Resource Redistribution Update

“LOLOLOLOL BIAS OMG UR BIASED” is not a compelling argument. EVE has been designed from the beginning to have risk vs. reward be a key principle. That’s why you have the entire high/low/nullsec division, among other things. And that principle is completely in opposition to the desire to have 100% safe farming with no need to ever leave that bubble.

And guess what: I hate abyssal garbage and agree that having instanced content was a major violation of EVE’s design principles. I wish CCP would admit their mistake and remove all of it.

Someone who actually understands what EVE is supposed to be.

EVE Online was once a game full of opportunities and rich on PvE-only actions.

No it wasn’t. EVE’s PvE has never been anything but a menial grind, it’s just that CCP made the mistake of pandering to farmers like you and made the menial grind pay too well. Now they’ve corrected their mistake, to at least a small degree.

It once has a free market system. Which dies more and more.

Utter nonsense. EVE is still very much a game of competitive capitalism, and the people who are good at it are already figuring out the best way to exploit the changes. Do not confuse your inability to succeed at anything that isn’t a risk-free menial grind with EVE no longer having industry or market activities.

Oh yes! Honey, I’m sorry. In all those years playing EVE I didn’t notice, but you have enlightened me now. Thank you so much for that!

No, seriously! Where did you get the ridiculous idea of telling all the people who get upset here how to play the game? Aren’t all these complaints proof enough that there could be something wrong with your attitude? You can’t be that ignorant and puffed up!

By the way, nobody ever said that I’m a pure high-sec-farmer that never risk anything. I can just put myself in people’ shoes. I may be missing: some skills in the game, but less human skills

Think about it


Post nonsense, get criticized. It’s that simple.

Aren’t all these complaints proof enough that there could be something wrong with your attitude?

Nope. Every time CCP does anything that even slightly disrupts the menial grind of highsec farming there’s a thread full of threats to quit and predictions of doom for EVE, and it never happens. Whiny farmers just aren’t that important.

By the way, nobody ever said that I’m a pure high-sec-farmer that never risk anything.

Then what’s your problem? This change doesn’t hurt you.

Yes a corp that allows players to do their own thing 100% of the time if they want with nothing manditory.

The difference is that I admit to be biased, thats why I put IMO, and I dont insist on changing your playstyle, though I’m not interested in PVP myself, I understand and accept that destruction is necessary.

And you cannot admit that what you say is only your opinion, you put “EVE’s basic design principles” to use it as an argument from authority, as if it gave you some.

There are like 3 guys on forums with marginal demands for 100% safe highsec, but you brush every highseccer, every PVEer, every non-PVP player as 100%-safe-farmer-trash. So shallow.

I think EVE’s basic design principles is that it is a sandbox, and there isnt The Playstyle in focus. Some are necessary playstyles, but they are all viable as long as players find them appealing.

I dont think production rates being x3 of destruction rates is such a problem, as long as the population is growing. Besides in my own experience as years go by I want to have more and more stuff. Like retirement savings. I may never use any of it, it may never influence the economy negatively. CCP though considers its existance a threat.

And now with shortage phase they expect me to sell out and use up my stashes? That would be the indicator of a healty state for them, players empty hangars?


IMO risk vs. reward is equally necessary and fundamental to EVE’s design concept. IMO if you insist on opting out of risk you should be extremely limited in the rewards you can obtain. IMO this makes the game far more interesting than one where you can sit mostly-AFK in almost perfect safety and obtain everything you need.

you put “EVE’s basic design principles” to use it as an argument from authority, as if it gave you some.

IMO risk vs. reward is so obviously critical to EVE’s design concept that no disclaimer is necessary. IMO water is wet. IMO the earth is round. IMO 1+1=2.

There are like 3 guys on forums with marginal demands for 100% safe highsec, but you brush every highseccer, every PVEer, every non-PVP player as 100%-safe-farmer-trash.

IMO I only dismiss the ones who demand a reduction to the already-minimal risk of highsec or protest and threaten to ragequit if their farming is disrupted. IMO you can claim this is only three people but IMO anyone who reads this thread can see that IMO there are way more than three people.

Some are necessary playstyles, but they are all viable as long as players find them appealing.

IMO “viable” and “must be supported by CCP” are not the same thing. IMO CCP should not ban you for not engaging in PvP, but they should not consider your “play style” in balancing the economy and risk vs. reward scale.

I dont think production rates being x3 of destruction rates is such a problem

IMO why do you hate industry players and want to keep their profits low?

CCP though considers its existance a threat.

IMO because it is a threat. IMO over-abundance means low demand which means low rewards for industry, and eventually removes everything interesting about the economy.

That would be the indicator of a healty state for them, players empty hangars?

IMO yes.

IMO scarcity drives conflict over resources.

IMO scarcity increases profits for smart and ambitious industry players.

IMO scarcity creates a sense of progression and continued interest in the game.

IMO scarcity makes PvP wins and losses mean more.

IMO do you need any further reasons why you are wrong?

Much better )

If I will have to empty my hangars during scarcity phase, it wont create more demand as it will not make me want to refill them.

I dont think there ever was an indication that CCP takes 100%-safe-highsec stuff seriously. They didnt touch much of PVE in decades, never reiterated on FOBs and RW, so much for support.

Not sure what support you’re talking about. If its your fear that they will, I dont think you have any reason to worry.

I dont think any of this assertion disproves me in any way.


And that is why your risk-adverse play style is bad for the game, you don’t need to refill anything. You can just sit there AFK farming in your one farming ship and never do anything to drive the economy. You need to lose stuff so that you have to buy new stuff and the economy keeps moving.

I dont think there ever was an indication that CCP takes 100%-safe-highsec stuff seriously.

That’s not what I said. I said that this is what people in this thread are asking for. Thankfully CCP is not paying attention to them, but that doesn’t change the contents of their demands.

Of course you don’t, because you’re too ignorant of how game design works to understand why all of those things are necessary for EVE and why your desired “play style” of risk-free passive wealth accumulation is bad for the game.

It’s not CCP’s fault that you don’t want to try anything else, you don’t want to adopt a different playstyle, and you don’t want to learn any new skills, You don’t want to mission, you don’t want to go to low or null sec. Why do you play Eve exactly? I think this might be part of the issue CCP is trying to address,

All CCP have done is make it so that if you choose to never leave hi sec then you will have to do market trade in order to get everything you need. This will help supply SOV and Low sec.

We had this argument earlier in Niarja thread. You have it backwards. You think PVE crowd is risk averse. I lost more bling fit expensive ships than you did. Yet you call me risk averse. Gankers fly the cheapest ship they can, is that them being risky from your POV? Willingness to lose ships you consider ammo is not risk IMO.

You might say you’re better at EVE than I am, that may be the truth. But I still keep undocking and losing those ships. And then it is you who are “AFK farming in your one farming ship and never do anything to drive the economy.”


Sometimes I wonder if Eve players take Eve more seriously than real life.

Yes, I get it, you’re so hilariously terrible at EVE that you manage to lose expensive ships to the NPCs. Please try to understand the idea that CCP has to balance around the actions of competent players, not people like you.

You think PVE crowd is risk averse.

It’s indisputable fact that they are. Over and over again they lobby CCP to remove risk and make the game easier, and threaten mass ragequits any time CCP does anything to at all hinder their minimal-risk farming. You can see lots of posts in this very thread by people declaring that they are quitting the game because it is unacceptable that they could have to go into lowsec if they don’t want to buy minerals on the market.

Willingness to lose ships you consider ammo is not risk IMO.

You’re right, it’s not risk of loss. It’s certainty of loss. The gankers have figured out something you will never learn: that all ships are disposable and when you lose one you just move on with the next ship. Perhaps you should learn from their mindset and start treating your ships as ammo instead of precious treasure that must be hoarded for the sake of hoarding.

Don’t waste your time bro, that persons last KB activity was December 2018. Since then it’s been nothing but forum PvP, which explains the constant drivel being posted 24/7.


Oh look, another person who doesn’t understand the concept of alts and the limitations of killboards.

PS: “LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL UR KILLBOARD STATS” is a textbook ad hominem. Try to do better next time.

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Yeah right, how about you sing a different troll song already…


You totally get it.


I make enough to sub my account using ONE toon’s PI potential.

I mean, how difficult can it be to make 53 million ISK a DAY?

(two (2) P2 factory planets, running 24/7, scrape 'em once a day, four (4 count 'em) P1 extraction planets short cycle, scrape/reset every 4 days, five minutes job done).

The market is already drying up and prices are sky rocketing!! A Megathron in Amarr is now worth 270mill and going up!! This is insane!!

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If true, thats nothing but good news.

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