Resource Redistribution Update

That’s because you have a little bit of imagination. Whereas the whiners don’t and merely see “change = bad”, miners should be looking for oportunities to exploit.

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Caleb actually said it would help the little guy. He said "…they all mentioned that this is going to hurt the little guy. it’s just that, as far as i can tell, that’s not really a valid argument right. … he’s actually getting sped up. " ---- and this is true. The little guy is actually benefiting. Tell me how the little guy isn’t. If a little guy is mining in low sec, he’s not leaving due to this change. If he’s in high-sec, he’ll make more. If he’s in wormhole, then yeah he’s getting screwed, but are worm holers actually “little guys”?

I actually mined in 2007 with a POS. I set it up myself with a moon mining array. It was only moon goo. You’re mistaken.

Yes, I will laugh all day when the null sec alliances go into low. They are going to get spanked. Low sec groups are usually more skilled. They use better strategy and fits where null groups just use numbers. The low sec groups regularly go into null and take down supers. They kill null sec groups traveling through their turf all the time. Null is their prey. Goons couldn’t protect Fountain “because our supers were too many jumps away”. Same reason. They’ll never be able to protect all the miners completely. People scattered throughout an area becomes difficult to protect any one spot.

Worm holers are cut off. They are protected more so than any other player in Eve. They risk much more, but they have more protection. These changes force worms to come out and interact with the rest of new eden. They can’t just sit in their hole and

You started in 2004 and prices for what were lower? The hulk? Cause it was 500 mil when I started. I never bought one, but I killed them and laughed how dumb it was to spend 500 mil on a ship only to die. I bought armageddons for 60 mil, so yeah some stuff was cheaper. Still, income was much much harder. Eve has gotten drastically easier over time. It’s extremely easy to make ISK even early on in Eve. Clone tags are a good example. They are relatively easy to kill and can earn 20 mil tag plus bounty.

this game has always been a PvP game, the miners are just there to feed us content and now they will have to come to low-sec.
Miners are like rabbits, ccp give them a nice field to play around in, eat some grass, breeding etc. but in the end they’re just there to feed the eagles.


Hilariously true. :rofl: :laughing:

CSM’s feedback is no more valuable than mine.
They get to have it heard more often, but that doesn’t mean it is any better than my feedback.

So? A change in scale is not the end of the world. There are vast tracts of space which don’t get mined currently, this means even shrinking the ore supply there will be plenty to go around, you might just have to find a new niche, this isn’t a big deal.


there are so many quiet low sec pockets in Eve, just find them and make it your home. Make some friends, learn to fight, make way more isk because the market wil be inflated and there will always be people just buying your ore instead of mining it now, and spend the isk on ore you need for manufacturing.

this will create a lot more movement around space, more hauling roles, more profits, more movement into parts of space that have been dead for a long long time and serve no purpose in the eve galaxy anymore.

if you can’t see why this is a good change you just don’t have the imagination, you’re too lazy


I just realized you can actually mine ALL minerals in any space by blowing up rats and reprocessing the loot.

The Hulk was 180 mil, I remember because it was a ton of money.

I remember getting normal minerals from moons together with other stuff.
That’s the EvE Online site:


  • All basic ores (Veldspar, Scordite, Pyroxeres, Plagioclase, Omber, Kernite, Jaspet, Hemprphite, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Spodumain, Crokite, Bistot, Arkonor), will be removed from moons. In some cases, they have been replaced with Moon Ore.
  • All basic materials (Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine, Megacyte) will be removed from moon ore DNA (refining materials output table below) with the following exceptions:
    • R4 moon ores (Bitumens, Coesite, Sylvite, Zeolites) keep their original yield of Pyerite & Mexallon (Tritanium was removed).

That’s what he said at the beginning, not at the end… He didn’t sustain that idea anymore and asked CCP Psych.

He will not make more, as I already explained why… I already gave an example Pure Blind EC-P8R and Torrinos. Will the NS block from Pure Blind just sit? Or it will push to get the tritanium from Torrinos and near systems? Will there be a problem for them to discourage to mining there?

Some of them… I’m not speaking only about Goons… I speak about the NS power blocks…

What protection applies there? Asset Safety doesn’t apply to WH space. I can lose my assets more easy than anywhere.

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I’ve ate eagles… Their meat is not that juicy…

That existed for maybe a year or so.
Then was removed again because it was shown to be a bad idea.

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a miner with teeth? this update is perfect for you

here’s an example of an area that could become a very interesting hot-spot
pf-346 < orvolle > oulley
you have high sec, low sec and 0.0 all next to eachother

I fight when I feel like… I don’t like being forced to fight…

Not really… The Syndicate doesn’t really belong to a NS block…

Worm holers have protection by being more anonymous. The systems aren’t perma connected like rest of Eve. Local hides them.

You definitely didn’t mine in 2007, because again they didn’t have ore on moons. The last moon mining change reduced the minerals from a previous introduction of them. Here’s the dev blog where they were introduced to ore:

Yes, NS will of course go after low-sec and high-sec. But this will spread null groups very thin, and makes for superb PVP action. This is delightful for all PVPers.

Then why are you playing EVE, a game where being forced to fight is a fundamental design principle?


Not really… The big blocks will move closer to regions closer to LS and HS… like Pure Blind / Vale of Silent / Etherium Reach etc… If they spread too thin, they are just stupid…
The outer regions will be more sparsely populated because of the higher cost of getting the needed resources in.

Sounds like a good thing!

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Precisely because that’s the challenge… how do you play EvE without having to fight other players?

You still have to oppose them, sure, including thro use of warp core stabs, but who says you actually have to fire back?

It is also the declared intent of CCP’s changes that the likelihood of still be able to avoid fighting (successfully) is now decreased. Shrug. It is what it is.


Sure, but that’s not what he’s saying. He objects to the existence of PvP threats and feels he should be able to opt out of PvP, not that he chooses to use existing tools to escape from an attacker.

Except when he is the attacker of course! The very definition of hypocracy.