Resource Redistribution Update

WOW! Even after I apologize you continue to attack the way I play the GAME. I really do not understand why you continue to say the things you are.

Just because you like PVP does not mean that I should play the same way.

This is not a nice thing to say, even inside a game. Just like there is value in every rock that I mine, there is value in every person playing the game. I will say this one… last… time. You have your way of playing and I have mine. They are different but both are how we play to have FUN. I would NEVER say to you that my way is better.
If an apology or having the ability of agreeing to disagree are not concepts you understand then I truly feel sorry for you.


I say them because they are true.

Just because you like PVP does not mean that I should play the same way.

Ok? You’re free to play under self-imposed limitations, but don’t expect much sympathy when those limitations cause you problems.

This is not a nice thing to say, even inside a game.

Ok? I’m here to explain the reality of things as they are, not to fluff your ego. Perma-victim industry players like you have a massively inflated sense of their own importance, constantly posting things like “gOoD lUck dOiNG pVp wIthOuT ShIpS i bUild!!111!” when in reality there are plenty of industry players (many of them also PvP players) who aren’t helpless perma-victims and will remain to meet the demand for PvP ships.

there is value in every person playing the game

Not really. If you and everyone like you quits then the only real effect will be that the remaining industry players will get more wealth and power as a result. By refusing to engage in PvP or even cooperative PvE you have made yourself nothing more than a background NPC.

Why didn’t they allow something like a small, cheap “outpost” station. That only has oh. 50,000-100,000m3
storage. And maybe enough space for a couple cruisers? I would have gladly bought a few and emplaced them in different systems as I needed to on my adventures. It might have been an interesting way to get players into the station mechanics.

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I lost this argument previously. Don’t forget, that with ability to also deploy 3 x T2 mining drones, Endurance yield is actually greater than Prospect.

Being an orca pilot mining with T2 drones, all I can say is yes, those little buggers really do chew up the rocks.


Don’t waste your time replying to that wanna be PvP high sec ganker trash. That character spends way more time on these forums berating players then in-game doing actual PvP.


Thank-you for your kind comment.


To be fair to @Penance_Toralen however, this can become a little theoretical at times. If you are at a minimum 2.5 km from target rock, to allow for cloak-up, this will impact on drone yield via travel time. Even if Endurance is standing still. And more importantly, if you are scooting around rock at 5km with AB on to speed tank, then actual benefit from mining drones becomes debatable.

I see, so insulting someone is “kind” as long as the target is someone you disagree with? What a hypocrite.

It is truly sad that all you can do is use these forums to insult players that do not play the game the same way you do.


Like I said, hypocrisy. Complain about insults, then praise someone for insulting me because it’s a target you don’t like.

Or, you know, find yourself convenient EDENCOM minor victory and fortress systems and mine ore in those that give lowsec minerals while still in highsec. :GASP!:

I mean, after all…

Educate yourself on your options. Don’t just knee-jerk.

Know what the hell you’re doing.

They didn’t. They made production a little more complicated, and set up pathways they hope will make mining more varied (but which I think ultimately will not), but they haven’t removed a damned thing.

Ehhhh, that’s not really true. The more vertically-integrated you were, the worse this is for you. But it’s good for miners in that mineral prices will go up. It’s bad for miners in that ship prices will, too. Industrialists will, of course, just pass any increase in costs along to the end customer, so they’re net neutral here unless they were trying to mine everything themselves. But hopefully, they’ll learn to specialize. Miners who run around in Hulks trying to maximize throughput will find themselves exploding and having a harder time replacing the ship. Try not to be quite so… disposable, though, and it’s probably a net bonus for a miner.

As Nevyn indicates, a properly-fitted Skiff… hang on a sec, and I’ll drop another fit in here below… is a pretty damned hard target for a solo opponent. Groups… well, numbers will generally be able to cut you down, eventually. If you want something inexpensive that runs away well with a decent-sized ore hold, the Venture aligns fast and has a built-in point of Warp Stability. You can put another warp core stab in it to scram-proof it when running away, too. In addition, it’s got 10k m3 ore hold space, which is 2/3 what a Skiff has, and the same as the ore hold of a Hulk.

BattleSkiff—Low(ish) Cost. 67k ehp, 370ehp/s repair, 251 dps

[Skiff, Solo]

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier I
Drone Damage Amplifier I

EM Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Thermal Shield Hardener II

Modulated Strip Miner II, Spodumain Mining Crystal II
Modulated Strip Miner II, Spodumain Mining Crystal II

Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II

Hornet EC-300 x5
Mining Drone II x5
Valkyrie II x5

Navy Cap Booster 50 x144
Mercoxit Mining Crystal I x4
Arkonor Mining Crystal II x2
Bistot Mining Crystal II x2
Scordite Mining Crystal II x2
Spodumain Mining Crystal I x2
Nanite Repair Paste x50

BattleSkiff—WarKrab. SPENDY. 74k ehp, 610.9ehp/s repair, 317 dps

[Skiff, Solo Killer]

Damage Control II
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier
Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier

Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener
Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50
Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier
Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener

Modulated Strip Miner II, Spodumain Mining Crystal II
Modulated Strip Miner II, Spodumain Mining Crystal II

Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II
Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II

‘Augmented’ Valkyrie x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Mining Drone II x5

Mid-grade Crystal Alpha
Mid-grade Crystal Beta
Mid-grade Crystal Gamma
Mid-grade Crystal Delta
Mid-grade Crystal Epsilon
Mid-grade Crystal Omega
Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Management SM-703
Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Operation SP-903
Inherent Implants ‘Noble’ Hull Upgrades HG-1003

Navy Cap Booster 50 x144
Mercoxit Mining Crystal I x4
Arkonor Mining Crystal II x2
Bistot Mining Crystal II x2
Scordite Mining Crystal II x2
Spodumain Mining Crystal I x2
Nanite Repair Paste x50

Is the horribly more expensive option going to keep you alive on your own against a determined gang? No. They’ll kill your drones, point and web you, and force you to chew through all of your cap booster charges if they can’t kill you. But when it overheats to 947.9k ehp/s repairs, it’ll buy you time to hopefully get lucky with the EC-300s, and run the hell away. And some people just like blingy ships.

Personally, I’d stick with the low-cost one, and just hope to earn enough to pay for itself, if I was gonna be dumb and go solo mining in lowsec in an Exhumer. The Prospect’s just too good an option: faster, gets into warp sooner, and cloaky. It’d be my ship of choice for lowsec, if I was going to be alone.

Except it shouldn’t. Look, are there minerals you have to buy? Yes. But those are also minerals you don’t have to spend time mining, now. So you can mine more of the minerals you’ve been mining, and sell the excess to buy the minerals you’ll need. Or, again, hit up a Fortress/Minor Victory system and mine the ores in there that will contain lowsec minerals.

He means they’d prefer less competition, so they can price slightly higher and get slightly better margins. And he’s not wrong.

Nonsense. He pays his money, real or ISK, he’s got every right to vent his spleen as much as the next guy.

Eh, not entirely true. The PvP game is just as dependent on the PvE game… unless you want to go doing all your fighting in Corvettes.

And really, without those PvE elements, you do lose a lot of things… like basically all T2 modules and hulls (Moongoo, PI) and T3 hulls (Sleeper loot), and most structures (which require salvage that’s mostly acquired from rats, like Trigger Units).

The game is very much dependent on both sides: one to provide the tools for the other’s use, the other provides the demand for the other’s products.

… will be extremely temporary, with CCP hinting that the first iterations of the next round of ‘redistribution’ could come before the end of the year.

Tell that to a Covert Cyno.

Now you can’t even keep a regular cyno from working, because you can’t jam NPC null.

Really, you’re not going to get that scenario with any frequency.

Ok, Max? Telling you that playing solo puts you at a disadvantage isn’t attacking the way you play the game. It’s just the truth. You can choose to play solo if you want. Nobody’s telling you that you can’t. But you’ll be at a disadvantage in any kind of competitive situation against players who work in groups. That’s true of PvP combat, and it’s true of market competition. The guys who work together will minimize internal costs, maximize cooperative return on time, and end up with better margins and volume.

Again, not an attack, just how cooperation works.

Of course there’s value in every person playing the game. In the grand scheme of things, though, there are maybe a half dozen truly ‘important’ people in EVE Online:
The Mittani
Vince Draken
Dunk Dinkle.

The rest of us? Not so much. I’m part of the leadership of one of the largest alliances in the game. If I get hit by a bus tomorrow, EVE will not care. My alliance will keep on ticking over, no problem. My fittings & doctrine team will continue to function without me. I am eminently disposable, and I worked real hard to make sure of that1.

There’s a difference between ‘you are not important’ and ‘you have no value’. Much like the real world, EVE is way too big for most of us to matter, in the grand scheme of things. That’s just life.

1. Almost forgot the footnote! Yes, I worked very hard to be completely non-essential. Everyone in a position of leadership should. I could drop dead with no warning. If my responsibilities can’t be picked up, smoothly and flawlessly, by my right-hand guy, then I’ve failed to provide leadership. I’ve failed to give the membership some of the things they need from me: consistency and forethought. Consistency in that there is someone ready to do the job, and forethought in that I’ve planned ahead for the times when that person can’t be me. Any leader who fails to do this… fails. Period. Full Stop.


He has the right to post, sure. But it doesn’t make it a rational or justified complaint that we should acknowledge as having any merit.

The PvP game is just as dependent on the PvE game… unless you want to go doing all your fighting in Corvettes.

Except that there are enough people doing industry as a PvP game of competitive capitalism that EVE would survive just fine. And if CCP rebalanced the production chain to have everything come from mining instead of NPCs the game would definitely work just fine. At no point is shooting NPCs an essential feature, other than to extract $15/month from people who want to farm NPCs for “fun”.

THIS REDISTRIBUTION IS TERRIBLE! it will only make pvp players go to pve areas ant that’s it

1.-the ones that like pvp and
2.- the ones that love pve!

Not everyone likes to wreck his ship! in case you did not notice!

There are a few thousands of players that prefer pve…

EVE is about the freedom to decide what to do with your resources, ships and time!! by having different zones, that is accomplished

but now, you are giving less resources, making PVP players, the veterans, go to high security… and screwing the pve players, which no longer will be able to get most of the resources, cause there are always jerks trying to kill low level miners…in low and null sec

new players will fade away in an instant!

Thanks God I did not spent more than 9.99 usd in this game!!

because the devs with their mentality that they must ■■■■ everyone equally, are just crack heads…

LEAVE THE PVE, HIGH SEC, JUST LIKE IT IS or make it better, … new players will rage quit if you f uck them…

Veterans will never leave the game, they are too busy preparing for the next faction war/pvp war

I think, if you were to actually drill down into things with a complete survey of miners in EVE, you’d find that the majority are not doing industry for the sake of competitive capitalism. They’re doing it because they like doing it. The fact that there’s competition doesn’t mean they approach it from a PvP mindset.

Plenty of folks enjoy both. Just sayin’.

Not really. Like I said above, most of us will just buy what we need and ship it out.

Yes you are right, there are many players that go mining because they like it, and Hopefully the resources sell better, that’s the positive side

but the negative side, is that pve players, will only be able to get Vespar and that’s it xD

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That’s not true at all, though.

Hopefully, CCP will spell out the full list of ores for each area, but right now, it looks like HS will have at least Veldspar, Plagioclase, Scordite, Pyro, Talassonite, and Rakovene.

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And they don’t belong in EVE. WoW is a great game if your goal is a menial farming grind.

which no longer will be able to get most of the resources

Why should people who are too weak to defend their interests be entitled to easy access to wealth? EVE is a ruthless hyper-capitalist dystopia, if you want fairness and participation trophies for everyone then go play a different game.

A lot of them aren’t doing it with a PvP mindset, sure. But the people playing EVE as a menial farming game and never doing anything more with it aren’t necessary. If they all ragequit there are enough PvP players who will fill in the missing production and life will go on just fine. The more expensive stuff gets as a result of shortages the more PvP players will be tempted to make mining/industry alts and take advantage of the opportunity. And so a new equilibrium point will be found.

Or we can agree that your desire for safe space is in direct contradiction to EVE’s design principles and you are a necessary casualty of CCP doing what needs to be done to improve the game for everyone else.

Yeah I mean if the High security can get all of these Veldspar, Plagioclase, Scordite, Pyro, Talassonite, and Rakovene., is fine…