Research Project Interviews

Thank you, Miss Vale. I have reread the original post now that I’ve had time to sit down from my duties, and I just realized you had already answered that. You have my apologies for the redundant question!


Why not?

  1. Khitaled II, Khanid Kingdom.

  2. Lord and Lady Osric Mokk; baseline Khanid Holders.

  3. 40

  4. Expedited Asset Transfer and Relocation with Special Attention to Mergers and Aquisitions.

  5. Archangels; Angel Cartel

  6. I’'d survived a long military career prior to my post-human transformation. I imagine my methods would change, but not my direction.

  7. If I weren’t a Capsuleer? I’d probably continue on as a pilot and commander. Though I might dedicate more time to exploration.

  8. Yes. If not, what’s the point?

  9. Perhaps.

  10. We Capsuleers are still in the dawn of our existence. The technology that makes us what we are and who we are is still in its infancy. Realize that it is possible that some of us, replying to this survey today, will be able to reflect on our words and naivety a thousand years from now.


1: Where were you born?
A station in the Citadel. Prefer not to give exact location.

2: What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?
My mother was in the Caldari Navy, my father was an aid worker.
Both baseliners, though my mother did have plans before her death.

3: How old were you when you became a capsuleer?
Prefer not to say.

4: What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?
Market investments.

5: Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?
Of the big four? The State.

6: How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?
Upset. Far less so if I got to keep my isk.

7: What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?
I’d likely have continued my career. I worked for an R&D subcontractor.

8: Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?
Not sure.

9: Would you change anything in your life?
Not sure.

10: Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?

I think that’s everything. Feel free to contact me if any more clarification is needed.

Where were you born?

A pretty wealthy and secure area on Schoorasana IV.

What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?

Baseliners, both Masters of Law. My mother worked as a juridic consultant, set up and headed the local chapter of the Refugees Institute, and was the local city leader of a political party. My father ran the Education & Research department of the University of Caille in Vredelwhaen and worked for the Children’s and regular Rights Store.

How old were you when you became a capsuleer?

I was 27 when I graduated.

What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?

I gathered most of my wealth discovering and reporting a security leak in the Yulai Archives & Record Repository, racing in the Sub-warp Racing Venture league, and with writing contest winnings. These days my income is mostly dividend payments from investments.

Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?

I consider myself loyal to the people of the Origin colony.

How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?

I’m not sure. Maybe a little relieved. Maybe sad and disappointed in myself. Maybe useless. More lost.

What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?

If I never was one, probably still trying to make ends meet on Schoorasana IV. If I stopped being one now, I really don’t know. Probably pretty much what I’m doing now, which is basically just killing time in whatever way is most satisfying to me at the time.

Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?

I would not call it happy.

Would you change anything in your life?

Sometimes I do.

Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?

As a child I was very intelligent but not very motivated in school. I finished Higher General Secondary Education in 7 years where 5 is the norm, with only average grades. My mother pushed me to have myself tested for capsule compatibility. The values I was brought up with provided me with the motivation to graduate so I could fight injustice and inequality and create a nation where I would feel at home, where I and others could experience peace.
The opportunity to explore the universe was also a minor motivation, space became one of my interests when I was young. I played spaceship games.
My parents divorced when I was seven. I spend weekend at my father. My mother had a boyfriend regularly following the divorce often for years. I grew up as a single child, but my father told me I had two younger agnate sisters when I was 18. I was an outsider, picked on, and did not have many childhood friends, especially before my teens. You could say that I was socially handicapped, especially for Federation standards.
Music was another of my early major interests. I had pets sometimes, but was occasionally cruel to them, even killing some of them.

Feel free to ask additional questions.


Thank you again! I just wanted to say, I’m still open for face-to-face interviews, as well as mail responses. :woman_scientist:


I would agree to a confidential, face to face interview.

  1. The Abagawa system, onboard a Peace and Order Unit station.
  2. The identity of my progenitors is encrypted within Suuvee’s tubechild database. I could find out, but there are probably good reasons to keep it secret.
  3. I was in my late teens.
  4. Investment dividends, licensing fees and a small stipend from Kalaakiota.
  5. The Caldari State, specifically the Kalaakiota Corporation.
  6. I’d be fine. I might have to take fewer risks, of course, since they’d be real risks.
  7. I’d be a police officer for the Peace and Order Unit.
  8. Yes. I love my family and the wealth that allows me to pursue projects I feel are important.
  9. The war between the State and Federation? Other than that, not really…
  10. Loyalty to a cause greater than profit or the self is a key part of maintaining your humanity as a capsuleer - if you value your humanity.

Where were you born?

Mekhios (Sarum Prime III)

What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?

My parents were not capsuleers at the time. My mother ended up becoming one. My father used to run a ship building company until he went missing and … well the whole’s story’s complicated.

How old were you when you became a capsuleer?


What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?

LP from the 24th Imperial Crusade and salvage.

Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?

God, Empress and the Amarr Empire

How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?


What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?

I… honestly have no idea. I wanted to be a pilot and then I got to be!

Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?


Would you change anything in your life?


Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?

Not really, but you’re welcome to contact me to ask any more questions.


Why not, I’ll provide some information about myself if it is for a scientific endeavour such as yours.

1.) Where were you born?

Itamo IV, Ruomo, The Forge, Caldari State

2.) What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?

Both baseliners.

My father served as a principle warfare officer in the Caldari Navy. His final posting was on board the Rokh-class battleship CNS Vanguard. He transferred out of the Navy into the customs force on Itamo after his final mission in YC110 over Caldari Prime.

My mother worked as a head researcher for a small R&D firm under the umbrella of the Ishukone Corporation. She perished, along with the majority of her fellow colleagues and executives within the corporation at Malkalen in YC110.

3.) How old were you when you became a capsuleer?

Around nineteen years of age when I graduated from the State War Academy.

4.) What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?

Sale of military equipment and confiscation/salvage of property belonging to pirates and other malcontents. Other than that, I have several stakes in planetside businesses operated as part of a trust fund.

5.) Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?

Yes, the Caldari State. I am loyal in the defence of her people and its sovereign territory. However, that loyalty does not necessarily equate to hatred for factions such as the Gallente Federation or the Minmatar Republic.

6.) How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?

Quite irritated, most likely. Being a capsuleer means that I can continue to serve, even in the instance of death, in defence of my people and those I hold dear. Taking that away would in essence remove a core part of who I am.

7.) What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?

Had I not been chosen for the capsuleer programme, I would have most likely followed in my family’s footsteps and joined the Caldari Navy as my father and his father had. Given the current state of affairs between the empires since YC110, it is a possibility that I would have perished years ago had I not ascended to capsuleerhood.

8.) Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?

One could say that I am, certainly enough. I’ve acquired enough responsibility and power within the organisation I am employed by to better serve the State in whatever capacity they desire. My work to free-time ratio is adequate enough that I am productive and sociable to an agreeable extent. I have enough money to ensure that my family does not want for anything, as well as ensuring that their needs are met for the next few generations or so. And I get to tinker with my beloved Cormorant-class destroyers as much as I like. Whilst there are some things that could be desired, one can always improve upon themselves to attain a higher station in life.

9.) Would you change anything in your life?

If I changed willingly the past to better suit the present, I would not have become the person I am today. Whilst I have not had the greatest of experiences, learning the lessons gained from them and striving for greater improvement to better oneself and the service of others is greater than having the ability to change
events simply because they weren’t the best they could’ve been. However, if I could change certain circumstances and actions that led me to lose certain people that I held dear, then I would be severely tested on that.

10.) Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?

Not at this current time, although if you have any further queries I am certain we can arrange a meeting to discuss them further in person.


1. Where were you born?

Achura, AKA Saisio III.

2. What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?

Father was a spaceport worker with State citizenship through a SuVee planetary subsidiary, Civire bloodline, Laborer caste.

Back in her own home, Mother would have been a member of a Shuijing monk clan, the Sujui, but they’d disowned her for taking up with Father. Her status in Caldari territory was pretty ambiguous, I think; she had some status as Father’s domestic partner, but the pairing wasn’t sanctioned by the corporation and actually I don’t think she was really supposed to be there at all, lacking corporate citizenship. She might have found a teaching or tutoring position, but something like that would have been gray or black market until she could get citizenship. I haven’t found a lot of documentation about it.

Things would have become even more uncertain when Father lost his position. Probably I’d have wound up in the Laborer or Technician castes, too (as a person of mixed blood, at that. Mixed blood = a bit meaningful in the State, not in a good way), or maybe we’d even have fallen through the cracks and become casteless, if Father hadn’t gotten drunk that night and beaten Mother to death. So, in a sad way, all our statuses were neatly resolved: he went to prison as a Guri; Mother went to the morgue as a domestic murder victim; I went first to the SuVee creche, and eventually to the Sujui, once they decided to revoke Mother’s exile and recognize me as a clan member.

It’s their money that seems to have sent me to the State War Academy, but I don’t have a lot of reason to think I was a very welcome relative.

I don’t actually remember any of that anymore, mind.

3. How old were you when you became a capsuleer?

My biological age was, and is, 26 years.

4. What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?

Left to my own devices, I dabble. Sometimes it’s mercenary work; sometimes it’s exploration; sometimes it’s the payout from Drifter operations. I try to keep my needs modest.

5. Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?

Indirectly. I’ve sworn an oath of loyal service to Praefecta Lunarisse Aspenstar Daphiti of the Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque (SFRIM). She’s loyal to the Amarr Empire, so, vicariously, so am I.

6. How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?

A little concerned about what else might happen, related to that event. As long as I was allowed to continue serving as the Praefecta’s retainer I might not mind so much, though. There’s some important stuff (Drifters) I’d be pretty sorry not to be able to be effectively very involved with anymore.

7. What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?

Probably a lot of the same stuff I do now, but maybe with fewer large explosions? A lot might depend on whether the Praefecta ended up losing her capsuleer privileges, too. Being able to focus just on being a person, and not, sometimes, a ship, would definitely change the focus of some things, though.

8. Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?

Mostly, yes.

9. Would you change anything in your life?

Sure? … It’s a little hard to put my finger on any one thing, though.

I guess, mostly, if I have a complaint, it’s that I don’t feel like capsuleers should really have the sheer degree of power and freedom we get. I set out to prove my strength, once, and now I know I can be strong. I didn’t like what it did to me, though.

I don’t think it does good things for us generally, either.

10. Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?

Well … I guess …

We’re not immortals. We’re not gods, or anything supernatural or that should probably be analogized to the supernatural. We’re just people, with pretty much everything that implies. We’re mortal, fragile. Fallible. Often foolish.

Just, we have access to some strange tools.


New Caldari Prime

Father served in the Caldari Navy, mother was a psychiatrist.

I was 23 I believe.

Mining operations, smuggling, and selling ships.

Resolute Loyalty to the Caldari State.

I’d be uncertain of what to do. You’d be taking away what has become a large, defining aspect of my life. Not an easy change, obviously.

Caldari Navy, likely.

Yes, very. The ability to easily glide through New Eden has allowed me many opportunities to enjoy my time.

A few small issues in my younger years, perhaps, but otherwise, no.

For the State!


Where were you born?
Amongst the dying stars of J14535 Wolf Rayner nebula

What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?
My father was a hamster and my mother smelled of elderberry wine.

How old were you when you became a capsuleer?
(3-(2^4/6)/(0-(3*cos 90))

What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?
Basket weaving… There’s a surprisingly large amount of downtime in a capsule with very little to do. Thankfully the pod goo makes the reeds very supple.

Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?
I side with the left most faction of the right side.

How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?

What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?
Develop a strange fetish for woven baskets.

Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?
Baskets make all happy.

Would you change anything in your life?
More baskets.

Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered


I must give my thanks again! I never imagined everyone would be so forthcoming! I can start compiling my data now. :smiley:

Oh! And this is an ongoing thing, so please answer if you wish! I’m not closed to interviews.


Where were you born?
What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?
Baseliners, my Father managed “livestock” my mother ran the household.
How old were you when you became a capsuleer?
What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?
Research and recovery based activities
Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?
Not particularly
How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?
What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?
Assuming I still had my funds, take a more active interest in the running of my corporations assets
Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?
As happy as one can be with a pile of isk, unlimited access to chocolate and no significant relationships
Would you change anything in your life?
I’ve occasionally considered seeking more fulfilling companionship
Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?
Killing capsuleers solves nothing

  1. In a Jin-Mei settlement on the outskirts of the Federation.
  2. They are baseliners.
  3. I was 28.
  4. I participate in fleets to fight Sansha incursions.
  5. Hard to say that I am loyal, but I am leaning towards Caldari State.
  6. I don’t know, depends on circumstances, I think? Could vary from happy to sad or even angry.
  7. Heal people, I guess? I have medical education.
  8. More or less.
  9. I don’t know. Marry, maybe?
  10. Nothing I can think about, sorry.
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I enjoyed the interview. I hope In some small way I was able to be of assistance.

  1. aboard the slave-transport “Imperator dei” near sarum prime apparently

  2. slave-servants for a small amarrian lord. So no capsuleers.

  3. I was 43.

  4. mining/industry/trade/exploration (no real winner here)

  5. I tend to prefer the society of conscious thought

  6. I would feel really confused i think, on one hand I would be glad and on another hand I would be scared

  7. probably a merchant i think, or a priest.

  8. Yes, of course.

  9. I do, everyday ^^

  10. not for now

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@Veikitamo_Gesakaarin I was wondering if your father would give an interview? I’m becoming more interested in capsuleer families as this process continues! :slight_smile:


I always assumed that Veik killed and ate her father as part of her a ‘coming of age’ ceremony of the Gesakaarin family.


Assuming this project is still going on, I guess I could contribute.

1. Where were you born?

Kamokor IV, Caldari State.

2. What did your parents do, if you know? Were they capsuleers or baseliners?

Baseliners. My family has a quite a history working for or with the Mordu’s Legion - mostly administrative and logistics stuff, I think my grandmother was the last to serve in a combat role - but my parents moved to the Federation when I was 10. Mother never quite got used to the prejudice that comes with being a halfbreed in the State, and they also thought that I would fit in better in the Fed. Didn’t quite work out that way. I used to resent them for that decision for decades - right until Tibus Heth happened. We’ve certainly dodged a bullet there.

Doesn’t make it any less sad that the State I was born in will never be there for me to come back to.

3. How old were you when you became a capsuleer?

Tender age of 20. In hindsight, this probably wasn’t such a great idea to do it at an age that early. Too much responsibility, not enough brains.

4. What is your main source of income as a capsuleer?

Leeching off my significant other and my own savings from before my five year long retirement, for now. I’m not so keen on blowing ships up for a living anymore, so I intend to stick to less violent career choices from now on, whenever possible and feasible. Some loose approximations of human life in spiky ships can’t exactly be reasoned with, for example.

5. Do you consider yourself loyal to any particular faction?

Amarr Empire. The first place where I felt I could truly belong. Where I found solace, forgiveness and may still, hopefully, find redemption.

6. How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t be a capsuleer anymore?

Mostly relieved. No more worrying about killing hundreds of people through your own stupid mistakes, no more worrying about killing hundreds of people through their captain’s stupid mistakes, no more having to get that disgusting pod goo out of my hair. I guess I could say I’m somewhat bitter and disillusioned about this immortal demigod stuff. But hey, something’s got to pay the bills.

7. What would you do if you weren’t a capsuleer?

Live a long and blissful life and die peacefully in my sleep at the age of 150, surrounded by scores of great-grandchildren. Oh, and I’d also probably try embroidery, fishing and gardening at some point.

I intend to do that anyway, but not being a capsuleer would certainly remove a lot of the complications.

8. Are you generally happy in your day-to-day life?

Yes, actually. After what feels like a lifetime of bouncing around the cluster, I’ve found both a home and a family in circumstances I’d never have thought of before I took to the stars.

9. Would you change anything in your life?

There’s quite a few incidents in my life that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy to experience, but, horrifying as they were, they contributed to making me the person I am today. And since I’m content with what I am, then those trials and tribulations were worth something, weren’t they?

10. Is there anything else you’d like to say that we’ve not covered?

If there’s one thing ISK can’t buy, it’s humanity. Some capsuleers, including some that have posted in this very thread, intend to live forever. I don’t think I can follow their example. The thought of living long enough to see everything and everyone I care about wither and die is, frankly, terrifying. The thought of living long enough to stop caring, to stop being human in the pursuit of some warped delusion of godhood - doubly so.