Resource Redistribution Update

No surprise there, most of us know CCP does what they want regardless of player feedback, CSM ect.


you realise rorq is only safe with an alliance behind it. solo or anything under 30 man fleet rorq will be dead once discoverd isk - risk the ship in itself is not viable fortunately in this we can watch the wrecks appear on zkill to prove the point

Ores in Invaded systems still look pretty good.

ā€œWillfully ignorantā€ ā€¦ you say, ok.

i might say that would be in best CCP tradition, since we told them over and over again how detrimental their changes would be, and we already did that years ago. They chose not to listen, but steamrolled right over any of our concerns. This is not what defines a good plan, or is it? Good plans tend to be able to evolve by the feedback you get.

Even yesterday in that useless stream one of them (might have been CCP Retardi or the other one in the lower left corner) said ā€œwe donā€™t want to look back on decisions in the pastā€ ā€¦ you know what this is ? Its the declaration of bankruptcy against any plans they might have had. It is merely telling us ā€œletā€™s look forward, who cares about the mess i made yesterday, let us sweep it under the rug, pretty pleaseā€. So much for their plans, and how solid they in fact are.

And whatā€™s more, the whole thing was not even an explanation why - it was only to defend themselves (or convince themselves?) ā€¦ which would be ok IF they already knew this so called plan is going to fail mid way, but just donā€™t have the courage to finally admit it.

So, as a bottom line, i really donā€™t think they have anything worth being called a plan. Those are called bandaids in order to try to save your butt (job), while neglecting the underlying problems (which indeeed is called willful ignorance), and not having enough knowledge to actually solve it (but still trying to against all objections).

This is the current CCP generation of employees in a nutshell, basically clueless, but unfortunatly being able to push big buttons in the game.


FINALLY! CCP going into the right direction. Get rekt all you soft crabs and get used to the old school thinking of ā€œfly what you can replaceā€. Everything arenā€™t supposed to be ā€œalready replacedā€ if you happen to lose it. Let the mineral prices climb and rejoyce the meaningful playing once again!

Ok, ā€¦

If Nullsec still has Spodumain, then everyone except nullsec is getting ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– .
If Nullsec will not have access to Spodumain, then everyone will be ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– .

You and I both.

But Iā€™ll keep logging in, if only to witness for myself what CCPā€™s Bright Ideas are bringing about to this game and read the deluded playersā€™ complaints who thought they could have a long-term game-plan and bring it to fruition, who thought they could adopt their own play-style and apply it to this -tongue-in-cheek- ā€˜sandboxā€™.

Iā€™ll keep logging it to witness the Fun Factor go down and the diminishing viability of activities that used to give a sense of accomplishment and rewarded players with the means to continue playing.

Iā€™ll keep logging in to see what mess New Eden will be in after their Trivialgoons invas-HaHaaaaa!!
I have to say tho , Iā€™m enjoying the clusterF- that CCP is creating out of a perfectly good game, in a masochist kind of way. Itā€™s sad but at this point all we can do is watch the dumpster fire and maybe get some heat from it if anything.

Iā€™ll keep logging in but only as an Alpha simply because I can no longer justify the monthly payments in relation to whatā€™s left for me to do in this game.
Mining has become useless with returns disproportionate to the time and risks involved. Building ships has become too expensive and operating at a loss isnā€™t my idea of fun. Exploring is fine but gets old quick. I see no point in Research when it canā€™t be followed up with a rewarding activity like building, and all the rest, like Planetary Interaction, require Omega State, a State that is no longer viable when weighed against in-game gains and fun.
All thereā€™s left is PvP and Iā€™m not equipped for that as I canā€™t join a corporation due to time constraints and cannot afford to lose ships that I wonā€™t be able to replace due to higher prices.

Congratulation, CCP. You have managed to turn a great game into a worthless online pain in the arse. Thereā€™s no fun to be had in EVE anymore except Pew-Pews and Kabooms and those are becoming a harder pain in the arse to sustain thanks to your changes.


sounds like the communist institution of wealth redistribution comrades.


So next ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  incoming and ratting is the new mining ?1


what was blanked out? turd pie? Thatā€™s going to be a head scratcher all dayā€¦Vanna can I buy an A


No it doesnt

That would be cool

But this is lame

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creativity of the player makes this game, not the overlords.

There wonā€™t be any replacement for ships without minerals :slight_smile:


Accept your point - Blops have been buffed, minerals scattered, let the PvP content those alliances always shout for commence.
PvP players shout for Pew Pew all the time, its just they donā€™t like the fact this change means their ships will go up in price

sit outside of jita for a few months popping stuff in 2 machaeriels. Itā€™s enlightening and makes you think less of opinions, both yours and others. OF course there will be more balancing of the Farce. Prepare yourself padawans

Deleting more than half the ore types available in wormholes? How can that be a good idea? It will wipe out many WHers game plan. WH mining may not be the biggest deal in EVE, but the best thing about EVE was always the diversity of niches and play styles. CCP just wanna get everyone into nullsec PVP? That is not the wonderfully deep and varied experience of EVE. This just trashed all the progress I made since rejoining eve 2 months ago.


Well done CCP - excellent changes.

Many of the haters here divide into two groups
1 - those that assume prices are static. They fail to realise rhat under these changes a reduction in ore/hour will actually increase their isk/hour.
2 - those that have a very fixed play style that they have no interest in adapting: these people would resist any change at all. Change is necessary to keep any game interesting.

These changes are excellent and will result in more goods being transported through lowsec.

Next step is to remove cyno fields from the game - cant wait for that!


This has nothing to with redistribution or a "health econmy* its about getting people to pay hard cash to play eve insted of plexing their accounts. They have to keep shareholders happy and not have a game that people can play at a high level without paying cash is not what the investors signed on for. Soā€¦ make a cash grab in the guise of making the economy healthy? for who? most new player will really have to grind to make any isk to buu anything and older players with multiple accounts will now have to pay $Ā£Ā„ to have those accounts.

Not Thrilled and I hope this Cash Grab Fails.


Iā€™d do the same. I already unsubed after Quantum Core. Maybe Iā€™ll sub again but itā€™s more likely Iā€™ll stop logging in. I donā€™t return to old games. Time to try Gears 5. Waste of time even to write it here.


ā€œthe goal for this update is the reduction of inventoryā€
ty ccp, thatā€™s what we wanted to hear

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