Resource Redistribution Update

Well the Rorqual is a capital industrial ship…therefore, it should be powerful. Much better than any other mining ship in the game. And when you drop 15 bil on a ship, you expect it to be good and worth the isk. CCP has destroyed the rorqual after players dumped Billions into them and now we have paper weights. CCP should have a buy back program for every ship or mod that they screw up. We got these ships based off of good faith that CCP actually knew what they were doing. And now with this, building super capital ships isn’t worth it. All the time and isk spent on structures, ships, and blueprints (purchase price and research) has now been wasted. This game is supposed to be player driven and yet CCP is interjecting their will onto the player base. Wonder how much longer the player base will sit by and accept their will. We shall see after this war. Just a reminder CCP, you are a for profit company. When you piss off your customers, you lose business.



Mining will become completly unprofitable. I suppose only place with miners will be hisec - crowded with bots.
Its really bad for game when 1 hour of mining in hulk boosted by rorqual yealds similiar amount of minerals as 1 hour of ratting (minerals from reprocessed loot).
I dont think anyone will mine those null sec anomalies any more - it would be easier to just remove them.


Now I understand why CCP Oveur and Guard left. Someone at CCP thinks this is a great idea. No wonder you got bought.

I pray for the game and your jobs that you have more new players incoming than us leaving. I don’t have time for your mistakes anymore.


I guess next CCP will take away the ability for the player base to build things and be the only ones able to supply ships and fittings.


watch everyone unsub mining alts and bots. Eve player count dropping below 5k


Soon u cant build anything in EVE and just have to buy all u need ingame. So RIP CCP soonish


My main gets Rorqual kills 1 out of 4 hunts. They are not over powered for killing at all. They only escape if the response fleet is too big.


Over the years CCP has done a lot of stupid things but these changes have gotta be the stupidest thing yet.

Should have turned Ore Anomalies back into Cosmic Signatures and decreased their signal strength making them tougher to lock.

I hate to say this but you’re not changing the game, what you’re doing is outright killing the game, period.


GROW UP… high sec mining industrialist didn’t exist in this game for years…

Can we please have high sec war decs back WITHOUT the need that the target has a station?
Because what will happen next is a horde of afk miners hanging around…

Braindead idea that change.


An interesting move. Who will come to control the shipping of ores? Low sec mining is going to be interesting, and likely a source of quite some “interaction”.


May i point out that the current bottleneck of Mexallon is not fixed by this re-distrbution, and now there is potentially an Isogen bottleneck?

To explain my point, to acquire Mexallon, you will need to mine either:

  • Pyroxeres
  • Plagioclase
  • Kernite
  • Jaspet
  • Gneiss
  • Dark Ochre
  • Crokite
  • Bistot
  • Arkonor

By doing so, you also acquired the other minerals byproducts those ores have, just to get Mexallon, which means the scarcity of the other minerals is directly affected.

I wonder why you guys didn’t consider a more “ladder” type distribution, where each ore has a large concentration of one type of minerals a just tidbits of others, so if prices rise or fall, that particular ore’s value rises and falls accordingly.

Say Plagioclase and Pyroxeres are the main source of Mexallon for high-sec
Their composition is 80% mex, 10% pyre, 10% iso (or close variations of that)

WIth its counterpart in null-sec
Say Dark Ochre with 45% mex, and 55% with more valuable stuff

I agree with the reduction of many of the ore outputs and placing geographic areas with specific types, but the ore DNA is a bit wonky in my view.


Funny thing, i made a similar comment about Quantum Cores not being player build-able and that being the beginning of the end of player based indy and people thought i was a moron. Maybe i was on to something


How am I going to fund my invasion to FRT space (bot-land) now?

CCPs Idea of fixing Game:
-Nerf it hard
-Remove it


“Ships are like ammo” - Not anymore!


I hope yall are ready to get savaged on twitch because you just messed up a core part of the game.

If you think reducing output to these levels is a good thing then all your going to do is starve production and cause huge price inflations.


Lol Isogen price already doubled after this post


CCP is looking for all the new omega accounts that will be needed to mine to build anything worth while. I for one will not get high sec mining alts. I will simply stop doing industry and watch the game fall apart as less ore getting mined means less ships getting built. More PVP and less PVE lessons the ability to PVP in the first place. Eventually, you will only be able to get isk, ships, and fittings only from CCP using Real money. Instead of fixing the issues that players leave for, they spend time adding more junk to the game.