Resource Redistribution Update


Don’t think too long, you may find yourself resubbing for another 6 months, lol.

Someone still remembers how CCP was able to sell EvE Online to Pearl ?


Everything is getting Harder and Harder. Getting a New Ship will take even more time. Man even T1 Fittings will soon empty your wallet. CCP is creating a Problem whit one Solution. PLEX !!

Yeah just buy a Plex and Sell it for ISK. Why work hard ? Just use your Money and Buy plex to get isk. …


How is Eve getting harder? I started in 2007 and Eve has only gotten easier. Hulk’s were 500 mil then. And earning 500 mil was 100x harder.

I forgot to add that compressing ore, mining command, and other stuff weren’t a thing then either. Rorquals are overkill. Ccp made it too easy, now they throttle back and people whine like they dying.


i have a question about story mission running in high sec especially for those who are improving faction balance


High Security

  • All variations of Omber and Kernite will be removed from Hisec asteroid belts.


High Security

  • All Ore Anomalies will be removed from Hisec systems.

so this requires uncompressed basic Omber and Kermite to hand in for well over a third of l3 and l4 story missions is this an over-site or are you changing story missions or another push to force players into low /null
as most ore will be compressed for shipping

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And now that everything is harder and even T1 fittings “empty your wallet” who exactly has surplus ISK to buy your PLEX?

The guy running 10 rorquals or super ratting? Or the pirates ganking people and getting 10 bil in drops? Or the guy who has 500 bil saved up?

But this ridiculous “CCP IS MAKING EVERYTHING HARD TO SELL PLEX” argument is that somehow everyone is going to be poor and struggling and CCP will get tons of PLEX sales because that’s the only way to get ISK. It fails if there are people still making tons of ISK because then it’s an issue of “why aren’t you one of the people who can succeed” instead of “CCP is scamming everyone”. Any sympathy they could possibly get immediately vanishes if they fail to present it as “players vs. CCP” and they have to face the reality that they are just bad at EVE.

Can I have your stuff ?

@CCP_Aurora @CCP_Dopamine @CCP_Psych ^^^ ?

Seems like the kind of thing that might get overlooked if folks aren’t careful.

Kernite and Omber will be available in the market. Some people have already secured a supply for mission running and/or selling to mission runners.

CCP ought to change the first sentence in that pic to “EVE Online is a community-driven spaceship MMO that players have been driven away from and are no longer interested in playing anymore”…


I am excited by the update. CCP is great at managing Eve. I have played off and on since 2007. Everyone here is just crying over spilled milk. Change happens, so look at the bright side. High sec mining will become more profitable. Low sec mining will become more profitable. Null sec alliances get the shaft, but they have enough power to deal with it.

If the complainers had their way, we would all still be playing Eve as it was in 2003. Any change always has people crying that the game is ruined. Yet Eve is still fun after 17 years.


EvE is great trading fun after playing on and off for 15 years :slight_smile:

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To the people leaving, try to give it a chance and see how you go. Some updates to Eve do make it difficult to see how things will turn out so it might be wise to stick around for a couple of months and then make a properly informed decision on leaving.

Generally all CCP has done is make each section of space purvey something unique which will appeal to all pilots in one form or another. As far as I can see this change promotes some good trading for hisec miners if they don’t wish to travel to low or null, you can mine more minerals exclusive to hi sec and trade it at a very good price for low sec and null sec minerals.

So a change to minerals will obviously have a huge effect on trading and may force miners into adding trading into their skillset. Hi sec mineral traders will need to try and keep the price for trit strong don’t get bullied into trading it for below its value, if null and low seccer’s don’t want to pay a decent price for trit then they will have to come to hisec and mine it and be subject to the same risks all other hisec miners are.

So please let’s give it a chance.


Gosh and here I thought I paid to play in a sandbox… not to have my sand taken from me and my playstyle put in a box…




It isn’t being put in a box. In fact, you are now encouraged to leave the tiny box of “AFK mining in highsec” and explore the rest of what the game has to offer.


I have not mined in highsec yet, I’m sure its going to be much more exciting than constant PVP fights I get mixed in out in null though!

And that’s kind of the point. You should see more PvP, not less. Most of the dedicated PvP guys I used to know have packed it in for other games like WOWS and Squadrons because PvP has become meaningless. It’s just an other irritation to players who don’t care about it, and boringly easy to win at if you have the chops and the backup.