Resource Redistribution Update

Tell me what is intelligent in removing tritanium from everywhere except HS.
—it increases the value of mining in high sec, which is where noobs are. thus helping noobs while simultaneously making it harder for powerful null sec alliances.

Null sec alliances out of their home turf become victims. that’s how low sec pirates thrive. they blow up null-sec alliance supers, JFs and subcaps traveling in their territory.
Low sec is getting handed a nice gift with this update. while some low sec groups already mine even with rorquals, i can see it happening even more now.
Obviously the null alliances will setup operations in low sec too, which will create a lot of content for low sec groups who are established there.

Tell me what is intelligent in removing all the minerals from WH.
—WH is the place to go to disconnect from new eden and be nearly invisible. now worms will have to come out of their hole

Tell me what is intelligent in CCP stating “I don’t care about the small players”.

Tell me what is intelligent in CCP restricting the amount of minerals mined.
—I started in 2007. Eve was 10x harder. Hulks cost 500 mil, and 500 mil took 10x more to acquire. Now a super can get 120 mil ticks. WTF?
Belt ratting was the best income in null back then. Anomalies didn’t exist. Eve was actually more fun then, because a ship meant something. It took a lot of effort to acquire.
Now people blow up capitals for celebrations.
A hulk with max command from rorqual and implants can nearly mine a battleship every hour. Like I said with EverQuest, the game was fun because it was hard.
When games become easy, they get boring.

Tell me what is intelligent in CCP ignoring player/CSM feedback?
—They don’t ignore feedback. But realistically, the number of people responding in the forums is like 1% or less of Eve. There has been plenty of positive feedback too.

Tell me what is intelligent in the moon mining changes?
—Moon mining never had regular minerals to begin with. It was only moon goo. I thought it was dumb that they would change that, but I didn’t think it was a big deal either.
I understood how they wanted to make moon mining more fun and interactive. It is actually cool how it extracts part of the moon and pulls it in to be harvested.


Well that’s going to make living in a wormhole even more annoying…

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It is high sec. Please try to understand the difference between “high” and “100% absolute”.

No it doesn’t. Miners have plenty of protection that they’re ignoring, they don’t need even more safety to make up for their failures.

Forces nullsec alliances to deal with highsec.

Tell me what is intelligent in removing all the minerals from WH.

Shrug. I’ll give you this one.

  • Tell me what is intelligent in CCP stating “I don’t care about the small players”.

CCP is buffing small players, the ones smart enough to exploit the opportunity.

Tell me what is intelligent in CCP restricting the amount of minerals mined.

Higher profits for the players who are good enough to obtain those minerals.

Tell me what is intelligent in CCP ignoring player/CSM feedback?

When players and the CSM say stupid things they should be ignored.


We always came out of our holes, not our fault null seccers could see us in local and dock.


You should do the thinking. This is because of the capitals… They realized that they did something wrong and they are trying to correct it by reducing the number of mined minerals. Points 1, 2, 4. 6 are changes exactly because of this. The scarcity of the minerals will inflate the price of subcapitals.

Point 2: WH space was created with the appearance of T3 ships and was designed to be self-sufficient because of their stable lack of connections.

Point 3: Go to the video minute 15:55: CCP Psych: “The little guy and I won’t agree or disagree with your statement” (Caleb said that this will impact the little guy) “but what I said in the past is that what we are messing with is macroscale”. So little guy just STFU.

Point 5: Go to the video and listen, don’t speak without knowing… CCP said that this was not communicated to CSM, because of the feedback they would receive. What’s the role of CSM?

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Wrong they try to fix the mess they did with the capitals. Take for example EC-P8R and Torrinos… Is so hard for an alliance based in Pure Blind to get access to Lonetrek… Have you played this game? So… The miners from Null Sec block will come there and mine instead of the little guy who was mining previous in Torrinos or the neighborhood…

So you are calling the people who live in WH space “worms”? I see you lack in common sense and education… I’m sorry for you…
Also, fyi, WH space was designed to be self-sufficient… The only thing which was missing was Ice, which had to be imported. You have no damn clue what you are speaking,

Go to the video minute 15:55: CCP Psych: “The little guy and I won’t agree or disagree with your statement” (Caleb said that this will impact the little guy) “but what I said in the past is that what we are messing with is macroscale”. So little guy just STFU.

I started in 2004 and the prices were a lot lower. The capital ships didn’t exist. The problem with the capital ships should be solved in another way. They are affecting also the subcap ships in this way. If the effect was hitting only the cap ships, I couldn’t care less… A new account will not fly a cap in the second day.

They said that ignored the CSM, not me. What’s the purpose of CSM? Where was plenty of positive feedback? Have you watched the stream? I saw only 2-3 people agreeing with the changes.

Wrong… Moon mining had basic ore types…

Did you play this game?


Likely higher income due to rise in mineral/ore values

Increase in valuable gas sites, which is where WH’s have unique goods.

  1. They haven’t.
  2. It forces trade, making sure High Sec miners have a valuable good

They haven’t.

They haven’t.

They always did.

Who’s feedback, you are reading all the positive feedback in this thread also right? Why is your feedback the one that should be listened to and not mine.

As a general philosophy, I think instead of rebalancing the current thing, you are often better off making a new thing, which is balanced in light of the lessons you learned on the previous thing. E.g., new goods that require new minerals, that come from new types of asteroids, that are distributed in a way designed to achieve what CCP is aiming for, rather than messing with the distribution of the current ores. You could likely achieve the same goals in a way that makes players feel like they’re gaining something new instead of losing something old.


Wrong… you get gas anomalies outside of WH space. And the gas is not that valuable.

What they haven’t?
They plan to do all those changes… That’s this topic about…
And that they don’t care about the little guy… just go and watch the video and you will hear it.

Not at the scale they plan to implement it. If you watch the video maybe you will understand.

Are you a CSM? No CSM will support these changes because they are crap. I would like to see the CSM which will support this. I saw Brisc’s comment on the feed.
I’ve red a part of these comments, and saw the comments on Twitch… It’s enough…

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I agree… Maybe if they would change the materials needed for caps and think hard how to distribute them would solve the problem, because the production could be controlled to be smaller and will not impact the subcapitals.


So why don’t you fight back? By going into highsec they negate most of their advantages and have to face highsec groups on much more even terms.

Strongly disagree. That is the path towards bloat and power creep. It’s far better to balance the existing content properly.

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The gas in WH space is for T3 production, you cannot harvest this gas outside of WH space.

Different gases. Do you play the game?

“Go to the video minute 15:55: CCP Psych: “The little guy and I won’t agree or disagree with your statement” (Caleb said that this will impact the little guy) “but what I said in the past is that what we are messing with is macroscale”. So little guy just STFU.”

You’ve used that twice but failed to understand: the little guy and I won’t agree or disagree with your statement in regards to the changes impacting “the little guy”. Some “little guys” will agree, some won’t.

It’s a macroscale change, it affects everyone, not just the “little guy”.

when is this going live?

I think I like bloat, but dislike power creep. Bloat is probably what draws me to EvE. So many options for what to do and how to do it.

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Ok… The gas for T3 building is not that valuable. Just check the stats on the KB to see how many T3 are used compared with everything else… Goons killed 7.8K Dreads and 19.5K T3 ships… Really? There is not a high demand of T3…



There’s so many whiners/miners commenting how this is ruiiningthe game for them, I just wanted to pop in here and comment that this will improve the game for me, it’s something I have been wanting for years and I’m over the moon ccp actually doing this.

Why? Well, let’s just say my prospect alt be sitting cloaked in your system :smirk_cat:


I guess you fail to understand the language… Do you know when you are using “but” in a sentence? When you try to disagree without actually saying it… And he states: “The little guy and I won’t agree or disagree with your statement, but what I said in the past is that what we are messing with is macroscale”.
Learn to interpret the language…

They are trying to correct a problem by messing with something which worked since the beginning. Find another solution.


Except with bloat you don’t have options because inevitably some of them are useless. You end up with more things than viable design space, a much higher chance of balance issues because you have too many things to keep track of, and a lower quality of content because your resources are spread too thin.

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