Resource Redistribution Update

It’s not the best idea of the year. The price of everyting will go up which is not good for new players unless you already have enough players to feed you with money. For those who mine to build, it’s bad news. Making ships will not be profitable for no one. Even PvPers will find it expensive to replace their ships. Think about it. And, if you think that will free the game from bot miners, think again. In fact, they will profit from it making more money from basic ore.

To annoy you apparently.
If you actually wanted to know my views, then maybe not insulting me would have been a great place to start.

And again since you missed the point. WH’s already have an exclusive mining material. It’s Gas, not Minerals, which is why WH’s don’t need an exclusive mineral.

Just settled in as a newbro not long ago. But I see where this train is heading, and Im getting off at the next station :slight_smile:


So, minning is dead now. What you will do next, guys?

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Time to go fit my brand new “Abandon ship”…

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Oh dear lord this dumb argument again.

In no EVE gameplay ever has it been a requirement that I MUST engage in combat or even do any type of interaction with another player or that another player can even be in the same system me in order to mine ore, run missions, build modules, explore empty space, or manage colonies.

The marketplace is not PVP since the marketplace only happens due to players mutually agreeing to a price. I’m can’t force someone to buy my product, I’m not the government. The most you get that’s pvp-related in marketplace are the wars targeting player-run trade hubs, wardecs and hauler ganking.

Ask people outside of your EVE bubble what pvp is and they’re not going to pin any player or potential player interaction of any type as ‘pvp’. That is what you’re doing here.


Just don’t buy anything made with Trit though, as then that increased spending power evaporates.

Oh wait … everything is made with Trit! Dang!

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But not purely with trit. Which means that increased buying power doesn’t all evaporate.
I mean, come on, at least try to think before posting. Even if you are just posting for memes.

“Abandon Ship” is the new “Friend Ship”.

Sigh, who exactly is this meant to affect?

Fair enough that you want the high/low/null sec to be more dependant on each other.

But the null sec power blocs are already geared up with enough resources and logistics to adapt to this change.

What about the little dudes? Small corps trying to get a start? How are they meant to get going?


So you think prices are going to come down when things have to be hauled all over hells half acre.

At least try to think before posting


WOW… zoom zooom zoooooooom
what a forecast on ore projections
Well time to find something else to do, asteroids will be so small and no more anomalies.
And the Ice spawns wow …
dang wow dang wow dang wow dang

“The spawn probability of all Ice Sites will decrease.”

What does this actually mean? Random times for respawn? Possibly spawn in random systems? Will sites and icicles stay the same size?

Would actually like CCP to move ice spawns to random systems and make them scannable ice anoms.

I think the goal is ultimately to drive PLEX sales since people will be more strapped for cash while at the same time ship prices will go through the roof.


Those other minerals will have to come from lowsec and nulsec.

So you believe the price increase on those, compounded by additional transportation costs, will be less than that of Tritanium?


Given who now owns CCP it makes sense that these changes are meant to drive micro transactions and an increase in options that are pay to win. This will remove the player driven economy to the back burner. There will be no doubt mass cancellations. Perhaps they think the Mobile version is going to make up for the loses to the desktop version of EVE? Probably not. I guess we will see.


Given historical data when we used to have this sort of mineral distribution by sec status. Yes.
Sure, I could be wrong, but we have historical indications that high end minerals will devalue by extensive overmining.

Fullerite gases are exclusively used for only one segment of the market: T3 ship hulls and subsystems. That’s it. While valuable, they’re not exactly underpinning the entire game’s economy.

Wormhole space already got shafted when our moons got the same quality as 0.5 hisec. Now we’re not even going to have all the nullsec ores including mercoxit. I’m not sure how anyone could see this as anything but another nerf of wormholes, especially C1-C4 space which has lower blue loot payouts.


Nor should WH’s. They were never intended to be lived in, CCP have never designed around specifically making them liveable in easily, bottle-necking the entire game economy on a WH good would be silly.
Now, I’ll agree C1-4 have issues, but a bottleneck mineral is not going to be the solution here.
Mind you, I wouldn’t be against splitting WH ore based on class to match High/Low/Null ores, rather than all WH space having the same quality ore. And well, the moons yeah, was a ‘shaft’ though it was still an improvement from before when you couldn’t moon mine at all.


Many things that we take for granted as features were born from emergent player behaviors. They never intended it to be lived in, but they clearly reversed their opinion once they found out people did anyway. I agree that it shouldn’t get exclusive ores because that would be silly for space that only is inhabited by like 1% of the EVE population. But most of the ores as-are go untouched across all of J-space. Now they’re going to be even less valuable.

Your suggestion of tiers based on class would make sense, as people who live in C2s such as myself already have to go down chain into C3+ space to mine mercoxit. Low-class space tends to have poor blue loot payouts, so players there turn more to resource harvesting as side income. A tiered suggestion like yours would facilitate more activity within J-space without overly affecting the macroscopic economy by making it rely on J-space for anything more than T3s. Pretty good idea!

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