Resource Redistribution Update

I gave this game enough chances over three years of play, more than I ever gave any other game.
I only kept playing because I like space games and how beautiful EVE is rendered and how well the ships look graphically.
But their constant and needless tinkering with game mechanics… Enough is enough.
There are only so many times I’d allow a development team to pull the rug from under my feet before I decide that it’s worth neither my time nor my money.

And now they have 50% off on Omega. Gimme a break. At this point, I wouldn’t play for FREE.


Is what every MMO does…
Just unlike most EVE doesn’t erase past achievements via power creep and level cap raises…
I mean seriously, it’s an MMO, it’s always going to have balance changes and tinkering. You are complaining you got exactly what you paid for.


Ok, Pedro, you can log off your Alt and post with your main now.

Goons are losing their home one citadel at a time, and you don’t see them bursting into tears. Man up and roll with the punches. Keep playing, you will eventually win

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Nice meme. You clearly don’t forum mich or you wouldn’t accuse me of being anyone’s forum sock puppet.
I love how you have nothing but meme level personal attacks in reply though.
Its the reality of MMOs. They change. And this change doesn’t wreck anyone’s game.


Will the ore stocked in stations will be affected by the changes in the changes of composition in space on october 15th ?

Not really. The enemy’s declared their objective is to drive us out of the game. To do that, they need to hit the Delve keepstars. They’ve been in direct range of them for months, but they won’t do it. If they try to declare victory and go home, we’ll just retake everything. There’s 4,330 moons in Delve. You think they’ll really take the time to do 13,000 structure bashes for just the moon refineries?

Until they nut up and come after the keepstars, they’re just jerking off.

Goon keepstars as well as imperium already dying.
Faction forts blow up multiple times per day. Trillions in isk gone. At least goons sacrificed some supercarriers the other day. How much was it? Like 500 bil? Going to be a 100 trillion in 6 months

Yup. Goon Keepstars in Fountain. Outside the range of supercapitals without gating them through the ZXB/Y-2 gate. Thus, my statement about

emphasis added.

And yep, faction forts blow up. Man, that’d be terrible if we’d had to pay for them, huh? But we didn’t. Those were stations, and we left them in Querious and Fountain where they’d been. Most of them had been there for half a decade before the change.

And then there’s the 50 faction forts we were handed 2 years ago to stop attacking the north. Really, the amount of assets involved in this war dwarf the numbers you’re tossing about.

Yes it should change.

Eve is getting stale it really needs these big shake ups to stay interesting trust me, you will eventually get bored if they don’t do stuff like this. Give it a try first see what its like.


Lol suuurre they are

It’s the reality of gamers. They want fun, not work. If I want work I open my company’s spreadsheet and get headaches and frustrations and I don’t have to pay a monthly fee for it.

By “anyone” I’m sure you mean YOU and a few other keyboard warriors who seem to post in these forum more than they play the game.

Also, your responses to me aren’t going to change the fact that I now see EVE as a waste of my time and money.
You should be happy that I and a lot of others are not playing anymore. More ISK for you and your buddies and less whiners should make for a more entertaining game.

You can have my stuff ( but I don’t have anything anymore)
Yes, bye. Enjoy your ga- I mean work.
Good riddance to me. EVE doesn’t need whiners like me.

There, no need to respond, I’ve done the job for ya.

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No. I mean literally anyone. there are a few play style choices that might get harder, some will get easier, but in no way does anything get shut off to anyone if they are prepared to adapt.
In the grand scheme of things this isn’t that big a change.

I was a returning player who actually missed half of the ore nerfs prior to today’s ‘redistribution’ and btw CCP to redistribute is to move from one place to another. Whoever taught you people English did a horrendous job, or are you trying to sound upbeat about the further NERF to ore.

Anyways as i was saying … I was a returning player … now i’m like nahhh im not returning to this pile of garbage.

Whoever came up with this idea really needs to have their brain checked.


Clearly you aren’t that old a player or you would recall before 2013 when the situation with ores was very similar to what CCP is putting in place now. The game was fine then, it will be fine now, it promotes trade, and miners incomes will if anything go up

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Oh no. It’s a brilliant idea if one wants to screw the solo players so that their game-play is meaningless and a waste of time or that they quit playing and finally stop “hoarding” ALL that ore and ISK.
It’s also a brilliant idea to sell more PLEX to those who depend on manufacture and mining to pay for their subscription. I bet CCP hated that solo players were able to pay for their sub with ISK made in-game.
Don’t underestimate the ingenuity of game developers and those who control their wallet.


And yet there really is nothing else quite like it. However, I do expect its demographic within the broader game playing population probably is quite a small number. So, no, not that “great”.

That appears to be true, in terms of death rate at least. In terms of co-morbities (heart damage etc), with their longer term consequences, we just don’t know. In terms of economic loss however, whether self-inflicted or necessary, it really is a bummer.

That does not appear to be true. In any context.

You can only speak for yourself. Anything else would be a tad judgmental on your part. Possibly understandable, given your frustration with this game, but not really useful?

I’m both a solo and a PVE player. And I play that way specifically because I know this game is designed to be an interactive PvP platform. (I’m also a curmudgeon and contrarian of longstanding.)

Will these changes make things more difficult for me? Probably not, directly. Just different. But will these changes increase unwanted interactions with third parties who enjoy “acting out” under the cloak of anonymity in a pixel-based game? Well, that certainly seems to be the intent of CCP. So, “game on”, says I.

You can join in too and kick against the traces if you want. Or not. Your choice. But no point in letting the bastards (any bastards) get you down. So, work out your next strategy, or move on. No disgrace either way.


CCP doesn’t hate people who pay for sub with ISK, because someone else paid cold hard cash for you. They just need omega players however they come about.

Also, ccp needs to make money or the game will come to an end. How great is that? Not great at all. You go to work and get paid. Your company employs you to make a profit. That’s what businesses do. Get over it.

The day I’ll be pissed is when ccp says they shutting down.


So if you guys do go through with this it will be the end of my playing. I mine in highsec make items and sell them. Not part of a big corp and have no urge to be. When I first started playing EVE the day it came out I joined a big corp and dealt with the issues of mass people. It became stressful and I quite for over a year. I came back and started playing solo for a bit and got asked by an old corp mate to join them. I chose to give it a go again and try being in a corp again. Yet again uneeded drama arose and I stopped playing again. Came back and decided to go solo and do what I loved to do mine and make stuff. Use the money to buy more blueprints so I could make even more items. Thank you CCP for taking that away from me with this idiotic move. When my time is up if this goes through as you are saying I will be done playing this game and for good. I play to enjoy my time and you are taking that enjoyment out of it for me. Again thanks for killing the game for the many people out there like myself.