Then why are you going on about “lone highsec miners”? Why did you ask what benefit you have as a lone highsec miner?
How do high sec miners benefit? They will be primary supplier of titanium. Trade it for whatever else you want.
Or did I miss something? Is high sec being deprived of ALL minerals?
Because EvE is not about one occupation, about one activity… I sometimes, if I don’t have time take my toons to mine in HS for couple of months as my real life permits… I lived in HS/NS/WH…
I actually explained why they are not good for HS and WH, but you didn’t bother to read… so STFU…
Not really… but the changes are going to make the NS blocks to try to get a grip on HS also, because the trit will be available only there. For example: Fade & Pure Blind block (don’t care who is there) will get sov over Torrinos until Oipo I would suspect… Don’t take it literally, but with high presence as CODE.
CODE. and other Alliances as them will mess the thing more in the HS zones…
What you missed is the lack of protection for HS miners… If they would protect the miners from suicide ganks it would be a good move for HS…
I have 100k eHP mining barge and I still can get melted… Same if I would get an Orca, but the ISK loss will be higher… Saw Orcas melt by suicide ganks…
Except for all of the tools you already have?
If they would protect the miners from suicide ganks it would be a good move for HS…
No. It would be a good move for perma-victims. It would be an income nerf for smart players.
I have 100k eHP mining barge and I still can get melted…
But at what cost? And why are you ignoring d-scan/not staying aligned/etc?
I will not bother answering you anymore, either you are a troll… or your mind can’t really understand… and I can’t do anything about it. It’s a really complex game… I’m sorry.
So you want to mine without risk? Wow. It all makes sense now. “I want an i-win button”
This makes me think of EverQuest. When you died, you lost a crap ton of experience. You had to fetch your corpse, naked without any gear. Now MMOs are made for little babies. If you die, you just return to a shrine fully back to normal. No risk. What’s the point? Participation trophy?
If you are mining, you should align and be ready to warp out if anything shows up on dscan. Keep orbiting asteroids and align to celestials.
Suicide gankers will also go after null miners in high sec. I would.
Personally I see the null sec alliances trying to get into low and I suspect it is going to be a firework show.
This is the coolest update I have seen.
Because you have no answer besides insults.
What does it mean High Security? Just make the whole space NS and I’m fine with that…
If you agree with CODE. tactics, you are as low as they are…
not everyone wants Titans online.
High security makes sense. 99% of pilots roam around freely. Only the fools get blasted. I have been there myself. You stop being foolish real quick after getting ganked.
You’re basically saying since it’s only 99% secure, all space should insecure. That’s not logical. It’s like saying if your wall can be scaled by a burglar, there’s no point to put up a wall. If a window can be broken, there’s no reason to lock your doors. Since people kill people, there’s no sense in having laws against it. Since I’m going to die eventually, I might as well just die now.
I will be honest… I don’t care about Titans… I survived Titan encounters…
If High Sec is not High Sec, let it all be Null Sec and I can deal with that.
Since you have trouble with comprehension let me explain, you want it all to be null, i don’t want titans dropping on me in a frigate literally everywhere in Eve. High sec is fine the way it is, it doesn’t need more safety or less.
Your choice. Just another parrot…
With the new changes it needs more protection to miners, HS being the only source of tritanium. It’s possible you’ve missed my initial post and what you’ve red is just the latest comments…
I’m pointing out the intelligent decisions of CCP. They created an amazing game, and they continue to improve it. You just cry about not having an i-win button and then throw around insults.
Ok, Mr. Wise… Let’s speak about intelligent decisions:
- Tell me what is intelligent in removing tritanium from everywhere except HS.
- Tell me what is intelligent in removing all the minerals from WH.
- Tell me what is intelligent in CCP stating “I don’t care about the small players”.
- Tell me what is intelligent in CCP restricting the amount of minerals mined.
- Tell me what is intelligent in CCP ignoring player/CSM feedback?
- Tell me what is intelligent in the moon mining changes?
And I can keep writing…
HS doesn’t need more protection.
Then hopefully you will get dropped by super in your frigate,
Makes trade a necessity, increasing player interaction.
Makes sourcing and importing materials a necessity, increasing player interaction.
Citation needed. They’ve never said that, it’s you interpreting their actions through your own bias.
Scarcity will increase the value of materials and time invested into getting those materials. Loss will hurt more, this is a part of the game’s design.
They haven’t ignored it, they’ve listened and chosen their course of action. You merely disagree with them not doing everything you want.
See points 2, and 4.
You can but should first do a bit of thinking.