Mine runs out in Nov and March but I have done it and sent them the reason why that’s all we can do! It’s our game not theirs! The thing is I can make a ton of Isk Ratting in the WH’s and this I do. However the mining is what keeps me sane and allows me to use my Indy skills. I make tons of Isk and this isn’t nerfed however they took out the part of the game that I enjoy the most!
Maybe, yes. There are enough people who love EVE that will come back. We see it all the time. Only, it will be players who haven’t found their spot in other MMO’s. With all the new games coming out, EVE might be left in the dust.
the thing is this game costs players more than xbox live
I have been wanting this for YEARS. Ofcourse many comfy miners are gong to be sad.
its not the miners that are just affected its the whole food chain pvp kill miners all the time but when the food gose so will the pvp
Just anoter pile of dirt on the grave.
Typical CCP. Bye
It’s funny to think that it’s possible for ‘the miners’ to leave EVE.
Don’t you think that, if all current miners leave the game and therefore the demand for ore goes high enough to make mining the most profitable profession in the game, there will be other players who a willing to fill the role of miner?
As long as EVE has players, EVE will never be without miners.
The twitch stream was an absolute clusterfuck of were not listening, we don’t care.
Trust CCP! :kekw:
Love the change CCP keep em coming. The river of salt has turned into an ocean. Make sure you keep your ears to the ground, that train is incoming.
now now, don’t hold back, tell it as it REALLY was!
I was mining in my 1 man corp with a rorqual far from max skilled over 8000m3 per cycle, not sure if anything else comes close to that, i currently sold all my caps any way so, guess from now on a Venture will be enough.
As a 2004 player, I remember the days when I was in a hi sec corp mining with my buddies. MIning apoc’s were the ultimate achievement and newcomers mining in their cruisers would look at you in awe. Many fun conversations were held in the late hours mining, leading to comradery and a sense of community. Nowadays miners are frowned upon and seen as content, who’s job should be made increasingly difficult. I guess it is the continuation of the direction CCP wants to have this game, away from social activities that positively affect players mindsets, and more towards bullying and salt generation. The sandbox should be about aggression and losing the stuff you worked (grinded) hard for. But if you look at Facebook normalizing the general thinking that “hate sells”, why would you try to bring back positive vibes in your game anyway.
I don’t know anything about ore and whatnot but it all seems rather… Miner
Glorification for the fit, mortification for the unfit, redemption for the unsubbed
If you’ve really mined for 12 years you should know this isn’t going to impact you as a miner at all.
Well, what to say… CCP for the first time and LAST time I am reacting like this… You´re not right, you don´t have truth, you´re doing idiotic actions and I am really curious WHO is behind all these bad decisions. You´re permanently destroying this game as I can see during last two (I guess) years… I am not saying farewell yet. But I am very close to do it… I do not want to vaste my time and money for this…so called better gameplay experience.
Are you frakking out of your minds?
You are killing off any chance of small Corps surviving in Null Sec. We can’t survive the constant nerfing of structures, the simpering genuflection to the overbearing giant Sov Coalitions, and now forcing any Corp that wants to survive to maintain three discrete campuses in High-, Low-, and Null-Sec just to be able to build anything.
Clearly, we all understand that Eve is supposed to be about conflict and challenge, but could you not instead focus some hardship on someone other than the little guys of the game?
In case it’s not clear, please rethink this insanity.
Dont worry, the next target will be active ratters on omega accounts.
Endgame will be:
Everyone runs 10 Alpha ratting BOTs behind a VPN / on a VM, while they play other games(i guess everyone knows about what big block alliance i am talking).
As long as EVE pretends it has MILLIONS of active players everything is fine and the experience is immersive… riiiiiiight.
Love what you have done there - but this is a serious toptic and has no place for a Crokite sense of humour.