticket” to be found and all “petition” posts are by other people.

He either didn’t try, or didn’t mention it.

That post was from you.

The change made a lot of people happy, because they could get rewarded for reducing Citadel Spam with less time wasted. I can’t say for sure it targetted PvPers per se, but it definitely targetted groups as a whole. It made wardeccers happy. I can not say if carebears ever cared about this, or not, because I don’t know. The fact that I didn’t encounter any carebears doing it is not indicative of them not doing it.

Now, please understand that I believe my following question is actually important for this conversation:


Why the ■■■■ did you even need to figure this out???


I think they like to mix things together when they can. With these changes they’ve not just addressed Citadel spam, they’ve also addressed “time wasted bashing structures”. There’s room to argue that removing Asset Safety gives incentive to people not to just literally abandon their structures, or at least to take them down when they’re on leave.

The removal of Asset Safety in abandoned structures also was a quite necessary incentive for people to actually bash them. Citadel spam also had the effect of reducing their perceived value, because they’re literally ■■■■■■■ everywhere. Now, when you abandon it, you can lose your stuff. It puts emphasis on the fact that there’s value behind them, as compared to just dropping and forgetting them.

Dare I say the change boosted the perceived value of structures significantly.

That’s my guess, at least.